The secret war is silent

Chapter 165 Guess

"Captain, how about we tell the Japanese about this situation?"

"You're out of your mind. If you tell the Japanese, with Deputy Tang's temper, you and I will have to move our heads!" As soon as Monkey said these words, he was spat in the face by the tall guy across from him. .

This is a brother who has been through the trenches.

Don't they know Tang Xin's temper?

With such a huge loss in Jiangcheng District this time, the higher-ups were probably worried about finding someone to vent their anger on. Tang Xin was already a master of action.

He was very cruel to traitors and Japanese.

Not to mention that they rebelled from the military command. The family rules of the military commander are written there. Those who betray the organizers will be killed without mercy!

Du Ji also sweated violently on his back. A lot of the wine he drank was expelled from the sweat, and his mind became much clearer. It was understandable that he was forced to fall into the water. After all, under the torture, there was no A few people can bear it.

But if you take the initiative to betray your old superior, the nature is different.

It was sloppy just now.

If he had only seen this letter, he could have used any excuse to pass it by. Now all five people know about it, and one of them might go to the Japanese to inform.

Then everyone else is finished.

How could Du Ji not be cautious about this matter that was related to his wealth and life.

But will he go or not go to Deputy District Officer Tang's invitation?

"Stop arguing. I'll go see Chief Li tomorrow. We'll listen to Chief Li on this matter." Du Ji thought of a way. Isn't there a tall guy here?

"It's gone, it's gone..."

Du Ji was no longer in the mood to drink, so he kicked four of his men out.

Sunshine Cafe.

"Cousin, will this Du Ji keep the appointment?" Gong Hui asked.

"Du Ji has received favors from Tang Xin in the past. Logically speaking, he should go, but it's hard to say. People change." Luo Yao said, "It's also good to test your attitude."

"Well, who's going tomorrow?"

"Inform Song Yue and let him go." Luo Yao ordered. Tang Xin temporarily evacuated Xiakou to the countryside of Xiayang to regroup, and handed over some of the forces and personnel left in Xiakou city to Song Yue's leadership.

But he asked Song Yue to report to Luo Yao about his actions in the city. He didn't have to listen to him, but he must listen to Luo Yao's opinion.

It's not that he doesn't trust Song Yue, but that people like Song Yue must get support and guidance from the "River God" team if they want to survive in the city.

"What's going on with district accountant Cheng Shaochuan?" Luo Yao asked.

"He didn't suffer much. He was rescued by his uncle Zhang Ruobai, but his freedom was restricted. He is trying to find a way to get in touch with him through the Zhang family's servants," Gong Hui said.

"Cheng Shaochuan holds a large number of accounts in Jiangcheng District. This person must be won over." Luo Yao said, "This money cannot be used by the traitor Li Guokan."

"Are you afraid that he has already handed over this account?"

"How much can be saved, no matter how much, I don't believe he will not have any reservations." Luo Yao said.

Gu Mosheng had a good relationship with Li Guokan in the past. After Li Guokan was arrested, he also fell into the trap and became a traitor. The relationship between the two people naturally continued.

Although Gu Mosheng became the director of the Detective Division and got a lucrative job in "anti-smuggling", he finally made up for some of the previous losses of "Tang Ji".

Of course, it's far from what he lost.

Now, although he has a good relationship with Han Liangze and they almost wear the same pair of pants, he understands Han Liangze. This guy is also a master who "uses people to go forward and doesn't use people to go to the back".

Even though they have a good relationship now, the two of them even work together to do business and make money, but once you are of no use to him, this guy will abandon you without batting an eye.

This kind of person has a cold nature.

Gu Mo Sheng has been in the police station for many years. How could he not be able to tell who he can be friends with and who he can have a close friendship with?

People like Han Liangze can only share adversity, not wealth. However, he still needs to rely on Han Liangze's relationship with Duomen Erlang.

However, Han Liangze didn't have many people at his disposal (to deal with the anti-Japanese elements), so he was so "confident" to him.

And Li Guokan and Takeshima Shigetori of the Special High School were actually Lu Shi's classmates. Although Takeshima was much lower than Duomen, the Special High School was a serious spy agency, a department with real power.

With Li Guokan's connections, and his past position as head of the Jiangcheng District of Jiangtong District, it would be quite easy for him to get a good position with the Japanese.

And his relationship with Li Guokan was much closer than his relationship with Han Liangze.

Therefore, Gu Mosheng naturally wanted to hang out more with Li Guokan. No, in the evening, he invited Li Guokan to have dinner at "Tangji".

Gu Mosheng had invited him many times, but Li Guokan couldn't shirk it due to his past relationship, so he could only refuse for various reasons. This time, he really had no choice but to bite the bullet and come.

"Brother Li, I heard that the military commander has not yet issued an order to sanction you. Why are you so careful?" Gu Mosheng welcomed Li Guokan into the box.

"Isn't it safe for you here?"

