The secret war is silent

Chapter 133 Adventure

The Japanese suppressed the news.

This was unexpected, but it was being cleaned up. These major family extermination cases occurred one after another, not only against traitors, but also against the Secret Service.

It was at a critical moment when the Japanese were pushing for the establishment of the so-called vigilante council that such a case broke out, causing panic.

It will also scare away those wavering Chinese people, and it will not achieve their goal of whitewashing peace, using China to control China, and establishing a puppet regime, so the gains outweigh the losses.

The Japanese did not announce the case on Changleli No. 17 to the outside world. Luo Yao also felt that it was a private job he had done secretly and did not report it to the Chongqing Bureau headquarters.

Anyway, he doesn't have much interest in receiving awards for meritorious service now.

As it was now, he didn't suffer any loss. He solved Yang Fei's trouble for Jiang Xiaoyu. Of course, it was also for his own sake. He also cheated Fan Jingyin, the dean of the teaching staff, who was in cahoots with Yang Zan and Yang Fei, the traitorous father and son.

With the capabilities of the Japanese, it probably wouldn't take long to find Fan Jingyin.

However, he still overestimated the Japanese.

Early the next morning, when he went to work, he actually saw Fan Jingyin. Since the Japanese didn't find him for a while, he shouldn't be too surprised.

Good morning, Director Fan. Luo Yao greeted.

Qin Ming, did you send me back yesterday? Fan Jingyin couldn't help but pull his face when he saw Luo Yao, and asked in a questioning tone.

Yes, you drank a lot at noon yesterday. I took you back. Did you forget that we were not riding in the same pedal rickshaw?

Did you send me to the address I told you? Fan Jingyin asked.

Yeah, is there a problem?

... Fan Jingyin was stunned for a moment. He was talking about No. 17, Changleli. That was not his home. It was the place where Yang Fei had ordered him to deceive people.

But when he woke up, he was obviously at his own home. Could it be that Yang Fei sent someone to send him back?

Yes, that's the only explanation.

He had never told anyone his home address at school, so how could Qin Ming know it?

It's okay, you can go to work. Fan Jingyin's eyes flickered, he waved his hand, gave an order, then shook his head and walked to his office.

Xiao Qin, I just saw Director Fan talking to you. He didn't give you any shoes, did he?

What kind of shoes are you wearing? Just say hello. Luo Yao smiled and responded to Teacher Xu's concern, Actually, Director Fan just has a weird temperament, and he is not a bad person.

In other words, Teacher Xiao Qin, you are not deeply involved in the world. It is better to stay away from such people. Of course, you cannot offend them. Teacher Xu kindly reminded.

thank you, I know now.

Fan Jingyin, who returned to his office, felt more and more something was wrong as he crossed the line. He picked up the phone on the table and put it down again. He repeated this process several times. Finally, he couldn't help it and picked up the phone again.

Dial a number.

Luo Yao had always paid close attention to Fan Jingyin. Even if he didn't see him with his own eyes, he could guess something about him by listening with his ears.

The call went through, but no one answered.

Fan Jingyin hesitated for a moment, hung up the phone, lit a cigarette first, and then started walking back and forth in the office, his breath seemed a little impetuous.


The bell rang for class, and Luo Yao couldn't continue listening. He had to go to class, so he could only interrupt temporarily, pick up the lesson plan and run towards the classroom.

The office of Jiro Tamon of the Secret Service.

A whole day had passed since the case occurred, and the investigation was progressing slowly. This made him extremely dissatisfied. He called Shigenori Takeshima, the director of the Special High School Section in charge of the case investigation, and gave him a severe scolding.

Minister, the clues left at the scene are very limited, and it is difficult for us to determine the identity of the suspect. Takeshima Shigeru asked himself that he was a counterintelligence expert based on experience, but since he came to Jiangcheng, he found that what he had learned in the past seemed to be inconsistent. It's no longer useful.

Not only did they run into obstacles at every turn, they didn't even know who their opponent was. If it hadn't been for the betrayal of the China military commander named Gu Mosheng, they still wouldn't know who their enemy was.

The face of the Imperial Japanese agent is simply embarrassing.

What are the ingredients of the poison?

The test results show that it is a mixed poison that cannot be matched with the poisons we know, and its origin cannot be determined. Takeshima Shigenori said with his head lowered.


Domen Erlang felt angry. Ever since Zhang took office, none of the major cases he had encountered had been solved. During this time, he became angry and his mouth was full of bubbles. He suddenly became so excited that he stood up from his seat. He got up and rushed over, giving Wu Dao two loud slaps!

Hai! Takeshima Shigenori's cheeks were burning. However, the Japanese military has always had great rules between superiors and subordinates. It is common for superiors to slap subordinates.

The Jiangcheng Vigilante Committee will be established tomorrow. If the murderer of the case cannot be determined, how do you want me to explain it to General Okamura? Domon Jiro said angrily.

My subordinates must do their best...

What I want is the murderer, not your guarantee! A fierce light flashed in Domon Jiro's eyes, and he wanted to eat Takeshima Shigenori.


Come in!

Minister, Captain Yoshino reported that someone called No. 17 in Changleri this morning. The military police we were guarding did not dare to answer the phone. Then, we investigated the source of the call. Adjutant Akagi came in and reported.

