The secret war is silent

Chapter 356 Direction

Is that Yang Si really that important?

Xiao Hui, let me tell you this. He is one of the few mathematicians who knows how to decipher secret codes today. Judging from the current development trend of secret code encryption, it will inevitably become more and more complex. How long can the past set of deciphering methods be used? , I can’t say for sure, but the subsequent encryption code deciphering must be completed by professional personnel, which is an inevitable result. Luo Yaodao.

Mathematicians can become cryptographers, but cryptographers must be proficient in mathematics, otherwise they will not be able to decipher the cryptographic codes.

No wonder you value this Yang Si so much. Gong Hui said, I thought you did it because he is your fellow countryman.

There is also a feeling of affection from fellow countrymen. Luo Yao chuckled, Where were you this morning? I asked people to look for you, but I didn't see you?

Oh, I accompanied Xiao Yu to meet people from her home.

If you are worried, just send someone to follow him, why don't you go there yourself? Luo Yao chuckled. In fact, he already knew it.

That's no good. Xiao Yu used to be your old lover, but now she is my secretary. People around you must be strictly controlled. Once something happens, it will be a big deal. Gong Hui said.

What an old lover, what you say is so unpleasant, we are just colleagues who have been together for more than two months. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

You think so, but that's not necessarily what others think. Gong Hui rolled her eyes at him, It was because of him that she almost exposed her identity, but she still doesn't know that it was you who killed Young Master Yang. of.

The matter is over, don't mention it in front of her again. Luo Yao reminded.

I know, do you think I'm stupid? Gong Hui said, If she knows the truth and the old relationship between you two rekindles, I will be in a big loss.

Stop talking about these useless things, I don't want to listen to what you say. Luo Yao stood up directly and said, It's late, I'm going back to sleep.

I'm just saying a few words to you, I'm still in a hurry...

As she said this, Gong Hui had a little fox smile in her eyes. She was still very confident about Luo Yao's character. You know, the little girls like Luo Yao who were recruited were gentle and beautiful, from Xiaojiabiyu, She is naturally charming, who wouldn’t want to pounce on her?

Has he ever looked at it?

The only one who felt threatened by her was Jiang Xiaoyu. After all, the two had worked together as teachers in the past and had a good relationship.

It would definitely not be possible for a man like Luo Yao who valued emotions to act recklessly. Gong Hui asked herself that she couldn't do that, and it wouldn't work if she was too jealous.

Which man likes a jealous woman?

It's not good to be too indulgent. You can only start with feelings. Also, if you can't turn your love rival into one of your own, then attack first.

It has to be said that Luo Yao has not yet found out the taste of Gong Hui's skills.

But Gong Hui's caution towards the people around him was greatly influenced by him. Is this like shooting himself in the foot?

Go to work early in the morning.

Webmaster, the Prime Minister's telegram arrived in Hong Kong safely, everything went well. Secretary Xiao Wu walked into the office, handed Luo Yao a telegram newspaper, and reported.

okay, I get it.

Prime Minister is the code name of Wen Zishan. Naturally, he cannot use his real name when he goes to Hong Kong. In terms of contact, it is easier to keep secret by using a code name. He said that he is a descendant of Prime Minister Wen, so he gave himself the code name of Prime Minister.

This time he is not a person. Luo Yao also sent Xia Fei. Xia Fei was born and raised in Hong Kong and is familiar with the environment and people there. He will be of great help to Wen Zishan, a person who has never been to Hong Kong.

Transferring funds is also a technical task, and it is not as simple as simply transferring money directly from one account to another.

Once the British Hong Kong authorities are alerted and they ask the bank to freeze it, you will never be able to withdraw the money. It is still unclear whether the British know about the existence of this money.

It is not ruled out that the British are also interested in the money, but they must first get George Kevin out of prison, otherwise they will not get the money.

Luo Yao wanted to go to the secret prison of Xiaohei Coal Mine again, so he called Mao Qiwu and told him about the situation. Mao Qiwu asked him to wait a moment.

You should go directly to Dai Yunong for instructions.

About ten minutes later, Mao Qiwu called and told him to go directly. He had already said hello to the secret prison and he could go see Viper at any time.

Luo Yao also wanted to call Shen Yu, but Shen Yu said he was not free and asked Luo Yao to go by himself. He did not insist and called Cao Hui, and the two of them drove in the jeep towards Gele Mountain.

When passing by Ciqikou Old Street, Luo Yao asked Cao Hui to buy some food and wine, cooked beef, roast chicken, etc., as well as two large jars of fine wine.

They can't carry any more.

When they came back, warden Liu Cheng and the guard company commander were even more enthusiastic, especially when they saw Luo Yao and Cao Hui bringing them food and wine.

