The secret war is silent

Chapter 363 Lao Wu, you are cruel!

Xu Zhen is a woman with a story.

But it's hard to say whether there is something wrong with her. At least on the surface, everything she said makes sense and her behavior is normal.

However, as an agent's intuition, he felt that there was a secret in Xu Zhen, which might not be relevant to the current counter-intelligence and anti-espionage work.

However, his relationship with Osborne is what causes a headache.

She and Osborne have shared adversity, at least on a deeper level than the weak relationship between a prostitute and her client. If Xu Zhen also had this idea, it would be troublesome.

You should talk to Xu Zhen first, don't rush to make your attitude clear. Luo Yao ordered

I know what to do. When it's time to be a villain, I still have to do it. Gong Hui nodded. They still had to have an attitude of opposition. At least this was a test for Xu Zhen.

Well, thank you for your hard work. I was the one who was responsible for this villain. Luo Yao said.

It's the same thing when I show up to you. I'm a woman and can talk better. Gong Hui chuckled and didn't take this matter to heart.

It doesn't matter even if you are jealous.

Chen Gongshu would naturally not refuse Luo Yao's request, not to mention Jinghai's situation. Although he had brought a group of people, they were all novices and it would take some time to adapt before they could get on the right track.

At this time, he was eager to send him an experienced cryptographic communications expert, and it was easier for a woman to hide her identity.

Immediately requested to transfer Xu Jihong to Jinghai.

Luo Yao had already communicated with Mao Qiwu, so the telegram was naturally not suppressed and reported directly to Dai Yunong's desk.

Chen Gongshu would not transfer someone he was not familiar with to Jinghai for no reason. He immediately thought that this must have something to do with Luo Yao.

So a phone call called him to Dai Mansion No. 51 Zengjiayan.

Luo Yao also knew that cross-district transfers would definitely require Dai Yunong's consent. If he couldn't hide it, he naturally didn't hide it and told the truth.

Dai Yunong was of course angry after hearing this, but this kind of thing cannot be solved by issuing a ban. He should be punished, which will chill the hearts of the people below.

Human nature is complex, especially when a couple breaks up, resentment is more likely to arise.

There is no one who can replace Gu Yuan's position now. It is unrealistic to transfer him from Jiangcheng. The only option is to consider transferring Xu Jihong. It is the time for military commanders to recruit people, and secret communication experts like Xu Jihong cannot be abandoned.

Why not report it?

The student has no definite evidence, just hearsay, so I just thought about finding an opportunity to separate the two of them, without thinking too much. Luo Yao explained, Besides, the director himself decides on personnel arrangements. Students can’t hide it from you either.”

Dai Yunong's anger was half gone. What he said was true. All personnel transfers in the military command must go through him. It was impossible to fool him.

What's more, it's a transfer of a single person, or someone named by Jinghai District.

When Xu Jihong is transferred, who will take his place?

Luo Yao didn't speak.

I'll let you speak. You are most familiar with the situation in Jiangcheng. Recommend someone to come up. Dai Yunong snorted, a little unhappy.

Director, the students have been away from Jiangcheng for more than half a year, and the situation there has changed a lot. If the students are asked to comment, the students suggest that they directly select someone from Gu Yuan's group to take over Xu Jihong's position, or transfer a suitable candidate from outside. The ability is quite good in the temporary training class. Luo Yao said.

No specific recommendations?

Luo Yao shook his head.

When did you become so timid? Are you afraid that I will blame you for continuing to command the Jiangcheng Special Operations Group remotely? Dai Yunong suddenly laughed and scolded.

Students don't dare. Gu Yuan is different from 'Nail'. The task I gave him at the beginning was to develop freely. Under the premise of not exposing himself, he could collect and master all aspects of intelligence about the Japanese and puppets. I just equipped him with the corresponding equipment. Give him full autonomy in terms of personnel, equipment, and everything else. If the director insists on recommending someone, I suggest that it would be more appropriate to let Gu Yuan recommend someone. Luo Yao explained hurriedly.

Gu Yuan's team is a backup, so there are no special requirements. Of course, Gu Yuan did a very good job and provided a lot of valuable information, and received many awards from the bureau headquarters.

This guy's abilities are quite good.

Well, the transfer of military commanders has always been normal. In this way, first transfer Xu Jihong back to the mountain city, let her study for another month, and then go to Jinghai. What do you think? Dai Yunong said, As for who will come after she is transferred As a replacement, just as you said, let Gu Yuanti take the place temporarily and then confirm it.

Luo Yao understood Dai Yunong's intention.

The promotion of study at the bureau headquarters is to promote and reuse. Gu Yuan and Xu Jihong should not have thought that their relationship was known and deliberately separated them.

Even if they think about it, can they disobey?

The military rule is not just a decoration. Not only will their futures be ruined, but they will also be imprisoned.

