The secret war is silent

Chapter 131 Poisoned the whole house

Director Fan called me over just now and asked me to tell everyone that he would invite everyone to dinner at noon. He will remember it at 'Sheng'. If there is nothing to do, everyone can go!


Then there is still a lie. What did I lie to you for...

Is the Iron Rooster plucked?

The sun is rising in the west.

Luo Yao didn't want to directly conflict with Yang Fei. Once something happened to Yang Fei suddenly, he might become the biggest suspect. Therefore, as long as he didn't make the matter clear, he would act stupid and act like he didn't know anything.

At noon, Sheng notes, when Fan Jingyin saw a dozen teachers from the high school department walking into the box together, his face turned green, and he clearly called Qin Ming alone.

Why are all the teachers from the high school here, and no one is left behind?

Where is Teacher Qin Ming?

Teacher Qin is behind and will be there soon. Teacher Xu replied, Director Fan, thank you. We misunderstood you before. We thought you were too mean to everyone and had no human touch at all. Unexpectedly Thank you so much for quietly arranging such a sumptuous table!

Yes, thank you, Director Fan! the teachers behind him said one by one.

Fan Jingyin's face not only turned green, but also turned black.

With so many people eating at one table, how much do you have to pay?

Come on, man, put the dishes and chopsticks on the table for us, hurry up! The teachers were not polite at all. Even if there was any misunderstanding, they were here. Director Fan would definitely not finish the meal if they didn't finish it. Go.

Serve the wine, serve the wine, why is there no wine during the meal?

Yes, there is wine... Luo Yao opened the door and came in, followed by two waiters, holding two jars of wine. Director Fan has already ordered the ten-year-old Huadiao. Everyone wants to drink to their heart's content today. !”

Huadiao is great, Huadiao is my favorite! Teacher Xu stood up excitedly.

Luo Yao walked up to Fan Jingyin and said, Director Fan, according to your instructions, we have invited all the teachers from the high school here. Do you want to say a few words to everyone?

The corner of Fan Jingyin's mouth twitched. No matter how stupid he was, he understood that he was plotting against others, but they were not stupid either, and they defeated him in turn.

If he tells the truth, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive in Shangchi Middle School in the future.

Tell me a few words?

Okay, before we eat, everyone welcomes Director Fan to tell us a few words. Luo Yao took the lead in applauding, and then all the teachers followed suit.

This is just a meal. It doesn't need to be so grand. As for me, I have only been here for a short time at Shangzhi Middle School and am not very familiar with the big guys. I invite you all to come over at noon today. I just want to get to know the teachers better. We will all be colleagues from now on... Fan Jingyin's face turned even worse.

That's what Director Fan said. Come on, let's raise a glass to Director Fan!

Teacher Qin, I didn't expect you to be a master at creating atmosphere. Director Fan's eyelids twitched, and he said in a nonchalant manner.

Teacher Fei is the master, what am I? Luo Yao chuckled and deliberately brought Teacher Fei out. Teacher Fei was beaten and injured and hospitalized. It was all your fault. Others didn't know it, but he knew everything. Chu.

Fan Jingyin's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. How could he not know this?

Luo Yao knew that Fan Jingyin would not choose to hand him over to Yang Fei in Sheng. He would have to wait until after the meal or after getting him drunk.

What happens after dinner is none of his business. When the time comes, no one will think of him.

Maybe there will be a scene like this: I kindly invite you to dinner, but you turn around and accuse me and frame you?

If you have enmity with others, what does it have to do with others?

What a good plan.

If he really succeeds, he will suffer a big loss.

After a meal and a full meal, Director Fan's wallet was instantly deflated. He seemed to admit that as long as he could trick Qin Ming, someone would naturally replenish the money for him.

Teacher Qin, I drank a little too much. I may not be able to go to school this afternoon. Can you send me back to rest? Fan Jingyin grabbed Luo Yaodao.

Okay, no problem. Luo Yao nodded and agreed.

Director Fan, please slow down... Luo Yao carefully helped Fan Jingyin get on a pedal rickshaw, and then sat on it himself.

Go... Fan Jingyin reported a place name as soon as he got in the car.

Luo Yao smiled strangely. Fan Jingyin thought that he had just arrived and no one else knew his home address, but Luo Yao knew it. The address he just reported was not his home at all.

As for the address given, it goes without saying.

Director Fan, take a rest. We'll be there in a moment. Luo Yao held the back of Fan Jingyin's neck with a clear hand and kneaded it gently.

Comfortable, Teacher Qin, who did you learn this massage technique from... Within a few minutes, Fan Jingyin fell into a deep sleep.

Team leader, what should we do next? The warehouse was full of people riding pedal rickshaws, so Luo Yao called him over to cooperate with him.

Change your clothes and send the person back.

Team leader, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. Mancang said.

