The secret war is silent

Chapter 365 Xu Zhen’s Choice

Comrade Sea Urchin, what are you going to do next? Lao Zhou sat down and asked seriously. Although Lao Wu's injury was not intentional, it basically achieved what he wanted.

As the top line, Lao Zhou certainly needs to know his next plan.

Don't worry, Lao Zhou. It won't delay your work. It's just that you need to be silent for a while. Lao Wu explained that there was no need to explain too much to Lao Zhou about his work.

Lao Zhou has no authority to know the relevant situation, he is just a messenger.

That's okay. With such a serious injury, you need to rest for a while. Lao Zhou nodded. He knew organizational discipline. There must be something in it that he couldn't know.

You can pay attention to the call sign 0749. If there is an emergency, we will contact you through this call sign and the 'L-2' password. Old Wu thought for a moment and explained.

'L-2' code, how come I haven't heard of it?

It's just right that you haven't heard of it. Anyway, just report this to Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu knows. Old Wu said with a chuckle.

I understand, what else do you need?

I don't need anything here. You'd better leave quickly to avoid being discovered. Lao Wu reminded that although this is a hospital, there is nothing wrong with it.

Okay, you can recover well and contact me later. Lao Zhou took out his hat, put it on, walked to the door, listened to the movement outside for a while, then opened the door and walked out.

The pain is calculated, but the problem is, it really hurts.

How Old Wu survived this night, he himself didn't know. Anyway, when the doctors and nurses came to check the ward the next day, there was a human-shaped water mark on his body.

Webmaster, Japanese Ambassador to Moscow Togo gave Japanese Foreign Minister Arita a suggestion to negotiate a conditional armistice with Soviet Russia. Go to work early in the morning.

Chi An handed a newly deciphered message to his desk.

Luo Yao took one look and immediately signed his name: Code one copy each to the bureau headquarters and attendant's office.

The secret diplomatic messages currently translated by the secret interpretation room are all sent directly to the secret message section of the attendant's room. Of course, the bureau headquarters will also deliver them at the same time, usually a few minutes in advance.

The main headquarters of the Military Command is slightly closer, while the office of the Attendant's Office of Shangqing Temple is further away.

Webmaster, I made an appointment with Team Leader Yang to have dinner at my house on the night of the 30th of this month. Chi An whispered to Luo Yao.

Well, they will leave at the beginning of next month. The time you chose is just right. Luo Yao nodded.

Stationmaster, are you coming?

I won't go. If I go, how can you talk to him openly?

That's true.

Go back and find Gong Hui. Bring two bottles of good wine back to entertain the guests. How can we not have good wine? Luo Yao shouted something.

Isn't this good? I'm treating you to a treat. Can you, the stationmaster, still provide me with drinks?

When Yang Si saw this wine, he understood what was going on. Luo Yao laughed and explained.

Understood, I understand. Chi An immediately understood. If Chi An represented an individual, Yang Si would definitely be dubious about his words, but if he saw Chi An bringing out Luo Yao's wine to treat guests, it would mean that this meal Fan Luoyao not only knew it, but he probably ordered it.

So if An Ji is concerned, the credibility will be different.

Of course, whether Yang Si can understand this level depends on his understanding. Although scholar-type officials do not like these things in officialdom, their emotional intelligence is not low. As long as they think about it seriously, they can naturally figure it out. .

Xiao Hui, why didn't you see Secretary Jiang? Luo Yao knocked on the door and walked into Gong Hui's office. He saw no one in the office outside.

I took a day off and asked her to go to the hospital to take care of Jiang Fu's affairs. I also paid him the medical expenses and other things. I also hired a nurse. I found one from the family members of the military commander and took him with me. Gong Hui explained.

Oh, that's right. Luo Yao nodded, Have you ever talked to Xu Zhen? What's her attitude?

I wanted to find an opportunity to talk to her yesterday. Didn't I just delay this matter because of other things like this? I'm going to talk to her today and I'll report back to you later when I have the situation.

Well, as soon as possible.

Li Fu came over, and Gao Tiankui invited him and Zhou Xiaoying to his villa by the Jialin River. He had been to that villa once, but that time he was not a guest, and he was alone.

This time it was different, Gao Tiankui also invited Zhou Xiaoying.

Brother, this is a good opportunity to enter Gao Tiankui's villa for investigation. Zhou Xiaoying has also been trained. It will be no problem for her to cooperate with my actions. Li Fu requested.

The person they are paying attention to is you. On the contrary, Zhou Xiaoying will not be too nervous when she goes there for the first time, and it is easier for women to talk. Luo Yao shook his head.

Brother, do you want Zhou Xiaoying to carry out this investigation mission?

Well, she is the most suitable candidate. Li Fu said, Your identity must not be exposed. Once she is exposed, there is still room for redemption. Do you understand?

