The secret war is silent

Chapter 115 Nails

Luo Yao took a breath and reached out to press the button.

A string of numeric codes was then sent.

Liu Jinbao, who was waiting in front of the radio station, saw the indicator light flashing and quickly put on his earphones. He didn't even have to record the message.

Everyone knows what this string of numbers means.

The Nail plan begins!

Only he and Luo Yao knew about this plan. Of course, there was one more person who knew about it, and that was Gong Hui. No one else knew about it.

Luo Yao had already judged that today's situation might occur, so he naturally prepared many plans. The Nail plan was just one of them. As for whether to implement it or not, it all depends on the specific situation.

But now, the conditions are ripe for the implementation of the Nail plan, and he is the executor of that plan.

From today on, he is like a lonely traveler, going forward in the darkness. However, he is not alone. There is a strong organization behind him.

He, Liu Jinbao, is also a bloody Chinese.

Boss, the River God sent a secret telegram, saying that the 'Nail' plan has been launched. Mao Qiwu reported to Dai Yunonghui with a secret telegram at No. 19, Luojiawan, Mountain City.

Got it. Dai Yunong was very calm. As an agent leader, of course he knew the risks of this plan, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was in a occupied area. No matter how risky it was, someone had to do it.

Mao Qiwu said: Han Liangze has defected to Japan and returned to his original post. He has already pulled Gu Mo Sheng over. The relationship between Gu Mo Sheng and Li Guochen is good...

Li Guochen won't be dragged over yet, but I still have to remind you that anyone who wants to be a traitor at this time will be killed without mercy! Dai Yunong's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Yes, boss.

The layout of the Xiakou Police Station and Han Liangze's director's office has not changed much, but the portrait of Mr. Nakayama hanging in the director's office has been replaced by a photo of the Emperor of Japan in military uniform.

The cap badge has not been changed, the police uniform has not been changed, and the person has not been changed.

But some people's hearts have changed.

It is not easy for Han Liangze to be the director for the Japanese. The Japanese want to restore order in Jiangcheng, and they need to collect grain, tax, and all kinds of supplies...

But the people in Jiangcheng also need to eat and live. When the Japanese come, although they don't kill people casually, they will grab good things when they see them.

Expecting these beast soldiers to be obedient and observe military discipline is really more difficult than teaching a sow to climb a tree. But no matter how difficult it is, you have to do it. The Chinese people are the most docile. As long as there is a little hope of survival. , no one is willing to rise up and resist.

Of course, a snake cannot do without a head. The reason why Jiangcheng is so chaotic now is that some people are even taking advantage of the situation secretly. There are also some gang members who have done many evil things in the past and have no sense of right and wrong. They have taken refuge with the Japanese and have acted as collaborators, oppressing good people and evil people. Even better than those Japanese beast soldiers.

Yes, for the Japanese, the anti-Japanese elements in the city, especially the military elements who stayed behind to lurk, are the real source of chaos and are the targets that need to be severely attacked.

To restore order in the city and let the people have a slightly more stable life, Han Liangze asked himself, he could do it better than anyone else.

After all, at this stage, no one can change the fact that Jiangcheng is occupied and ruled by the Japanese army. If he comes forward, he can also use his personal relationship to win some rights and interests for Jiangcheng. If it were someone else, he might not be able to do it.

At least that's what he thought.

As for the sacrifice that must be made in some aspects for these rights and interests, in his view, this is inevitable and necessary.

Director Han, I'm here. Gu Mo Sheng figured it out and came to see Han Liangze, wearing a police uniform that was very rare.

At least Han Liangze had never seen him wearing one before, and Gu Mosheng had always worn a Mao suit.

This shows that he is willing to be Han Liangze's subordinate in the future. Otherwise, based on his superior status in the police station, how could he buy into Han Liangze's account?