He's in the light and I'm in the dark. What do you have to worry about? Luo Yao knew, I can't even deal with a little traitor. How can I be your team leader and lead you? If you're afraid of an accident, come over and take care of you later. Give me a moment.

Okay, team leader, wait for me.

Luo Yao put on Fan Jingyin's clothes and dressed up a little bit. Although they didn't look much alike, after putting the clothes on, from the back, they looked very similar.

It's 100% impossible. He and Fan Jingyin are quite different in height, body shape and facial contours. Just get the same one.

No. 17, Changleli, Huashang Street, Special District 3.

This is the address Fan Jingyin gave him.

A small courtyard, three main rooms, and two side rooms, it looks like a normal residence for a family of five. Ordinary people would not think there is anything wrong with it.

But as soon as Luo Yao walked into the alley, he clearly noticed that two eyes were cast on him. One was a tinker tinkering with pots at the entrance of the alley, and the other was a mobile cigarette seller!

There's nothing wrong with the tinker fixing the pot.

But this cigarette seller is different. This kind of residential alley does not have a dense floating population. He sells cigarettes here. How many packs can he sell in a day?

It's obviously the Wandering Whistle.

Yang Fei is the translator of the Japanese Military Police Special High School Course.

There is no way this is a stronghold of the national intelligence agency. You can only think that it is a secret stronghold set up by the Japanese.

This was really unexpected.

However, he came here as Fan Jingyin today, so he was not afraid of this, but Yang Fei was too evil-hearted.

If he were an ordinary person, if he stepped in today, he would probably never have a chance to be free again.

It would be a shame for such a person to die!

It's rash. If the warehouse is full later and two people come together, the certainty will be greater. But now that we are here, we have no intention of going back.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

What's more, Luo Yao is no longer the same Luo Yao as before. Today, he has to fight his way through even the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.

Luo Yao walked very slowly.

Yang Fei's voice was very recognizable, and Luo Yao quickly determined his location and listened to what he was saying while walking.

They must be eating, there are five of them.

Yang Feisang, you are so polite. Miyagi-kun and I are very satisfied with today's reception...


It seems that I really guessed it right. Changleli No. 17 may really be a secret stronghold set up by the Japanese Military Police Special High School Section in the Special Third District.

Yang Feisang, I heard that you have fallen in love with a girl and are planning to marry her? Miyagi, who was full of wine and food, asked with a smile while picking his teeth.

She's the daughter of a small businessman. She's not bad. My father liked her and asked me to marry her home. Yang Fei said with a smile.

Oh, your father still has such ambitions? After hearing this, several Japanese people laughed knowingly.

Miyagi Tai-kun are you interested?

This is what your father, President Yang, likes. Isn't it good? Miyagi was obviously very interested.

No matter how much my father likes her, he can't argue with you, Taijun. Besides, it's just a woman. What does it matter? If Taijun likes it, I will arrange it?

Xinxi, Yang Feisang, you are very loyal to the imperial army, good friend, good friend! Miyagi excitedly went straight to Yang Fei and gave a thumbs up.

Then Mr. Miyagi is just waiting for news from me?

Come on, come on, keep drinking and let the kitchen cook two more dishes...

When Luo Yao heard this, his chest was filled with murderous intent. There was such a shameless father and son in the world. They knelt down to flatter the Japanese and were just considered traitors. But they actually plotted against their own compatriots. It was simply outrageous. There is no forgiveness for sin.

What do people like this still do?

Fan Jingyin, the dean of Shangzhi Middle School, Mr. Yang Fei asked me to come. Luo Yao knocked on the door of No. 17, lowered his head, lowered his voice, and imitated Fan Jingyin's voice.

Come in. The person who opened the door obviously got the order and made way for Luo Yao to walk in.

But just as the Japanese plainclothesman who opened the door was about to close the door, Luo Yao suddenly turned around and slashed the opponent's neck with a backhand knife.

He had heard clearly that there was a guard at the door, so he took action.

The people inside were still drinking and mingling, and they were all enjoying themselves.

In the kitchen, the two chefs were still busy. Apparently there were still dishes that had not been served. Luo Yao had an idea. Counting the five people who were eating and drinking inside, there were seven more people, not counting the one at the door who had been taken. fixed.

Want to get rid of everyone in one fell swoop.

The best way is to poison.

He is the disciple of Yu Jie, the master of the Poison Dao of the Army, so he naturally always has poisons on him. Whether it is to kill the enemy, he may also use it himself sometimes.

Putting on the clothes of the person at the door, Luo Yao went straight to the kitchen.

Is the food ready? The princes have urged it?

Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before? The chef came out with a plate of dishes. When he saw that Luo Yao's face was unfamiliar, he frowned and asked.

I just came here. Luo Yao chuckled, took the dish from the chef, turned around and left, Hurry up and make the next dish, I will bring it to you.

The chef was just stunned for a moment, without any doubt, turned around and entered the kitchen again.

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