If you directly adjust Jinghai, you will definitely be suspected. If you really disobey, you will be in trouble. Dai Yunong's approach is more prudent to avoid what may happen.

Director, there is no training class for her in Shancheng right now?

Wouldn't it be great to have her come back as the instructor of the mountain city special training class and teach her the latent experience in the Japanese war zone? Dai Yunong rolled his eyes at him.

I understand, the director is still far-sighted.

It would be a good thing for the two of them if this matter was discovered and dealt with early. I don't want these two to do anything wrong. They are also my students. Dai Yunong said.

Director Yingming, it's okay. The students will leave first. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Wait a minute, the Chairman said that during this period, the work of the secret interpretation room has been very effective. The deciphered diplomatic secret messages have made a great contribution to the party and the country. Let me give you a verbal praise! Dai Yunong stopped Luo Yaodao.

It is our duty to serve the leader.

Well, that's good. I will convey this to you. Dai Yunong nodded, Your current military rank is lieutenant colonel, right?


Let's raise it to another level.

Director, I have just been promoted not long ago. I'm afraid it won't be good if I mention it again, right? Luo Yao was startled. It had only been about two months since the merger of the secret interpretation room. In order to increase his deputy director's weight, he was promoted. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and now he was promoted to colonel. The promotion speed was too fast.

Your merits are enough to achieve this military rank. Furthermore, in this position, you have great responsibilities and pressures. Colonel is not given for free. Dai Yunong said with a smile. The promotion of the Military Command Bureau was entirely decided by him alone. After all, it's not easy for the Military Command to get involved. Of course, if you are promoted to major general, even to a job rank, you have to go through the Military Command. If the Military Command doesn't agree, there's really nothing you can do.

Director, can you announce it later? Luo Yao said.

Haha, yes. Dai Yunong chuckled, looked at Luo Yao, seemed to understand his inner thoughts, nodded, and agreed.

Miss Yu Shuheng and I have known each other since the past. When you come back from Diancheng, ask her to come to work at the bureau headquarters.

Luo Yao smiled: Yes.

He can't control this matter, let her handle it by herself. Anyway, this Yu Shuheng is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so it is useless if she insists on interfering.

When we returned to the small courtyard of Ci'en Temple, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Gong Hui is rarely in the room. Is she on duty today? No, if she was on duty, she would have told him in advance.

I went out at noon and came back in the evening. Of course, it was not just the matter of being summoned by Dai Yunong. As the person in charge of the Secret Interpretation Room, I spent half of my time outside every day. Just sitting in the office was not enough.

I'm really not used to this sudden absence.

Luo Yao decided to go to the station to have a look. If he was really on duty, he would be relieved.

The Secret Interpretation Room is busiest at night, especially after ten o'clock. During the day, the sunspot activity is intense, which affects the secret communication. At night, when people are quiet, it is the busiest time for communication.



Have you seen Deputy Station Chief Gong? Luo Yao walked around but found no Gong Hui. No one was seen in the office or duty room, nor was his secretary Jiang Xiaoyu.

I feel strange, where has this person gone?

Deputy station director Gong answered a call in the afternoon and drove out with Secretary Jiang. He was quite anxious when he left. It is impossible that no one at the large veterinary station has seen Gong Hui. Soon, Luo Yao I got a message from the last person who saw Gong Hui and Jiang Xiaoyu.

He was not at the station at that time and had gone out.

Telephone, what's the phone number? Luo Yao went to the switchboard room. All calls to the veterinary station must go through the switchboard. The encryption room is a confidential unit. Not just any call can come in. There is a manual transfer. There was also a red confidential hotline, which was only available in Luo Yao's office.

Hospital, which hospital?

It seems to be the Shancheng Red Cross General Hospital. The telephone operator recalled for a moment and said.

Get me to the Shancheng Red Cross General Hospital immediately. Luo Yao's heart skipped a beat. He thought of the bitter meat trick he mentioned to Lao Wu. Could it be that he actually implemented it.

Hey, is this the Shancheng Red Cross General Hospital? Has Miss Gong been to your hospital this afternoon? Luo Yao asked.

Miss Gong, it seems that she has been here to visit an injured patient.

What kind of patient is he? Can you describe him?

Excuse me, what's your surname and what do you do? The person on the other end of the phone actually questioned Luo Yao.

My surname is Qin. I am from the police station. I would like to know the situation. Luo Yao directly fabricated an identity and asked.

Oh, it turns out to be Police Officer Qin. The patient is about forty years old. His left leg bone was comminuted and fractured. He was hit by a frightened horse...

Hearing this description, Luo Yao's lips couldn't help but tremble. Did Old Wu really stop a horse in the street, or was it a deliberate design?

How can one go back after suffering a comminuted fracture?

Lao Wu, you are cruel enough!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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