The secret war is silent

Chapter 375 Osborne is right

Osborne is right, you are really a little man who will retaliate for his anger! Gong Hui couldn't help but curse when Luo Yao handed over the form that Xu Zhen filled out to join the military.

Luo Yao smiled: Deputy Station Master Gong, you are thinking too narrowly for me.

Gong Hui rolled her eyes: Did you do it on purpose?

What do you think? Luo Yao asked, If Xu Zhen is really the one who hides the deepest, then why don't we accompany her to continue this drama?

You doubt...

I'm not sure. Anyway, the timing of her return after she went to Hong Kong was a coincidence. Luo Yao nodded, Sometimes coincidences are man-made. You and I have both been strictly trained to create coincidences. That’s what we’re good at.”

Then why did she take out the book The Earth? Could it be that she already knew that we had targeted Gao Tiankui, and Osborne shouldn't know about Li Fu? Gong Hui asked in confusion.

Do you think things are getting more and more interesting? Luo Yao chuckled.

Anyway, you can do the brain-bending stuff, I'm too lazy to think about it so much. Gong Hui rolled her eyes at Luo Yao. Such brain-bending matters are indeed not suitable for women.

Where's the person I asked you to pick?

Meng Xiaohai, Zhou Zhihao, Li Wenbo and Liu Yang, what do you think? Gong Hui said.

Yeah, okay.

Luo Yao knew that these four people all came out of the Ci'en Temple training class, and their fighting skills were ranked at the forefront. This was a secret arrest operation, so naturally they needed people with high fighting skills.

The four people chosen by Gong Hui are naturally extremely suitable.

A private room was arranged for Osborne and Xu Zhen to rest.

My dear, what did Luo Yao tell you? Osborne asked nervously. He was worried that Luo Yao would threaten Xu Zhen and make Xu Zhen leave him voluntarily.

Xu Zhen smiled slightly: I didn't say anything.

Didn't I ask you to help me?

That's what I said, and I agreed. Xu Zhen said.

You agreed?

If I don't agree, won't it make it difficult for you? Besides, for me, this matter is actually a piece of cake. Xu Zhen said.

I was worried that you would object. Miss Gong also talked to me just now and hoped that I could cooperate with this action. Osborne said.

I don't know what Chief Luo wants to do. Even though he saved my life, I couldn't refuse him when he asked me for help. Xu Zhen said, If you receive a drop of kindness from someone, you should repay it with a spring of water. What's more, It’s a life-saving grace.”

Zhen, you are so kind. Osborne was deeply moved.

Lao Qi, inform 'Swordfish' that I am going to kill him.


Yes, let's go up and see you at the same place.

Okay, webmaster. Qi Zhibin hurriedly agreed. Saury is Li Fu's code name, and only a few people in the Secret Translation Room know it.

The night operation definitely required Li Fu's cooperation. Otherwise, how could the arresting team members enter the German Building quietly.

It would be troublesome if there were Gao Tiankui's spies inside the German Mansion. Therefore, the arresting team members must be safely arranged through Li Fu.

Shapingba Street, Great World Cinema.

When Li Fu received a call from Qi Zhibin, he found an excuse, changed into casual clothes, came out of the Air Defense Command, and got into a rickshaw.

Head straight to Shapingba.

Brother, why are you meeting so suddenly? Li Fu did not get off the bus at the entrance of the Grand Family Theater, but got off a ways away. After making sure that no one was following him, he bought a ticket and entered the theater and went up to the second floor.

It's urgent, don't you have a tail?

No, I've been observing carefully all the way here. Li Fu nodded.

Tonight, secretly arrest Gao Tiankui at the German Mansion! Luo Yao said.

What? Li Fu was shocked when he heard this. If there weren't people around him, he would have shouted out.

There is already conclusive evidence to suspect that Gao Tiankui is the 'Midnight Ghost' we are looking for. Therefore, decisive measures must be taken to arrest him secretly. Luo Yao explained, You and Zhou Xiaoying are also responsible for this.

My credit?

The photos you and Zhou Xiaoying took at Gao Tiankui's villa prove our identification of his identity. Tonight we set up a bureau in the German Mansion to secretly arrest Gao Tiankui, and we need your cooperation. Luo Yaodao.

Gao Tiankui always travels with bodyguards and is very cautious. If he is not careful, he can easily cause casualties. Li Fu nodded.

I need you to help me arrange for some people to enter the German Building in advance, but you can't alert the people in the building. We don't know if there are Gao Tiankui's spies in the German Building, so our actions must be kept confidential. Luo Yao explained.

Several people?

Four or five people.

Although Gao Tiankui has a broken arm, he is very capable in fighting. I heard Jiang Yuan say that he can face three or five people with one hand without losing. Li Fu said.

Don't worry, Sixth Brother and Gong Hui will take action if necessary tonight. Luo Yao nodded.

I can use the excuse of finding someone to fix the leak in the bathroom on the top floor, and arrange for our people to enter, so that no one will suspect it.

That's a good excuse. Luo Yao nodded, It's just big brother, since you want to secretly arrest Gao Tiankui, why don't you let me set up the trap? Isn't my identity easier than that Xu Zhen?

You set up a trap, in what name?

Zhou Xiaoying and I were able to move into the German Mansion. Isn't it the fault of Gao Tiankui? I invited him to the German Mansion as a thank you. Isn't this a logical reason? Li Fu said.

You can use this reason to invite him to dinner at any time. If he says he is not available today, what about another day? Luo Yao asked in return.


