The secret war is silent

Chapter 117 Want to be a hero

It has been three days since Liu Jinbao was arrested.

On the first day, delicious food and drinks were provided, and Gu Mo Sheng personally accompanied him to eat, drink, and chat with him. He talked about everything from colleagues to brotherhood, and in the end he even drank.

Liu Jinbao was unmoved.

Even with a cold eyebrow.

Virgin, why is this guy Liu Jinbao like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard? If it doesn't work, we should punish him. Wei Laosan shouted.

Gu Mosheng glared at Wei Laosan: What do you know, if Liu Jinbao is weak, Dai Yunong will arrange for him to be the captain of the secret service team?

Virgo, what are you... Wei Laosan was confused by the scolding.

Gu Mo Sheng knew that Liu Jinbao was not relenting, firstly because he did not want to betray him, and secondly, to give his men time to evacuate and evacuate.

If it were him, and he was asked to sell his former glory in exchange for his own glory and wealth, he would have to think about it. Once the deadly feud was forged, there would really be no room for maneuver.

He had no choice but to take refuge in Han Liangze. Unless he gave up the wealth he had accumulated in Jiangcheng for many years and fled alone, if he was targeted by the Japanese, would he be able to escape the first year of junior high or the fifteenth year of junior high school?

It's better to pretend to be a snake and protect yourself first.

He could only hide these words in his heart and no one could say them. What does a stupid guy like Wei Laosan know?

Gu Mosheng arrested Liu Jinbao, and Han Liangze was naturally very concerned. He had just become the director, and he had to achieve some results so that he could explain himself in front of the Japanese.

So, after get off work in the evening, he came over.

Han Bureau, I really didn't expect that you colluded with the Japanese and turned traitor so quickly. Liu Jinbao said sarcastically when he saw Han Liangze.

Han Liangze did not feel dissatisfied. He made this decision. Naturally, he expected this day. He said calmly: Whether it is a traitor or a traitor, whoever has absolute power in this world has the right to speak. Against the powerful Imperial Japanese Army, is it possible for the military commander and the National Government that you are loyal to to turn defeat into victory?

Han Liangze, as a Chinese, do you have no backbone at all, do you have to kneel down and be a slave to the Japanese?

Shut up. For the sake of helping me, I asked Gu Chu to give you a chance to reflect on yourself. If I hand you over to the Japanese now, what will happen to you? Don't you know? Han Liangze's expression changed. It darkened instantly. What he hated most in his life was that others called him a slave.

Because the ancestors of the Han family were slaves for the Manchu nobles, this servility has continued to this day and is deeply rooted in his bones.

But he just didn't want to admit it.

Liu Jinbao snorted coldly and did not respond.

Gu Chu, I leave it to you. You must let him speak. I have reported this matter to Minister Duomen. He is very concerned about this matter. Han Liangze said to Gu Mo Sheng with a cold face.

Director Han, don't worry. This Liu Jinbao has received special training after all. He is different from ordinary military commanders. Besides, I'm trying to figure out his weaknesses. He didn't think about it for a while and soon followed us. It's the same. Gu Mosheng explained hurriedly.

Are you sure?

It's not 100%, it's still 70% to 80%.

Well, it would be great if we could convince Liu Jinbao to work with us. He must know more than you and I. By then, if we can uproot the military organization in Jiangcheng, then we will have achieved great success. . Han Liangze said with a fierce glint in his eyes.

Gu Mosheng frowned slightly after hearing this. Han Liangze actually wanted to pull out the underground military organization in Jiangcheng. Isn't he afraid that he would become a thorn in the side of the military commander?

Or, what does he have to rely on, so that he is not afraid of the military commander's revenge?

Director Han is right, please give me a little more time, and you can also give me some kind words for Minister Duomen. Gu Mosheng said hurriedly.

Well, don't worry. I will speak for you over at Duomen. Pay close attention to Liu Jinbao's matter. Han Liangze nodded and agreed.

I am leaving.

Han Bureau, let me send you...

Domenjiro was also under a lot of pressure. Not only did the few hairs on his head turn white, but he also lost a lot of them. Ten days have passed since the shelling case. Now, in addition to being sure that it is the military organization lurking in Jiangcheng, Apart from this heinous case.

The rest are not well understood. Juntong Jiangcheng District is a huge underground organization. It is not that they have not caught some lurking personnel, but they are all small minions, and they know nothing about the shelling case.

Who planned it, who directed it, and who executed it!

There is also the Kappa case. The empire's most mysterious intelligence agent lurking in Jiangcheng has disappeared along with one of his teams.

The Kappa team was not limited to the people from Twilight Cafe. In the past five years, Luo Yao had conducted detailed investigations on everyone who had walked out of Twilight Cafe, determined their targets, and arrested them all, without any slipping through the net.

So far, there are no clues at all.

Domon Jiro has never seen the kappa and doesn't even know who the kappa is. Okawa has been confirmed to be dead and died in the hands of the military commander.

There is no doubt that the Kappa is most likely to fall into the hands of the military commander, but no one knows the specific process of this case.

Kappa is dead or alive.

Kappa is a high-level intelligence agent who has mastered many secrets of the empire. If it falls into the hands of the military commander, the consequences will be very serious.

Unfortunately, the Japanese agent whose pseudonym was Lin Miao and whose Japanese name was Shuichi Kobayashi belonged to the Kappa group and was also a stand-in for the Kappa. He committed suicide by committing seppuku because he passed back false information.

No one knows much about the situation of kappa in Jiangcheng.

The Kappa case can be investigated slowly and not in a hurry, but the shell bombing case cannot be investigated slowly. This case is not only being watched by the victim Okamura Neiji, but also by the dispatched army headquarters, and even the Tokyo General Staff Headquarters. .