"Brother Li, what you said is going to hurt my heart." Gu Mosheng's face was stern. The murder case of "Tang Ji" has been unsolved. Up to now, we only know that it was the work of the "River God" of the military commander stationed in Jiangcheng. But "River God" Wherever God is, there is someone, no one knows.

Gu Mosheng came to Li Guokan because he wanted to find out relevant information from him. He hated the "River God" team to the core.

The family fortune he had worked so hard to save was wiped out by the "River God" team, leaving him with nothing. Now he regrets it to death. Why did he put everything in "Tangji"? , if they were hidden separately, the loss would not be so great.

There is no regret medicine in this world. Now I can only find an opportunity to find out the "River God" team and take revenge.

Li Guokan also knew the reason why Gu Mosheng kept inviting him to dinner. Although he shied away because of safety considerations, in fact, more importantly, he didn't know much about the "River God" team.

And there is still a small grudge between the two sides.

He was worried that once the military command headquarters issued the "sanctions" order to the "Heshen" team, he would be in greater danger. Judging from the behavior of the "Heshen" team, it was just a matter of not doing it. As long as he did it, it would definitely happen. successful.

The "River God" team has rarely failed in its mission.

He thought twice before agreeing to Gu Mo Sheng's invitation to have a meal tonight.

"Brother Li, please stop laughing at me. We are in the same boat now. If you capsize, I won't be able to survive." Gu Mosheng ignored Li Guokan's sarcasm and kept his attitude very low.

Li Guokan nodded. What Gu Mosheng said was the truth. Although he has regained his freedom now, his situation is not very good. Although he gained his freedom without "asking for confession", he still fell into the water after all. This is a fact. He couldn't argue.

"Brother Li, please!"

"Brother Gu, please."

The two sat down, and Wei Laosan came in from the door, carrying hot rice wine. In this winter, it was naturally the most comfortable to eat mutton hot pot with soup and wine.

Gu Mosheng poured wine for Li Guokan himself.

"Brother Li, we used to be brothers in the trenches, and now we are on the same boat, so I won't hide it anymore." After two glasses of wine, Gu Mo Sheng put down his chopsticks, picked up the hot towel at hand and wiped his mouth. .

Li Guokan also put down his chopsticks.

"Brother Li, do you know the origin of this military command 'River God' group?" Gu Mosheng asked.

"This 'River God' team was personally selected and formed by Boss Dai. The personnel are also top secret within the military command. According to my judgment, it should be composed of people with rich operational experience in the military command. As for who they are, I don't know. "Yes." Li Guokan said, "However, when I was the mayor of Jiangcheng District in the past, my deputy district chief Tang Xin had contact with them, and he may know more about the situation."

"Tang Xin?"

"Yes, as you know, Tang Xin and I have many conflicts at work. He has never told me about the situation of the 'River God' team, so I don't know how they operate." Li Guokan shook his head helplessly.

"So that's it." Gu Mosheng said regretfully.

"Liu Jinbao from the Investigation Department, isn't he a member of the 'River God' team? Didn't you ask him?" Li Guokan asked.

"He is not a core member, but Gu Yuan, my former supervisor, may know more. The 'River God' team rescued him at all costs. This may be the reason."

"There must be many elites from the temporary training class in the 'River God' team. This is basically certain now. I have been teaching in the temporary training class for a period of time. There are three heroes, five tigers, and eighteen Arhats in the temporary training class. These people are all It’s not simple. Some of them graduated early and entered various units under the military command, but their whereabouts are not top secrets within the military command. No one except the bureau headquarters has the authority to know. This Liu Jinbao and the Gu Yuan you are talking about They are all ranked among the Eighteen Arhats!" Li Guokan chuckled. He had been a guerrilla instructor in the temporary training class for a period of time. Although the time was short, he had some understanding of the situation in the temporary training class. "So, is this 'River God' someone we are familiar with just like you, Brother Li?" Gu Mosheng asked cautiously.

"This person's acting style is cautious and sophisticated, but also very bold. There is indeed such a person among the people I know well, but I can't guess who he is." Li Guokan said.

"Brother Li, I'm thinking of someone. I wonder if I can ask him for advice?" Gu Mosheng said with a slight cup of his hand.


"Chen Gongshu."

"Him?" Li Guokan was slightly startled. He was surprised when Gu Mosheng proposed this person, because he had also guessed the identity of this "River God". Chen Gongshu was also among the suspected candidates, and he was very tall. .

After Chen Gongshu failed to assassinate Wang Kemin in Peking, he was transferred back to the bureau headquarters. I heard that he was idle. Chen Gongshu was very capable, and his personality was similar to that of the "River God" in all aspects. In terms of time, It can be taken over, but Chen Gongshu is an expert in operations and specializes in assassinations and assassinations. However, the "River God" obviously likes to play "hide and seek". If he didn't take action at the beginning, he would be extremely ruthless when he did. Not aimed at a specific target.

There are still differences between the two in their acting styles. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Chen Gongshu learned from the lessons of failed assassinations in the past and changed his style.

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