Luo Yao sealed the veterinary station in order to prevent the news from spreading. The blocking station could not be too long, and he could not give Li Fu time to arrange it.

And Xu Zhen is the best choice.

Okay, go back and get ready. Xu Zhen should have sent the invitation to Gao Tiankui's villa. If you don't come tonight, you have to have a backup plan.

Okay. Li Fu agreed and left in a hurry.

The next thing happened between him and Gong Hui, who directly entered the German Building as Zhou Xiaoying's good friend in the past.

Luo Yao went to the general affairs office of the bureau headquarters to find Shen Yu again. The actions at night were obviously not something that the Secret Interpretation Room and his family could afford. Luo Yao also needed peripheral protection.

Once there is an accident in the arrest and a fierce battle breaks out, the crowd will inevitably need to be evacuated and reinforcements will be needed.

At this time, the cooperation of the police detective brigade is needed.

Shen Yu had been waiting for him in the General Affairs Office. He received a call from Dai Yunong early in the morning, asking him to cooperate with Luo Yao's secret arrest operation.

After Luo Yao arrived, he discussed in detail the secret arrest plan with Shen Yu. Of course, this was a backup plan. The first plan was the second plan that would be executed after Gao Tiankui entered the German Mansion and the arrest failed. Arrest plan, secret arrest turned into open arrest.

At the same time, the bureau's special agent team will also implement control measures on the people on the list in the Midnight Ghost message as soon as possible.

Of course, if the secret arrest of Gao Tiankui is successful, the personnel control on the list will be suspended, because the personnel on the list are probably not all of Gao Tiankui's traitor intelligence organization. If a comprehensive arrest is carried out, there will inevitably be people who slip through the net. fish.

Therefore, if Gao Tiankui can be captured secretly and the complete list is obtained, that would be the best result.

Many departments participated in this operation. In addition to the Secret Interpretation Room and the Detective Brigade, there were also the Inspection Division of the Yamashiro Garrison Headquarters, the Special Service Corps and the Gendarmerie Headquarters.

This operation was huge. Dai Yunong went to Huangshan's official residence in person to meet with the president. The president personally wrote a warrant, ordering the Military Command Bureau to take full responsibility for investigating the case.

Dai Yunong personally served as the commander-in-chief.

Luo Yao also got a temporary official position as the leader of the investigation team that captured the Midnight Ghost. Shen Yu was the deputy leader and Gong Hui was the captain of the action team.

In the afternoon, Luo Yao and Shen Yu were carried over by Dai Yunong for a meeting.

Tao Yishan, Director of the Inspection Division of the Shancheng Garrison Headquarters, Wang Zhaokui, Commander-in-Chief of the Special Forces of the Military Command Bureau, Zhang Zhen, Commander of the Shancheng Gendarmerie, Tang Yi, Director of the Shancheng Police Department, and Station Commander of the Shancheng Military Command Station...

These people are all seniors, and only Shen Yu and Luo Yao, two juniors, have participated in such a high-confidential meeting for the first time.

At the meeting, Dai Yunong asked Luo Yao to roughly explain the process of deciphering the Midnight Ghost secret message, and then came up with a list and assigned their respective tasks.

Of course, the list has obviously shrunk a bit. Luo Yao knew it well and did not say anything. Anyway, he only needed to complete his part of the task.

He didn't want to get involved in the rest.

The contribution he has made is great enough. Even if Dai Yunong now announces his promotion to the military rank, it is estimated that no one in the Military Command Bureau will object.

Bureau chief, Station Commander Luo is so capable, why don't we let him concurrently serve as the deputy director of our inspection department? Tao Yishan suddenly made a suggestion.


Not only was Luo Yao dumbfounded, but even Dai Yunong was in a daze. Tao Yishan and Luo Yao had a grudge when they were in the special training class. Why was he suddenly so kind and suggested that Luo Yao come to the Inspection Office to be his deputy?

You Ning, what do you think? Dai Yunong pondered slightly. It is obviously not good to refuse in person, but it is obviously inappropriate to agree.

This was obviously for Luo Yao to decline on his own initiative.

Of course Luo Yao understands that although he has some merits and status in the military system, he is still far behind Tao Yishan and other senior qualifications, and it is not yet time to directly compete with them. At the same time, he also knows that Dai Yunong does not want him to hold the same position. Multiple jobs, the part-time status given to him is just for him to do things easily sometimes, but not for him to hold real power.

Thank you, Director Tao, for your recommendation. I think that my qualifications and experience are still very young. Being in charge of a secret translation room is already a very conscientious and thoughtful job. If I were to hold an important position in the Inspection Office concurrently, I'm afraid it would be difficult to take care of both, and it would delay important events for the party and the country. There is no atonement for death.”

You Ning is still young. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. There is no need to rush. ​​Dai Yunong nodded slightly, taking this matter over.

After the meeting.

Tao Yishan wants to flatter you and kill you. Shen Yu and Luo Yao walked together and said in a low voice.

I know, that's why I didn't cause trouble with him. Luo Yao is not a fool. Tao Yishan has an old grudge with him. Would he be so kind as to recommend him?

You can tell with your toes that this guy has no good intentions.

You have to be careful. You have made great achievements this time. I'm afraid these people will target you and wait to see you make a mistake. Shen Yu said.

Yes. Luo Yao nodded. Anyone who does something will make mistakes. People who don't make mistakes should be careful.

Luo Yao will definitely make a mistake. If he doesn't make a mistake, he will not be at ease because of Dai Yunong's suspicious character.

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