It is absolutely impossible not to solve the case.

To solve the case and catch the murderer within a month, this is the utmost patience of Okamura Neji. For anyone else, three days might be too short.

This kind of pressure was naturally passed on to Takeshima and Yoshino by Domon Jiro. Of course, Han Liangze also felt it. However, he did not have much expectations for Han Liangze in this case.

If Han Liangze could help him stabilize the security of Jiangcheng and restore the economic order in the city, it would have been a great help to him.

Nani, Liu Jinbao? Domen Erlang received Han Liangze's call and stood up in surprise, You said that Dachuan was the one who led the arrest?

I only learned a little about it from the side, and I'm not sure about the details yet. However, I have captured this person, and Director Gu of the Detective Division is interrogating him. I believe there will be a result soon. Han Liangze explained, But , he should just be the one executing orders, there should be someone else above him.

Okay, very good, Brother Han, you have helped me a lot. It seems that asking you to come out is the right thing for me to do. Domen Erlang was very excited.

There were no clues in the shelling case, but there were unexpected clues in the mysterious disappearance of the kappa. How could this not make Jiro Domon excited?

Thank you, Domon-kun.

Can I meet this Liu Jinbao?


No, it's too late now. Let's do it tomorrow. Is it okay tomorrow? Domenjiro has been in China for many years. He is very clear about the Chinese people's idea of ​​saving face. They are the ones who capture people. If he interferes, it will be easy. cause discomfort.

Of course. Han Liangze thought for a moment and agreed.

You drive to pick me up tomorrow, and I'll go quietly without anyone else. Domonjiro ordered, hung up the phone, and looked happy.

The Japanese cut off power from the beginning, and then started to cut off water. Their warships and patrol boats cruised and patrolled the river bank, and ships were not allowed to dock. People from the French Concession were also prohibited from going to the river to fetch water.

They used this method to force the French Concession authorities to make concessions and asked Japanese soldiers to enter the French Concession to search for anti-Japanese elements.

The French Concession authorities did not agree.

There was no one to dispose of the garbage, and human and animal excrement could not be transported out. After a few days, the stench on the streets was so bad that it was impossible for people to survive.

The environment was dirty, breeding more bacteria, and the number of sick people began to increase. In addition, after Japanese soldiers entered Jiangcheng, tens of thousands of refugees poured in.

The French Concession was overcrowded. Some people had no place to live and had to pitch tents in the open air.

The Japanese are still not allowed to enter or leave, and even necessary daily necessities such as food and salt are not allowed to be transported into the French Concession. If this continues, it won't be long before the French Concession will be starved to death.

This extremely inhumane practice naturally aroused protests and dissatisfaction from the Western consulates in Jiangcheng, and they all condemned Japan's complete waste of human life.

However, the Japanese army used the French Concession as an excuse to harbor anti-Japanese elements and forced the authorities to agree to open the French Concession. The Japanese military police could enter and exit the French Concession at will to arrest anti-Japanese elements. Their attitude was also quite tough.

Luo Yao hadn't bathed for almost a week, and his body smelled rancid. There was no way, the stored water was only for drinking, and taking a bath was too luxurious.

Who knows how long the Japanese will block it?

Why are you calling me here in such a hurry? Before closing time, Luo Yaocai entered the Sunshine Cafe through the back door. Most of the people had left, and only Gong Hui was left.

Your commendation order is here. This time, the military command department was not stingy. It awarded a third-class Yunhui Medal. Others who participated in the operation also received it. At worst, they were promoted to one level. Like you, I am now a major. . Gong Hui said with some pride.

That's it?

Is this still a small matter? Gong Hui said.

It's okay, I'm going back first. Where are all the things I have to do? Luo Yao turned around and left, mainly because he was afraid that his sour smell would stifle Gong Hui.

There's something wrong. Dad called. Let's find out whether Han Liangze is pretending to betray the enemy, or is he determined to be a traitor?

When Luo Yao heard this, he couldn't help but frown slightly: Did something happen?

I don't know. The Central Government has never dealt with us. If anything happens to them, they won't be able to tell us. Gong Hui shook her head.

What's going on with Deputy District Chief Tang?

Gong Hui shook her head.

Old Liu was arrested, and Gu Yuan is probably in trouble. I'm not worried about these two people. Don't look at him laughing all day long. He is a person with a bottom line. Gu Yuan is different. If he rebels, then The losses that may be caused to us are very large. Luo Yaodao.

Didn't you arrange for Gu Yuan to retreat?

Of course I arranged it, but I don't know which link went wrong. I guess he stayed on his own initiative. Luo Yao said, He has this precedent, and I also gave him a chance.

What should we do? Should we give up everything now and evacuate immediately? Gong Hui asked.

We haven't reached that point yet. Compared to Lao Liu, Gu Yuan's situation is better. At most he will lose his freedom. As long as he doesn't do anything drastic, his life will not be in danger. Luo Yao said, He may have guessed my plan.


He is a very ambitious and conceited person. He may think that he is more suitable to be the 'nail' than Lao Liu. Luo Yao said slowly.

Is he crazy? Gong Hui lost her voice.

He's not crazy. He wants to make great achievements. He wants to surpass me and compare with me. Then, you can look at him differently. Luo Yao said.

I don't have any... Gong Hui explained excitedly.

Don't worry, this has nothing to do with you. He has a paranoid narcissistic personality. Therefore, I have always been uneasy about him and refused to let him participate in some things. Unexpectedly, something happened. Luo Yao sighed.

What should we do? Gong Hui asked.

Since he is quite a hero, let's treat him as such. Luo Yao said.

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