The secret war is silent

Chapter 373 Report

Over and over, nearly a hundred telegrams sent and received by the Midnight Ghost were intercepted, and the secret key to deciphering was mastered, and these secret messages were to be deciphered.

It's really just a matter of time.

But as the messages were deciphered, some shocking secrets were revealed.

Osborne was also very surprised.

These secret messages showed that the Midnight Ghost was actually Wang's eyes and ears reserved in the mountain city. He contacted Wang's men in Jinghai through telegrams and provided relevant information.

This is no longer something Osborne can handle and must be reported to Luo Yao as soon as possible.

After these secret messages were deciphered, the amount of information exposed was quite large and even a bit shocking. Of course, Luo Yao did not expect it.

If he was a real spy, he should not have sent some key information directly by telegram. Once it was deciphered, everything would be exposed.

Maybe this guy was overconfident in the encryption method he set up, and actually mentioned many people and things directly in the secret message.


The dignified artillery consultant of the national government actually secretly became a spy for the Japanese and told the Japanese the parameters set by the national army's anti-aircraft guns.

As a result, the national army's anti-aircraft artillery repeatedly failed in air defense operations against Japanese aircraft. It turned out that the Japanese had long mastered the shooting parameters of the national anti-aircraft artillery.

In addition, Wang's message to Midnight Ghost asked him to use threats or bribes to infiltrate the mountain city and help the Japanese army collect relevant military intelligence.

Of course, the traitors and accomplices who were bought and bribed are all reflected in the secret messages.

Some of them were names familiar to Luo Yao, but they didn't expect to get on board this ghost's ship. In the mastheads of all the returned calls, the code name of this ghost who was accustomed to sending telegrams at midnight was actually: Colonel.

This made it natural for Luo Yao to meet a person with the nickname Colonel, Gao Tiankui, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 41st Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment, with the rank of colonel.

In the telegram, many names overlapped with the names on the list Li Fu gave him.

The code name of Colonel, the overlap in the lists, and the English novel The Earth in the bookcase of the villa's study room. One overlap can be said to be a coincidence, two or three, can it still be a coincidence?

Everyone involved in the deciphering work is not allowed to leave or talk to the outside world! The matter was so important that when Luo Yao learned that the deciphered message revealed today's inside story, he immediately ordered a tight seal on the news.

Site closed!

Later, Luo Yao further ordered that the station be closed and no one was allowed in or out.

Luo, I have to go back. Zhen is still at home waiting for me! Osborne protested.

Deputy station director Gong, immediately send someone to consultant Osborne's home to bring Miss Xu Zhen to the station. Luo Yao ignored it and gave Gong Hui an order directly.

Okay, I'll make arrangements right away. Gong Hui promised, Is the problem serious?

It's very serious. It will probably cause a bloody storm in the mountain city. Luo Yao nodded. According to the known list, there are dozens of military and political officials involved in the case, and many of them are still in very important positions. These people are actually They all secretly took refuge in Wang Ni.

this is too scary.

I know, I will stay in the station and not let a fly fly out from here. Gong Hui nodded. From the unprecedented seriousness on Luo Yao's face, she could feel the solemnity that a war was about to break out.

Luo Yao didn't tell Gong Huiduo that the more she knew, the less beneficial it would be. Anyway, she just knew to carry out her order to close the station.

The evening celebration is cancelled. We will notify you when it will be held again. Luo Yao gave another order, Cao Hui, pick two reliable people to follow me to the headquarters of No. 19 Bureau in Luojiawan.


Secretary Mao, I must see Director Dai today, otherwise, I will not leave. Luo Yao met Mao Qiwu and explained his purpose of asking to see Dai Yunong.

You Ning, it's not like you don't know that Boss Dai is not someone you can meet if you want to. Besides, Boss Dai is not at the bureau headquarters now. He is in a meeting with the chiefs of the Central Command and the Intelligence Department of the Military Commission. Mao Qiwu said, If you have something to do, just tell me directly.

Secretary Mao, I will naturally tell you when I see Director Dai.

You Ning, after all, I am still the director of the secret interpretation room. Is there anything you can't tell me? Mao Qiwu was a little unhappy.

Secretary Mao, this matter is of great importance. I won't tell you because I don't want you to get involved. Luo Yao explained hurriedly, I hope you can understand.

Mao Qiwu was stunned for a moment. Why was it so serious that he couldn't even talk about it?

If you want to know, you can listen on the sidelines when I tell Director Dai about it later. Luo Yao said.

Okay, let me ask when this intelligence meeting will end. Mao Qiwu nodded, The Germans suddenly launched a war to invade Poland, and the whole of Europe was thrown into chaos. For us, it also had a huge impact. , Boss Dai hasn’t been eating well or sleeping well these past two days.”

Thank you, Secretary Mao.

The meeting will end in half an hour. Boss Dai asked you to go to Shulu and wait for him. Mao Qiwu called and gave a clear time.