They are disciplined and cannot go out casually. In fact, it is no different from being in prison, except that they have fewer handcuffs and shackles than the prisoners inside.

Old Liu, I'm here to interrogate Viper.

Understood, Chief Luo, just ask, as long as we don't kill anyone, we'll just pretend we don't know anything. Liu Cheng said with a chuckle.

You didn't abuse him after we left, right?

You two officers have given orders. How dare we abuse him? Knowing that he is an important prisoner, we have even changed the daily court appearance to once every three days. The food is better than other prisoners. It's good. Liu Cheng said with a smile. .

Well, bring him here. Come over today and ask him something. Luo Yao ordered.


Sir Luo. Viper Takahashi Toshio obviously recognized Luo Yao. He walked into the torture room and greeted him first.

Mr. Takahashi, I said we will meet again. Luo Yao nodded slightly, Please sit down.

Have you caught George Kevin?

Yes, he is already under our control. Luo Yao had no intention of hiding it. For a Japanese spy like Viper, there was no point in hiding it.

He will definitely not admit his identity, so the purpose of Commander Luo's visit today is to hope that I will confront George Kevin? Viper asked, sitting up slightly.

I'm afraid you have guessed wrong. He has confessed his identity and is willing to cooperate with us in eliminating the remaining Japanese spies lurking in the mountain city. Luo Yao chuckled, with no trace of emotion on his face. He could not let Viper Just follow the lead, otherwise, this trip will be in vain. Catching the spy is only an initial victory, but digging out the secrets you want to know from the spy is the real victory.

He's just a downline I found. He doesn't know much. He mostly collects money to do things. Viper chuckled and leaned back slightly on the chair, very confident. road.

At least he provided a lot of clues about the 'White Fox'. This 'White Fox' should be the person who took over your position after you were arrested, right? Luo Yao also smiled.

Sir Luo, I don't understand what you are talking about. I don't know any 'white fox'. Takahashi Toshio denied.

Takahashi, you know it's nothing to betray a George Kevin. He is originally a man who is greedy for money, and he is also an Englishman. You have no psychological burden to betray him. You are just taking advantage of each other. Am I right? ? Luo Yao continued.

Takahashi Toshio didn't say anything, just looked at Luo Yao.

The 'White Fox' is different. He is your boss and your successor. Once you confess him, you will become a traitor to the Japanese Empire. But in the same way, George Kevin has the same mentality as the 'White Fox' when he betrays you. Damn it, the 'White Fox' came to the mountain city two months ago, and his cover identity is an overseas Chinese who returned from Nanyang. Am I right? Luo Yao continued to talk to Takahashi Toshio.

Sir Luo, since you already know, why bother asking me again? As soon as Takahashi Toshio finished speaking, his expression changed, he couldn't help but clasp his hands, and made a mistake.

Luo Yao smiled when he saw Takahashi Toshio's regretful expression. He was not sure about his speculation, but from Takahashi Toshio's mouth, he got the conclusion that his judgment was correct.

Of course, his speculation was not a random guess, but came from the fact that Momojiro Iwasato infiltrated the mountain city as Han Xianglin. If the white fox wanted to sneak into the mountain city with a legal identity, would he use the same method.

This is entirely possible.

Overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia actively returned home to join the war, contributed money and people to the war, and brought with them their own natural protection. Such a group was the least likely to be suspected.

Such a group, even the chairman of the committee pays close attention to, and cannot be arbitrarily moved. This is politics.

Thank you, Mr. Takahashi, for providing us with the direction for our next investigation. Luo Yao smiled slightly, As for the arrest of George Kevin, that is, weasel, we will take the credit for you. This will at least give you hope of living.

No, no, you are too despicable, let me die, let me die... Takahashi Toshio roared and wanted to stand up from the chair. The chair and the chair were welded to the ground and became a whole with the ground. There was no way to break free.

We will count all your merits for you one by one. You will definitely be grateful to me when the time comes. Luo Yao stood up and waved his hand, asking someone to come in and take Takahashi Toshio out.

Stationmaster, this is what we asked when we came here? Cao Hui said, looking at Toshio Takahashi who was still struggling and yelling at them as he was dragged out.

This sentence is not enough, how many more questions do you want to ask? Luo Yao chuckled, To deal with this kind of Japanese spy, you have to have enough patience.

If you ask me, you can just serve him with torture. Aren't you afraid that he won't confess?

There is no sense of achievement in extorting a confession through torture. Luo Yao raised his head slightly and said at a 45-degree angle, Go back, it's time to meet George Kevin.

Are you still going to see me as a lawyer? Cao Hui asked doubtfully.

I guess this is the last time. When he meets with people from the British Embassy, ​​his identity will not be preserved. Luo Yao said with great regret.

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