Yes, but in this case, will Zhou Xiaoying be in danger?

There is definitely danger, but it depends on her adaptability. I don't expect to find any evidence that Gao Tiankui is collaborating with the enemy. Luo Yaodao said.

Okay, I'll go back and tell her and see what she thinks. Li Fu nodded and asked guiltily. Brother, is Ze Rong okay during this time?

Don't worry, she's fine. Those gossips won't reach her ears. After the mission is completed, you have to compensate her well. Luo Yao said.

Li Fu said: Don't worry, brother, I can do it.

In the small farmyard where Osborne lived, Xu Zhen came here almost every other day, and then divided half of Mei's wife's work, cleaning the room and doing the laundry for him.

She acted like a hostess.

It was Osborne's study. She was not allowed to enter it when Osborne was not around. It was always locked when Osborne was not at home.

Although Osborne would not keep top-secret information at home, he would sometimes bring it back to do his work. Many books and information in his study were related to secret codes. Although Xu Zhen did not understand these, there were some things that still mattered. It’s better to nip problems in the bud.

Osborne is usually a slovenly person, even a little slovenly. If no one is around to take care of him, his life will be a mess.

The arrival of Xu Zhen has indeed changed his life. He no longer drinks alcohol, his work and rest are relatively regular, and he has basically not gone out to play recently.

Of course, over time, Xu Zhen alone could not restrain his restless heart.

Sister Mei was washing vegetables in the yard and preparing to cook. Xu Zhen was at home. Osborne usually came back for lunch at noon, so he had to prepare lunch.

Therefore, despite the fact that Xu Zhen had to take over the task of cleaning the house, in fact, Osborne's return for dinner still increased their workload.

Deputy Station Master Gong. The courtyard door opened and Gong Hui walked in. Sister Mei was startled, stood up quickly, wiped her hands on her apron, and came forward.

It's okay, Sister Mei, you are busy with your business, I'm here to find Miss Xu. Gong Hui waved her hand and told Sister Mei to continue doing her work, and she walked directly into the living room.

Hearing the voices outside, Xu Zhen, who was busy in the room, came out. When she saw Gong Hui walking into the living room, she was surprised at first, then showed a happy face and said hello: Miss Gong is here, sit down quickly, Sister Mei, let's take a seat. Tea!

I won't drink the tea. Sister Mei, go ahead and get busy. Gong Hui waved at Sister Mei who was about to come in and told her to continue busy with her work.

Miss Gong, what are you doing here today? Xu Zhen also sat down on the single sofa in the living room and asked cautiously.

Ms. Xu, you know that the place where Mr. Osborne works belongs to the confidential department. You are not one of our people, but because you have been through difficulties together in the past, we turned a blind eye to your relationship. It's not too harsh. Gong Hui said slowly.

I understand what Miss Gong means, but after this kidnapping, I understood my feelings for Osborne, so I really want to be with him. Xu Zhen said.

I believe you two have feelings for each other, but your age difference is too big, your nationalities are also different, and you are still young. It is impossible for him to stay in China for a long time. He will go back sooner or later. What should you do? Gong Hui said, Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

This... Xu Zhen hesitated.

Some things are not as simple as you think. You almost died in this kidnapping. Why do you have to get involved? You are still young. You can find someone to marry and live a life of husband and child. There’s no need to hurt yourself for a relationship with no future?”

Miss Gong, do you have a sweetheart?

Gong Hui's eyelids twitched slightly, she was actually turned over by this Xu Zhen.

Yes. Gong Hui said calmly.

If my guess is correct, Miss Gong's sweetheart is Commander Luo, right? Xu Zhen smiled slightly, If Miss Gong knew that there was no possibility for you and Commander Luo, would you still stay by his side?

Yes, unless he gets married one day and has another woman, I will disappear on my own initiative. Gong Hui replied calmly.

Xu Zhen exclaimed: Miss Gong, you are really a great woman.

Love is about giving, but when it's time to let go, you should let go. If you get entangled, it will lead to tragedy, which is not good for others or yourself.

Everyone knows the truth, but how many people can do it? Xu Zhen said with a smile, Most people only make decisions when things are about to happen. I am the same. I will wait until the day comes. I will be happy when I am happy. , What are you thinking about so much?”

You are a bit free and easy, but you should seriously consider what I say to avoid ending up with it. Gong Hui was slightly startled and said immediately.

I will definitely remember what Miss Gong said and think about it seriously. Xu Zhen nodded.

What happened when I came here today...

Don't worry, Miss Gong, I won't say a word to Osborne about what you just said. Xu Zhen smiled slightly, understanding what Gong Hui meant.

As long as you understand. Gong Hui nodded, stood up and said, I just stopped by to see you. If I have nothing else to do, I'll leave first.

Looking at Gong Hui's leaving figure, Xu Zhen's eyes flashed with a strange light.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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