Brother Mo Sheng, you are finally here. Brother Yu was worried about whether you would come or not. That would make it difficult for me. Han Liangze was so happy that he walked out of the office in person and welcomed Gu Mo Sheng in.

A Cheng, make tea. Han Liangze held Gu Mo Sheng's arm and ordered his secretary Dong Cheng with a smile.

Although Dong Cheng still serves Han Liangze, he is no longer just a secretary. He also has the title of assistant director, and his status is the same as that of the division chiefs in the bureau.

In the next step, if Dong Cheng is decentralized, it will be the position of director of each branch. However, Dong Cheng may not be willing to be the leader of the lower branch, at least not yet.

As long as Director Han doesn't mind that Mo Sheng came late.

How could it be? There will be a small gathering later tonight. At that time, I will introduce you to Colonel Domen, the head of Jiangcheng's Secret Service. Han Liangze said. He carried Erlang Domen up and warned Gu Mo Sheng not to have second thoughts. .

Thank you Bureau Han for your support. Mo Sheng is willing to act as your leader in the future. Gu Mo Sheng bowed slightly and said sincerely.

Sit down, sit down and talk. Han Liangze laughed, very satisfied with Gu Mo Sheng's attitude.

Director Han, I made an appointment with Liu Jinbao to meet at my mutton restaurant this morning. Gu Mosheng said as he sat down.

Oh, will he come?

It's hard to say. Ever since he went to the temporary training class, his identity and status have changed. Although he is polite to me on the surface, many times, he no longer takes me seriously. Gu Mo Sheng said.

how do you want to do it?

If Liu Jinbao comes today, then detain him. The people under him have not been with him for a long time. They are all natives of Jiangcheng. As long as we explain the interests to them, then come with us. , The problem is not big, it’s just the two people who parachuted in from the temporary training class, they may not listen to us. Gu Mosheng said.

Since you are disobedient, then simply get rid of him. Han Liangze said.

Han Bureau, if you do this, you will completely anger Dai Yunong. There is no need for us to do this, right? Gu Mosheng hesitated.

Brother Mo Sheng, we can't be like this. If we want to stand on the side of the Japanese, we must have the ability to take action. Even if you show mercy to them, who is Dai Yunong? He is ruthless. He Will I show mercy to you? Han Liangze asked.

This... Gu Mo Sheng said with a sudden heart, Okay, I'll do as you say, Director Han. If they don't obey, then don't blame me, Gu, for being cruel.

What if Liu Jinbao doesn't come?

That's easy to do. Leave him to the Japanese, say he is the mastermind of the 'shelling' case, and let Tegao and the gendarmerie search for him. Han Liangze smiled sinisterly.

Director Han, actually I know where he is hiding these days. If he doesn't come, we can come to him. One more friend is better than one more enemy. Gu Mosheng suggested.

That's fine. I have a good impression of Liu Jinbao. If I can win over him, that would be the best. Han Liangze nodded.

Then I'll go back and wait for him now?

Wait a minute. Han Liangze stopped Gu Mo Sheng, walked over, took out a brown paper bag from the drawer, and handed it over, Inside is a special pass jointly issued by the Secret Service Department and the Military Police Special High School Course, as well as a license from the Detective Division. This, except for the military restricted area, you can travel unimpeded in Jiangcheng. However, if you encounter Japanese, you must stop and bow. Otherwise, even if you have this and get beaten, don't blame me for not warning you.

The Japanese have too many rules, don't they?

When people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads. Just get used to it. Han Liangze chuckled. In the past, didn't he have to pretend to be a grandson in front of the superior?

As long as you have power and money, what's the point of being a grandson?

How many people are quite incompetent?

That's what Director Han said. Gu Mosheng smiled. Now that he and Han Liangze have fallen into the water, it is too late to turn back, and they can only walk to the dark side.

Gu Yuan, is Liu Jinbao here? As soon as Gu Mo Sheng returned to Tang Ji, he ordered his men to call Gu Yuan over and asked.

