The secret war is silent

Chapter 311 Tracking

After walking forward for more than ten minutes, Cao Hui suddenly stepped on the brakes: Stationmaster, there is no road ahead.

No way?

Luo Yao and Gong Hui jumped out of the car and stepped forward to check. It was not that there was no road, but that the road had become narrow and cars could not pass. They could walk or walk.

Old Cao, can the car be turned around?

Our car is small, so it should be fine. Cao Hui looked at the nearby terrain and nodded.

Turn the car around. Luo Yao ordered.


They chased them all the way, as did Xia Fei, and Osborne and Xu Zhen also came all the way in a car. Now that they have no way to go, where is the car Osborne was in?

Is it possible to fly into the sky and escape from the earth?

Brother Yao, come and see, the tire marks on the ground are gone! Gong Hui held a flashlight and walked back along the way, and suddenly shouted to Luo Yao.

It seems that the opponent has been prepared for a long time and has laid a maze for us. Luo Yao's face was gloomy. The opponent's actions were definitely not impromptu, but were obviously carefully planned.

Stationmaster, it's too dark. If we continue to search like this, we will probably get lost. Cao Hui turned the car around, turned off the engine, and ran over.

Xia Fei is very smart, he should have noticed it, but we didn't meet them along the way. What does this mean? Luo Yao asked Du.

He found a clue and chased him?

Drive, let's go back. This kid will definitely leave us a clue. Luo Yao said firmly. Xia Fei is not very old, but he is a man who has been around in the market. Not to mention his worldliness, he can only track him with this skill. That is something that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime.

After staying with Luo Yao for more than half a year, he learned the tricks of military command again. This kid is already an expert in tracking and counter-tracking.

What's even more rare is that this kid no longer has the same gangster habits as in the past, but looks more and more like a real agent. Luo Yao's efforts on him are not in vain.

Drive slowly! Luo Yao sat in the car and closed his eyes. It was so dark and what he could see with his naked eyes was very limited, but his ears could hear more.

This is a mountainous area without hustle and bustle. The number and types of sounds are relatively few and easy to identify, of course, because of the mountains.

Luo Yao's hearing distance will still have a big impact. Coupled with the climate, environment, and wind passing through the mountains and forests, not to mention sound waves, even electromagnetic waves will be interfered with.

Slow down a little ahead, a little slower...

Cao Hui has lowered the gear of the jeep to the lowest speed. Driving on the mountain road is still driving at a low speed, which consumes a lot of gasoline.

For a while, he didn't know if he could drive back smoothly.

Stop! Luo Yaoli opened his eyes, patted Cao Hui on the shoulder and said, Turn off the engine and get out of the car.

The three of them got out of the car, each with two flashlights. Luo Yao walked in front, Gong Hui followed behind, and Cao Hui followed and followed Luo Yao in one direction.

There really is a road! Not long after we walked, we saw a winding mountain road branching off and extending downward. It was too dark and blocked by the forest, so the light of the flashlight could not shine at the end of the road.

Stationmaster, you, how did you find out about this? Cao Hui felt it was too scary. It was so dark, even with the car lights on, the visibility was only 20 to 30 meters.

They had walked at least forty to fifty meters just now. It was so far away that they couldn't see clearly. How did Luo Yao know that there was a road here.

I paid attention when I came here. Luo Yao explained lightly. In fact, he could tell that the sound of the wind passing through the forest sounded the same to ordinary people's ears, but his ears were far away. He is much more sensitive than ordinary people, and he can hear the subtle differences.

Since there is a road, it must be empty. Different from dense jungles, the vibrations caused by the wind shaking the branches and leaves will be different.

No one would believe it, because you need to know at least a little knowledge of physics to understand it, so why not find an excuse to explain it away.

Oh... Cao Hui suddenly said, and only Gong Hui frowned slightly. She knew that Luo Yao had extraordinary hearing. He had his eyes closed the whole way, how could he notice?

Isn’t this lying with open eyes?

However, she didn't intend to expose it. Anyway, in this kind of thing, lies are easier for people to believe than truth.

Xiao Hui, come and see. Not far away, Luo Yao's flashlight scanned a folded branch. It was obviously broken artificially. If it was broken while walking, it would not be so high, and the break point would not be so high. There will be a secondary force effect.

It was left by Xiao Fei. Gong Hui nodded.

There should be marks every ten meters or so in this direction. Pay attention to the direction in which it breaks. If you go in the wrong direction, you will be in trouble. Luo Yao reminded.

Although there is a mountain road here, the opponent may not always walk along the mountain road. Who knows whether they will get into the forest on the way?

But unless Osborne and Xu Zhen can walk on their own, they must be carried by someone. If they go into the mountains and forests, the road will be even more difficult.

It's all in the dark, and the mountain roads are rugged and difficult to walk, let alone the mountains and forests without roads, which are full of dangers.

Be careful, there are snakes here!