Oh, where are you calling from?

Private Shangzhi Middle School.

Check, who made this call? It may be related to the murder of Miyagi-kun and others. Domon Jiro ordered, not letting go of any clue now.


In the afternoon, when it was time to get off work, a group of Japanese soldiers drove directly into Shangchi Middle School in a car. A Japanese military police second lieutenant jumped out of the car.

Commanded the Japanese troops to blockade the front and back entrances of the school.

A moment later, the Japanese military police second lieutenant leading the team rushed into the high school office and asked directly: Who is Fan Jingyin?

All the teachers were very frightened. The timid female teacher was so frightened that her face turned pale and she was at a loss. She didn't know what happened. Why did the Japanese soldiers suddenly rush into the campus and wanted to find Fan Jingyin, the teaching director of the high school department.

Who is Fan Jingyin? The translator brought by the Japanese second lieutenant also shouted.

I, I am. Fan Jingyin stood up nervously. In this situation, he would definitely not be able to escape if he wanted to. What do you want to do with me, Taijun?

Are you Fan Jingyin? the Japanese military police second lieutenant said coldly, come with us.

Let's go, Taijun, I am a good citizen, I have a good citizen certificate... As he said that, Fan Jingyin hurriedly took out a good citizen certificate from his pocket and handed it over.

The Japanese second lieutenant didn't even look. He waved his hand. Two military policemen rushed up and twisted his arms back, then held him down as if escorting a prisoner.

Taijun, I made a mistake. I am a good citizen and I have not broken any laws...

The Japanese second lieutenant ignored his explanation at all. With a wave of his hand, he pushed the howling Fan Jingyin into the car, and then roared away without even saying hello.

Fan Jingyin, the teaching director of the high school department, was arrested!

The news spread like a tsunami throughout the entire Shangzhi Middle School. Teachers and students were all talking about it. What on earth did Fan Jingyin commit that led to him being caught by the Japanese?

Is he an anti-Japanese element?

As for his usual popularity, no one would believe anything he said. Chongqing elements, this is possible. People should not be judged by their appearance. All the agents of these two systems are not good people.

Fan Jingyin's image fits this characteristic very well.

Only Luo Yao knew the real reason why Fan Jingyin was arrested. The Japanese were still a little slow to react. It should be that Fan Jingyin threw himself into the trap.

The phone call in the morning exposed him.

It's really your own fault.

If it hadn't been for this phone number, it would have taken a while for the Japanese to find Fan Jingyin.

So many Japanese died at once. Unless Fan Jingyin had extraordinary abilities, his chance of surviving was almost zero. Moreover, the Japanese urgently needed to find someone to take the blame, even if it was a scapegoat.

In this case, the person who died was Miyagi Uhei, a veteran Japanese spy lurking in Jiangcheng. If there was no explanation, it would definitely not work.

Fan Jingyin was arrested, and the high school department of Shangzhi Middle School no longer had a teaching director. The school board held a meeting to discuss the matter and stopped recruiting external students.

Just choose one of the teachers in the high school department to be the teaching director.

The condition is that you have prestige and responsibility.

After many selections, in the end Teacher Xu, the eldest and kind-hearted teacher, was promoted to the position of teaching director. This is a story for later, let’s not mention it for now.

Even if Fan Jingyin is arrested, the matter is not over yet. Even if the Japanese push Fan Jingyin out as a scapegoat and punish him, they will still find out the truth secretly.

Luo Yao was the last person to come into contact with Fan Jingyin, and he had a hatred with Yang Fei. Of course, this grudge was forcibly imposed on him by Yang Fei.

Next, he must pass the Japanese review.

This was a huge adventure for him.

As long as this case is investigated by the Special High School Division of the Japanese Military Police, the risk of him being exposed is very low, but if Gu Mo Sheng from the Detective Division is investigated, that is a different matter.

If you don’t do something, the risk of exposure is naturally very low. As long as you do something, the risk of exposure will inevitably increase dozens of times. Is it just because you are afraid of being exposed that you don’t do things?

This is unrealistic.

Although he can't get in touch with Fan Jingyin, his selfish character will most likely bite him when the time comes, so he must be prepared.

It was just as he expected.

After Fan Jingyin was caught, he bit him before he could do anything.

But because he lived in the French Concession, the Japanese military police could not enter the French Concession to arrest him. They had to wait until dawn for Luo Yao to come out of the French Concession and go to work at Shangzhi Middle School.

The same Japanese second lieutenant from yesterday brought a class of Japanese military police over, took Luo Yao into the car, and arrested him into the Japanese military police stationed in Jiangcheng.

Luo Yao acted very scared. After getting in the car, he kept his head down and sat in the corner, not even daring to look at the Japanese military police second lieutenant.

He knew that the Japanese military police second lieutenant would always be secretly observing his reaction, and he had to show the panic and fear of an ordinary citizen after being arrested.

That's right to be cowardly.

First Fan Jingyin and then Luo Yao were taken away by the Japanese military police one day apart, causing a huge shock in Shangchi Middle School.

Speculations and rumors abounded.

I guess some people will scold this chapter after reading it, but this is actually Luo Yao's plan. Looking back, you will understand that it is not the author's deliberate attempt to make himself uncomfortable.

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