Virgin, I don't think I've seen you. How could Gu Yuan not know what Gu Mo Sheng was doing by calling Liu Jin Bao here? Gu Mo Sheng had secretly defected to Han Liangze and became a traitor together.

It's just not said publicly.

There were only so many people in the Inspectorate, so who could he hide from? Besides, Gu Yuan had been staring at Gu Mo Sheng and knew his every move.

Why, is it so difficult for me, the inspector of the Jiangcheng District of Jiangtong District, to meet him, the captain of the special agent brigade? Gu Mosheng said very dissatisfied, Gu Yuan, you and he came out of the temporary training class together, you compare I want to understand him, what does he mean?”

I'm not very familiar with Captain Liu, and we weren't together when we participated in the special training, so Virgo, you're really asking the wrong person when you ask me. Gu Yuan said.

The reason why Gu Mosheng still announced the rebellion within the Inspectorate was because he was afraid that the news would be leaked. By then, it would be difficult for him to trick Liu Jinbao into coming over.

Of course, he also wanted to stabilize the Inspectorate, especially since Gu Yuan was not of the same mind as him. He just wanted to use himself to deceive Liu Jinbao and then take him down together.

Gu Yuan wanted to run away, but he was already being watched by Gu Mo Sheng's people. Of course, he really wanted to run away, but Gu Mo Sheng's people really couldn't watch him. He had some ideas, but he didn't tell anyone.

So, he doesn't want to come to see me? Gu Mosheng sneered.

Virgo, you have something that you need me to help convey...

How outrageous. I was Liu Jinbao's superior in Juntong Jiangcheng District. I invited him here to discuss how to destroy the Japanese army's military transport column. What does he mean by avoiding me like this? Gu Mosheng said angrily, You should have colluded long ago. Now, you want to oust me and disown me as your superior?

Virgin, you misunderstood, we never meant this. Gu Yuan hurriedly explained. He clearly planned to deceive people and coerce them into falling into the water and become traitors, but he said it as if he was being righteous?

Do you really think everyone else is a fool?

Gu Yuan, you can't write two characters Gu in one stroke, don't be as confused as Liu Jinbao? Gu Mo Sheng suddenly said with deep meaning.

Virgo, do you have something to say?

How long do you think this National Government can last? Gu Mosheng suddenly made a 180-degree turn and asked.

Gu Yuan's heart skipped a beat. Liu Jinbao didn't come, and Gu Mosheng was going to force him to have a showdown with him.

Virgo, do you want to change the family?

Smart. Gu Mo Sheng nodded, Gu Yuan, you have the shadow of me when I was young. In fact, I fell in love with you as soon as you came to the Inspectorate. However, it seems that you are unwilling to walk more with me. I also know that you were sent here with a mission, but it is different now. You say you are lurking, but in fact you have been abandoned and become an outcast. I don’t want to live for a hopeless goal. This is who I am. s Choice.

Virgo, if you do things for the Japanese, you will definitely have a good ending?

Qin Hui died, but he enjoyed everything he should have enjoyed. As for what happens after death, he can't see or hear?

But his descendants still can't hold their heads up.

Who can say clearly about future generations? Gu Mosheng said, Gu Yuan, are you willing to work with me, or are you going to be my enemy?

Virgo, I don't want to be your enemy, but I also don't want you to make the same mistake again and again. It's too late to stop now. Gu Yuan took a deep breath and said.

It seems that you are going to be my enemy. Gu Mosheng's face darkened, showing a cold face, I'm sorry then.

Gu Yuan was taken away and locked up.

Virgo, why don't you kill him? A confidant asked Gu Mo Sheng in a low voice.

Gu Yuan's words are right. Once you are stained with the blood of the military commander, you will really fight to the death. Gu Mosheng said, We can't do things like killing people. We have to leave it to others.

What about Liu Jinbao?

Have you found out where that woman lives? Gu Mosheng's eyes flashed coldly.


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