Luo Yao went to Shulu.

After waiting in the reception room of Shulu for nearly forty-five minutes, I heard the sound of car horns outside, and Dai Yunong's bulletproof car was parked outside.

He was wearing a gray tunic suit, and in his left coat pocket was a black pen. It was said that it was a gold pen given to him by Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek.

He always carried it with him and never left it except when sleeping.

Dai Yunong came in from the outside, and you could see that there seemed to be a hint of deep fatigue hidden between his thick eyebrows. The Germans suddenly started a war in Europe, which caught the whole world off guard.

Luo Yao stood up, stood at attention, and saluted!

You Ning, here you go, come to my study upstairs to talk. Dai Yunong walked straight up the stairs without stopping. Luo Yao agreed and followed closely behind.

Study room upstairs.

The servant brought two glasses of boiled water in. Dai Yunong did not drink tea, so both guests and subordinates received boiled water.

Qi Wu said that you had something important to see me and you still called me where I was having a meeting? Dai Yunong sat down and stretched out his hand to rub his eyebrows.

Yes, the student does have something very important to report to you. Luo Yao replied respectfully.

What's going on? Tell me.

Consultant Osborne deciphered the secret code of the 'Midnight Ghost', and we deciphered all the secret messages between him and Jinghai. The content we found was shocking! Luo Yao said.

What content?

We discovered an underground intelligence organization reserved by Wang Ni in the mountain city. The leader of the organization is a person code-named 'Colonel'. In this organization, we have dozens of local military and political officials in the mountain city, as well as, The German Colonel Weiner, the national artillery consultant, was also secretly bribed to provide him with intelligence. He provided the settings for the firing parameters of the anti-aircraft guns of our air defense force to the Japanese army, which resulted in the complete inability of our army to achieve actual combat effectiveness in air defense. Luo Yao said.

After hearing this, Dai Yunong's face was uncertain, and his eyes revealed bursts of murderous intent. It was obvious that the situation reported by Luo Yao completely angered her.

Niang Xipi, who is this 'colonel'?

According to current intelligence, this colonel is probably Gao Tiankui, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 41st Air Defense Regiment. Luo Yaodao.

Arrest, arrest them immediately! Dai Yunong said angrily.

Yes, Director. Luo Yao responded, But Director, this Gao Tiankui is very cautious. Although he is an officer of the national army, he maintains an elite team of bodyguards with well-equipped equipment. They are all desperadoes. If he is directly captured by force, , I am afraid it will bring huge casualties, and once his comrades get the news, they will alert the snake. At that time, it will be difficult to take down these traitors who have betrayed the party and the country in one fell swoop.

Do you have any good suggestions?

The student feels that since Gao Tiankui is the leader of these people, it is natural to capture the thief first and capture the king first. But how to capture the thief? Attacking by force is not an option, and outsmarting him is the best strategy. Luo Yaodao.

Do you have any ideas?

There is a plan, but I don't know if he will take the bait. Luo Yao nodded.

tell me the story.

Wang used to secretly keep a lover in the mountain city, named Xu Zhen, who is the woman who is now with Consultant Osborne. The student knows that they were acquainted in the past, so with the joy of Xu Zhen's move, A banquet is held at the German Mansion and Gao Tiankui is invited to attend. As soon as he appears, our action team ambushing in the German Mansion can secretly capture him in one fell swoop! Luo Yaodao.

Is this possible? The Germanic Building is not a military territory. What if the news leaks out?

It is precisely because the German Mansion is not the territory of the military that he can go there with confidence. But the current owner of the German Mansion is also your student, Li Fu, director, do you remember?

Why don't you remember this? You arranged for him to sneak into the Air Defense Command to investigate the traitor. How did he become the owner of the German Building?

Li Fu is now regarded as Gao Tiankui's man. This time he was able to confirm Gao Tiankui's identity thanks to the list he provided. After comparing it with some of the personnel lists in the message we deciphered, we were able to confirm that this 'colonel' is Gao Tiankui. Luo Yao explained.

In that case, You Ning, you will be in charge of this arrest operation. Dai Yunong nodded, If you need cooperation, go directly to Mao Qiwu.

Yes, director, before the arrest operation is completed, I have sealed the veterinary station. No one is allowed in or out. All food and accommodation are in the station to ensure that the news will not be leaked! Luo Yao said solemnly.

Very good, how many people know about that list? Dai Yunong asked with appreciation.

Apart from me and Osborne, no third person has seen the complete list. Luo Yao said hurriedly.

Well, don't mention this list to anyone again.

Yes, Director.

This list could be used for many articles. As for what kind of articles, this was not something Luo Yao asked without authorization. This was also the reason why he did not tell Mao Qiwu.

Dai Yunong will definitely use this list to make a fuss, but he doesn't know whether he will tell Mao Qiwu. However, there will definitely be many people on this list who will suffer disaster, and even their heads will fall. That's for sure.

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