The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1840: Difficult to Zhao Weihu! (2)

"I don't understand? Good! Then I ask you, this seat lets you go back and take the initiative to hand over the patriarch's position. Did you do it according to your own words?"

"No, but the lord, the lady..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Weihu did not wait for himself to defend a few words. Fu Yanshan slammed it and interrupted him. He yelled, "This seat only asks if you have done it according to the seat, and did not ask you anything else!"

"!" Zhao Weihu’s cold sweat on his face was even more fierce, and he kept going to Shiqing’s eyes to ask for help.

Shi Qingxi is also very anxious, and he wants to defend a few words for him. However, Fu Yanshan’s momentum at this time is really not a strong and majestic, she can’t insert her mouth. [

"You just didn't do it according to this order? Say, what have you done?" Fu Yanshan stepped hard, and the situation was clear to be dead.

"I...I..." Although Zhao Weihu was treacherous, but in the face of Fu Yanshan, the pressure he was subjected to was not generally large, his brains seemed to be affected, and his turn was far less flexible than usual.

"You don't say, that seat is for you! You not only did not hand over the position of the patriarch, but also dared to cover the sky, and Huang Xiuze, who was going to take over from you, was detained and arrested, isn't it?"

"Ah!? You... How did you know?" Zhao Weihu looked pale and asked involuntarily. He has ordered people to block all passages into and out of the three saints, and strictly control the news leaks. Where can he think that Fu Yanshan is so fast, he will be aware of the truth, can he not be surprised?

Fu Yanshan sneered a sneer, and looked sarcastically. "You thought you were tightly sealed. You can't find out what you are doing in this seat. You are too small to be in this seat! Although this seat is in the dry house, it is not I often walk around, but your little tricks want to get through this seat, but it’s whimsical!"

"Yanshan..." Shi Qing saw the situation urgent, hurriedly interjected, wanting to excuse Zhao Weihu. Fu Yanshan did not listen to it. He waved his hand and ignored her face. She interrupted her words.

"Zhao Weihu, I said this, do you think you don't recognize it?"

"I... I admit..." Under the pressure of Fu Yanshan's powerful to the monks, Zhao Weihu even became extremely difficult to breathe. Even if he didn't want to recognize it, he couldn't help him.

"You know it! According to the rules of my Wanpeng gang, what you do is equivalent to rebellion. This seat now orders you to voluntarily sin!"

"Ah!?" Zhao Weihu couldn't help but make a scream. The whole person seemed to have no bones, like a muddy soft ground.

"No! This palace does not agree!" At this time, Shi Qingyi couldn't manage much of it, and shouted.

Fu Yanshan immediately bluntly said, "Mrs. You don't want to mix with the things in this gang. My gang has not yet reached the time when my wife needs help."

Shi Qingxi said, "Yanshan, I am both your wife and deputy gang of Wanpeng, I think I am qualified and responsible to stop your irrational behavior. I think you should remember that you have been to us more than once. It has been said that Wanpeng is not a slogan. As long as it is a disciple of Wanpeng, no matter who it is, what kind of identity, it has the power to express opinions different from you. You will never go back to it?"

Fu Yanshan frowned, his eyes flashed with a hint of anger, Shen Sheng said "good! I said so, but Zhao Weihu's actions, the evidence is conclusive, irrefutable. This seat does not think that my treatment is biased. ""

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