It's a short-tailed viper, highly venomous! Cao Hui also saw it. He was so frightened that he quickly backed away. He had seen it before. Someone was bitten and did not receive timely treatment. He soon died of the poison.

Tie up your trousers and wrap them in socks. This can prevent some insects and ants. Luo Yao ordered decisively. It was summer, the weather was hot and humid, and snakes are cold-blooded animals. In such sultry weather, it is not possible during the day. Taihui is willing to come out for activities, and only likes to come out to hunt at night when it cools down.

The three of them broke off a branch about one meter long and picked up some grass along the way. If a poisonous snake appeared, they would naturally be disturbed and swim away in advance.

Even if he is shocked and attacks violently, there is still a reaction distance, which is better than stepping on him.

There are many snakes in the mountain city, especially venomous snakes. They have seen at least seven or eight along the way.

Poisonous snakes include short-tailed vipers, five-step vipers (scientific name: sharp-nosed vipers), bamboo-leaf vipers, etc.

Do you smell anything?

What does it smell like? Luo Yao and Cao Hui both looked at Gong Hui in shock.

The smell has always been very light. If you weren't careful, you might have thought it was a smell unique to the mountains and forests. But I could smell it all the way along. It shouldn't be that kind of smell.

It's snake medicine, with realgar added. Gong Hui reminded, Luo Yao also smelled it, the smell was very light, it should be a medicine bag worn on the body.

These people also have to avoid snakes, insects, rats and ants when walking on mountain roads at night. It is normal to wear medicine bags made of snake medicine. Local mountain people will also wear them when going up the mountain to keep snakes and insects away from them. This is an extremely safe method. Convenient way.

The medicine bags worn by local mountain people have a stronger smell than this one, and you can smell it from a distance. Gong Hui said.

Deputy Station Manager Gong is right. The medicinal pouches used by mountain people do have a strong taste. That's because the medicinal materials used are cheap. The medicinal pouches worn by rich people have a much lighter taste, but they have the effect of repelling insects and snakes. It's longer lasting and has better effects. Cao Hui agreed.

The three of them searched carefully and moved forward.

The signs left by Xia Fei guide them.

Stationmaster, there is blood!

The blood hasn't solidified yet. Take a look. Are there signs of fighting nearby? Cao Hui's words immediately attracted Luo Yao and Gong Hui to come over.


The three of them searched separately. Not long after, Gong Hui said: Brother Yao, Lao Cao, come here.

Follow the sound.

Look, here, there are at least three people fighting here...

It seems that Xia Fei is fighting with the enemy.

Look again. Luo Yao frowned. This place was rarely visited during the day. If the enemy had a hiding place here, no matter who was injured, there should be traces left.


I don't have one here either...

After searching within a radius of thirty meters, no other traces of fighting were found, only this one. This is strange. Could it be possible to find an enemy?

Xia Fei took two people to follow Osborne in the car. Except for the one who was following the car on the road, Xia Fei should have two people, if the group from the hot spring hotel did not come to support him.

There are three people fighting at the scene, so according to the best situation, that is, there are two of our own side and one of the enemy's side. The probability of our side's victory is very high.

But if it's the other way around, the problem becomes serious.

Someone was injured, but it's hard to say which party it was from. Although Cao Hui is not outstanding in other aspects, he has his own unique insights in trace science.

If he had no ability at all, how could Dai Yunong let him be responsible for the security of Songlinpo Mansion?

Cao Hui followed the bloodstain and walked ten meters further. Suddenly he waved excitedly: Stationmaster, come and take a look.

Luo Yao and Gong Hui went there together.

There was a cave in front of Cao Hui. The cave looked quite deep. When the flashlight shone down, he saw a man lying at the bottom, face down and unable to see clearly.

They are not our people. Gong Hui took a look and said with certainty.

There should be a cave like this near here. Otherwise, how can we explain why this person appeared here? He was probably a secret whistler. Xia Fei and the others followed them and were discovered. During the fight, they killed each other directly and then threw them into this cave. . Luo Yao analyzed, This is the hint given to us by Xia Fei.

Cao Hui and Gong Hui were silent for a while. Their thinking was not as leaping as Luo Yao's. They could span such a large span and deduce so much information.

They all need time to think and digest it in their minds.

The person who died was not one of ours, but what about Xia Fei? Gong Hui said.

It should be nearby. Luo Yao said, I just observed some blood coagulation conditions. Compared with the temperature and humidity in the mountain, if the blood is that of the deceased in the cave, then his death time should not exceed half an hour.

That means Xia Fei is one step ahead of us? Cao Hui said in surprise.

As soon as Cao Hui finished speaking, Luo Yao suddenly reached out and covered his mouth. At the same time, he lowered his voice and ordered Gong Hui: Stop talking, turn off the flashlight, someone is coming.

Who? Gong Hui blinked.

Luo Yao shook his head and blinked twice, which told Gong Hui that there were two enemies.

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