The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2210: Eat your own fruit!

At the beginning, Shuo Shuo could resist one or two, but slowly, as Qin Dong’s power became more and more full, Yan Shuo’s face seemed to be no longer a person, but a majestic peak that was about to collapse. Super horsepower bulldozer. %&*(~>

"You..." Yu Shuo almost made up his strength, so that his face was red, his forehead bursting out, and a large drop of cold sweat fell straight down his cheek.

“Is it good?” Qin Dong sneered and screamed again. Yu Shuo became more and more unable to resist, and the frequency of retreating under his feet became faster and faster, and it became a trotting.

"Qin Shaoxia is really too domineering!" Seeing the famous Shuo Shuo, under the hands of Qin Dong, it was so unbearable, and he was so excited that he clenched his fist and screamed.

Ling Xiaojian also nodded incessantly, his face was full of excitement. [

"Give me a lie down!" Fully pushes Shuo Shuo out of the dozens of feet, Qin Dong suddenly screamed, the palms pushed forward and slammed, and when the singer suddenly made an exclamation, the whole person lost balance. The heavy back is on the ground, very obedient.

Yunhe Xianren’s right arm and the famous Shuoshuo were defeated in the hands of Qin Dong. Although the facts are in front of you, many people still can't believe it. Looking up, "揉" has eyes, self-abuse, own, smart, and screaming others is not a minority. In short, no one can keep calm.

Since Shuo Shuo’s debut, it’s still the first time he’s been defeated. It’s a slap in the face, it’s too light. It is conceivable that what kind of anger he felt at this time, looking at Qin Dong’s eyes, it’s almost going to shoot the knife. |i*文(学^

Qin Dong came to him and asked him, "What is it, not convinced?"

"Take you a head! Come to life!" Qin Dong’s voice just fell, and Shuo Shuo suddenly turned up, and the sleeves slipped out of a black-like ink-like short blade, slanting and waving, and a moment of sinisterness There was a terrible smell of cruelty, and it was filled with time and made a black light, which went straight to Qin Dong’s chest.

"Xiaodong is careful, this black blood blade is very vicious!" Seeing the black light flashed, Ling Xiaojian was shocked, and even the tone of his speech changed. I don’t regret it in my heart. I shouldn’t have been happy. I forgot that I’m still hiding such a poisonous blade!

Qin Dong had no intention of letting Shuo Shuo live. At this time, he saw him violently attacking, and his heart was not ruthless. He snorted and looked at the black blood blade. He pointed to a folder and hardly The blade of the black blood blade was caught.

"Oh... this black blood blade is very poisonous, you are looking for death!" When he saw Qin Dong’s move, he was not shocked, but he was overjoyed.

Qin Dong brow wrinkled, and I really felt that in the moment he caught the blade, a very cold and strange breath, through the skin of his fingers, quickly penetrated into his body, where he passed, passed There is a sense of numbness.

With the cultivation of Qin Dong, this toxin can still bring such influence to him. It can be seen that the poison on the black blood blade is indeed extraordinary. Just want to poison him, it is still far away.

Qi Shuo is proud, Qin Dong snorted, the body's dual sacred power, such as the "tidal" water-like counterattack, breathing, will invade the toxins in his body, all refining, turned into a black smoke, "Forced" out of the body.

Seeing this scene, the smug smile on his face was frozen. Eyes are like seeing ghosts, and a pair of eyeballs seem to jump out of their eyes at any time.

"A good black blood blade, I will give it back to you!" Qin Dong caught the black blood blade, and the backhand stabbed the old man.

"Ah? Don't!" Seeing the black blood blade rushing in, the face of the stunned face "Color" turned into a pale. The body shape subconsciously leans back and wants to escape the edge of the black blood blade. It is only under the hands of Qin Dong, this may be minimal.


A soft bang, like an appointment. Most of the blade of the black blood blade, in the blink of an eye, was deeply inserted into the chest of Shuo Shuo. I saw a trace of black mans, overflowing from the black blood blade, like a thin poisonous insect, constantly pouring into the body of Shuo Shuo.

With the influx of black awns, the "color" of the pain on the face of Sui Shuo has been intensifying, and for a moment, the face of Shuo Shuo has been painfully twisted into a ball, and almost no distinction can be made.

It has been repaired to the realm of Shuo Shuo, and the physical strength has reached a very high level, which can make it so painful, showing how vicious the black blood blade is.

At the time of Qin Dong's frowning, he only heard the sound of a hula, and on the chest of Shuo Shuo, he even vacated a black flame of "color" and leaped and burned. This black "color" flame does not know what it is, it is not hot, but it does not stop through the "lude" out of the ice and icy, a chilling chill. In the burning of the black "color" flame, the body of Shuo Shuo began to shrink continuously. The original two-meter-old Shuo Shuo, the effort in the blink of an eye, has shrunk to less than one meter. On the face and body, it completely faded out of the color of the meat, turning it into a dark group, like the black charcoal that had just been burnt. [

The pain in this can be imagined. He is constantly struggling with convulsions, his eyes are lingering in Qin Dong, his mouth is constantly opening and closing, but he can’t make a slight voice, but Qin Dong can still get from his mouth. Judging from the type, Shuo Shuo is asking him to kill him.

When Shuo Shuo falls into such a situation, it is also a self-defeating. Qin Dong shook his head and waved a binary force to turn the dust together with the evil **** black blood blade.

"The victim will end up hurting himself! With this black blood blade, Shuo Shuo does not know how many heroes have been killed. Now he himself is buried under this black blood blade, and it is considered to be uncomfortable." Ling Xiaojian shook his head and felt Said.

"I think that Qin Shaoxia is somewhat soft-hearted. A beast like him should be tortured and die. It makes no sense to let him die so happy." Yan Chiwu said.

Qin Dong smiled and didn't talk. He looked at Ling Xiaojian's "Ling Zhangmen. There are still a lot of Yunhe immortals' claws here. Did you kill them together?"

When Qin Dong’s voice fell, Ling Xiao’s cold eyes were swept away. Those who are under the cloud crane immortal, this is already a war, at this time listening to the words of Qin Dong, seeing the eyes of Ling Xiaojian, even more scared. I don't know who screamed, a group of people, etc., who squatted down and kept asking for mercy to Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian.

Ling Xiaojian frowned, and Qin Dongdao "These people are just the shackles of Yunhe Xianren. I don't want to kill them, let them kill them."

Qin Dong nodded and said, "I have no opinion!"

See Qin Dongsong's mouth, Ling Xiaojian breathed a sigh of relief, looking around for a week, the loud voice "You all give me to listen, today I can not kill you, spare you a life, but you are better away from Yunhe Xianren, Don't worry about the tiger any more! If some of you want to continue to follow Yunhe Xianren, it doesn't matter, but I want to tell you that the death of Yunhe Xianren is coming, don't be confused, give him a back!"

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