The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1903: The open-minded woman!

The first chapter of the nine hundred and three chapters of women's open-minded!

Shi Qing’s cough, Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan immediately panicked their hands and feet, and they were chest-chest and back-slung. The two men tossed for a while, and Shi Qing’s stagnation stopped the cough slowly. The face is almost blue.

"Pay brother, it seems wrong." Qin Tailong looked at the face of Shi Qingyu, his brow furrowed.

Fu Yanshan also realized that it was not appropriate, and quickly seized the pulse of Shi Qingyu and carefully diagnosed it. Not diagnosed, okay, a diagnosis, Fu Yanshan's face changed straight and ugly.

"What happened?" Qin Tailong saw that Yanshan’s face was not right. A heart was even tighter, and he was busy pinching the pulse of another hand. After a long while, Qin Tailong with a face of unacceptable grief and anger, kept whispering "No, no, there must be something wrong..."

"What kind of magic is this magical technique? How is it so terrible?" Fu Yanshan still had a suspicion of his own diagnosis, or a hope, and he hoped that his diagnosis was wrong. The performance of Qin Tailong completely shattered his last hope.

Shi Qingyi seems to be very clear about his situation. Looking at the two people, his face still has a smile on his face. "You don't have to worry, I have already prepared."

Fu Yanshan heard the words and immediately shouted excitedly. "The original... You know that forcibly breaking through the gods, you need to consume a lot of vitality, at the expense of life. Since you know, why do you have to do this several times? ?"

Shi Qingyi shook his head and looked sad. "If you know that kind of being controlled, watching your own constant hurting your loved ones, the pain of your lover, you will understand why I have to do this. This The pain is more terrible than death and more unbearable."

"But...but you are dead, what should I do? What should those people who love you do?" Fu Yanshan has always been a **** man with tears and no flick. Tears.

Shi Qingyi shook his hand and handed the Yanshan hand, muttering. "You have always been petting me. No matter what I did wrong, you will forgive me. Please forgive me once more, forgive my selfishness... ..."

"No! No..." Shi Qingyu said that later, Fu Yanshan couldn't help himself any more, and he burst into tears.

Qin Tailong couldn't help but shed tears, and kept whispering, "Qing 曌 曌 曌, why are you so stupid, so stupid..."

Shi Qingyi gripped the hand of Yanshan with a hard grip, and joked with a smile: "You are the big gang of Wan Peng, the hero of the world's No. 1 hero, how to cry when you cry, if you let others see it, don't laugh Big teeth? And you are too dragon, you also join in the fun?"

The more open-minded Shi Qing’s performance, the more deplorable Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan, the more the tears are like the torrent of the embankment, and the end can not stop.

Shi Qingyi shook his head and faintly said, "I saw you two of them become jade. Since then, I have been fighting for heaven and earth. I am more happy than anything. In my life, I have two big wishes in my heart. This is the first one. It is."

Fu Yanshan resisted tears and said, "What is the second one? You say, even if you are going to the moon, you will help you."

Shi Qing’s rushing to Yanshan smiled and said slowly, “My second wish is to recognize Xiaodong’s mother and son and ask for forgiveness in person. I’m celebrating this life and I’m worthy of anyone. Sorry, Xiaodong, I owe this child... there are too many."

"Qing, you have to worry. Xiaodong is a broad-minded child. He has more than me. He never blamed you, really." Qin Tailong said.

"Is it true?" When he heard the words of Qin Tailong, Shi Qing’s eyes were brightened, and Qin Tailong’s hand could not help but tighten.

"Of course! When did I fool you?" Looking at the look of the teacher, Qin Tailong’s heartache seemed to be stirred up by an invisible dagger.

On the face of Shi Qing’s face, there was an inexplicable gratification and satisfaction. The body also trembled with excitement.

Fu Yanshan was shocked and quickly searched for a few points on her body, so that Shi Qingyu was temporarily in a drowsy state. Shi Qingyi forced several times to break through the Fengshen technique, and her body was almost exhausted. I was afraid that I could not bear such excitement.

"Fu brother, in any case, must be saved!" Qin Tailong bite the steel teeth, after a long while, resolutely like the iron martyrdom. [

Fu Yanshan nodded heavily, Shen Sheng "good! Even if it is all over the world, I have to find the elixir that can cure the Qing Dynasty!"


"Nan Gong sister, have been seven days, Xiaodong him ..." Fu Fengming looked at the knees sitting not far away, squatting on the body of Qin Dong wrapped in white light, his face full of worry.

Nangong Yao’s Emei is also locked up at this time, saying, “He is practicing the dual sacred power, and the power is enormous. It is not what we can imagine. It’s going to be so hard to recover. It’s going to be very difficult. But I I didn't think that the degree of difficulty would be so great. It seems that in the heavens, his injury is very difficult to recover."

“What?” Fu Fengming was taken aback and asked, “What should I do?”

Nangong Yao’s face is bitter. “If you can send him to the fairyland, with the help of the immortality filled with fairy tales, his injury will be able to recover quickly. Can the fairy world...”

Without Nan Gong Yao's words, Fu Fengming's face is already bitter and can squeeze out bile. Not to mention that there is no way to send Qin Dong to the fairyland, they do not even know where the fairy world is.

Nangong Yao and Fu Fengming are talking, and the white light on Qin Dong’s body is stunned and disappears. Nangong Yao and Fu Fengming rushed together and walked over.

After another round of interest rate adjustment, Qin Dong’s injury has hardly improved. Nangong Yao and Fu Fengming’s preparations for him have consumed a lot.

"Is it still not okay?" Just seeing Qin Dong's face, Fu Fengming knows that Nangong Yao is right.

Qin Dong also sighed again and again, frowning. In this heaven, there is only aura in the heavens, no fairy, and Qin Dong wants to restore the dual sacred power, and must absorb a lot of fairy scent. This will inevitably lead to Qin Dong’s road to recovery, full of thorns and difficult.

"It has been seven days, but there has been almost no progress, so continue, I am afraid that nothing can count on you." Nan Gongyao's face seems to be more anxious than Qin Dong.

Qin Dong smiled and looked at her and asked, "What do you expect me to do?"

Nangong Yao’s heart was in a hurry. Goodbye Qin Dong was still laughing at this time. A look of heartlessness was not a hit. He was annoyed. “Of course, I hope you will save the world! But you are It’s useless, I can’t even have a way to hurt myself. I really don’t know how much he cares about you, so I’m so hopeful!”

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