The secret war is silent

Chapter 377 One-armed

There was a knock on the door.

Today, Gao Tiankui wore a blue-gray suit with a bow tie. Although he had a broken arm, he looked very tough and handsome as he was tall and handsome.

Dorothy wore a pale pink dress, paired with a unique silver brooch, and her wavy blond hair, full of European aristocratic style.

She was naturally very happy to attend her good friend's housewarming party, with a charming smile on her lips.

Hearing the knock on the door, Luo Yao and Shen Yu both stopped subconsciously.

As the host, Xu Zhen naturally wanted to open the door.

Xu Zhen didn't know who was coming outside, so she turned around and greeted the guests in the room: You guys sit down for a while, and I'll open the door.

My dear, I'll do it. Osborn noticed something strange, stretched out his hand to stop Xu Zhen, and walked to the door first.

Osborne stepped forward.

He stretched out his hand to unscrew the door lock, pushed the door open from the inside, and saw Gao Tiankui and Dorothy standing at the door. A slightly unnatural smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Mr. Gao and Miss Dorothy are here, please come in.

Mr. Osborne, long time no see. Gao Tiankui didn't notice anything was wrong. He greeted with a smile and walked in arm-in-arm with Dorothy.

Luo Yao and Shen Yu looked at each other and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

Just when Gao Tiankui and Dorothy walked into the living room and were about to leave, Luo Yao and Shen Yu suddenly dropped their food boxes, turned around at the same time, and pounced on Gao Tiankui's back.

Gao Tiankui probably didn't expect that he would be ambushed here. He was completely unprepared and was thrown to the ground all of a sudden. He also reacted quickly. He was about to take out the gun from his waist with one hand, but before his hand touched it When he reached the pistol, he pressed it hard with an iron hand.

This guy had a broken arm and couldn't handcuff his hands. Therefore, he had already made preparations for the arrest and tied one of his hands and one of his feet together.

What are you doing? Do you know who I am? Gao Tiankui was shocked and angry. He was not a fool. Tonight's banquet was clearly a trap.

A trap set against him.

Li Fu, Osborne and Xu Zhen were all involved...

Luo Yao didn't let him talk nonsense. He held him down, reached down and removed his chin. He reached in and checked to see if there was a poison sac in his mouth. After confirming whether there was any, he picked up a rag from the table and stuffed it. Go in.

Regardless of the fact that Gao Tiankui could no longer close his jaw at this time, he was unable to speak or have any other abilities.

too fast.

From the time Gao Tiankui was thrown to the ground to when he was captured, it only took a few dozen seconds.

This incident left several women who didn't know the situation dumbfounded and their faces turned pale. Especially Dorothy, who almost fell to the ground due to Luo Yao's pounce. She was helped by Li Fu and Zhou Xiaoying who were already prepared. Get up and take control.

Outside the door, Jiang Yuan was carrying a gift bought by Gao Tiankui to congratulate Xu Zhen on her move-in. Just as he was about to enter, Osborne suddenly reached out and held the door, blocking him directly from the door.

Gong Hui, who had already been ambushing next door, and other members of the arrest team rushed out and quickly captured the confused Jiang Yuan.

Tonight's housewarming banquet, you continue to eat, but what happened just now, I think you are all upset, don't say a word to the outside world! Luo Yao went to the bathroom to wash his hands, walked out, and told everyone in the living room humane.

Osborne, Xu Zhen, Li Fu and Zhou Xiaoying all know the inside story, and of course they will not talk nonsense. Even the two sisters Xu Zhen invited tonight are kept in the dark about all this.

Of course, it's good if they don't know, but it may not be a good thing if they know.

By catching Gao Tiankui, half of the mission is accomplished.

Find a room and let me talk to Miss Dorothy? Luo Yao ordered Li Fu. Li Fu was one of his own. This was obviously no secret.

Brother, can I go to the study upstairs?


You Ning, where will Gao Tiankui be detained? Shen Yu asked. It is obvious that prisoners like Gao Tiankui cannot be detained in the police station detention center.

The director means that he should be detained in Wanglongmen Detention Center first. Luo Yao said, Surprise interrogation.

Okay, I understand. Shen Yu nodded.

Ten minutes later, Luo Yao and Gong Hui escorted Dorothy out of Li Fu's study upstairs. Gao Tiankui's bodyguard outside was also dealt with by Shen Xifeng and the detective brigade.

The three bodyguards and two drivers were all desperadoes with strong fighting ability. However, the detective brigade led by Shen Xifeng was not a vegetarian. They calculated mentally but not intentionally. After a struggle, they finally captured all five people alive.

Inevitably, some people were injured, but fortunately they were all flesh wounds, especially since no guns were used, the secret arrest operation was quite perfect.

Sixth brother, Gong Hui, Li Fu and I will go to Gao Tiankui's villa. I'll leave it to you to escort Gao Tiankui to Wanglongmen Detention Center. Luo Yao said solemnly.

Okay, I understand, you should be careful. Shen Yu nodded, Contact Deng Yi wherever you can. I have increased the firepower for this boy. I have given him all the weapons you gave me last time.

Well, I understand.

Although Gao Tiankui was captured alive, it was not easy to enter his villa on Chengdu Road. The villa was a small battle fortress, and it contained at least the desperadoes raised by Gao Tiankui, and they were all armed. stand up.

If we can outmaneuver and subdue these desperadoes and reduce unnecessary casualties, it will naturally be the best strategy.

Therefore, Luo Yao spent ten minutes to convince Dorothy to let her take them into the villa and work together inside and outside to capture these desperadoes.

Dorothy is Gao Tiankui's woman and the mistress of this villa. Even without Gao Tiankui, she can come and go freely.

Therefore, it was not difficult for Luo Yao and his party to enter the villa.

Madam, why didn't Sir come back with you? The housekeeper came up and asked, Gao Tiankui and Dorothy went to the banquet together, why was Dorothy the only one who came back?

Sir, he went to the casino. Dorothy explained casually.

But the housekeeper didn't completely believe it because he found that the person in the car was wrong. He knew everyone in the villa, and he was Gao Tiankui's confidant.

Just when he realized something was wrong, Gong Hui had already gotten out of the car and grabbed the butler's throat. The housekeeper was suddenly like a drowning fish,

Don't kill him. He is Takada Kui's confidant. He knows more than me. Seeing this, Dorothy quickly stopped.

Gong Hui glanced at Luo Yao and found that Luo Yao nodded to her, so she released her hand on her throat. The housekeeper coughed violently and her face turned red: Dorothy, you bitch, how dare you Mr. Betrayal?

A trace of panic flashed in Dorothy's eyes. Gao Tiankui was not a kind person. His past terror reminded her of those unforgettable things.

Stop talking nonsense and ask everyone in the villa to come out and surrender. Otherwise, you will all die without a burial place! Li Fu walked over and put the pistol directly on his forehead.

Mr. Li, you also betrayed Mr. Gao? The housekeeper saw Li Fu clearly, with a look of horror on his face.

I'm not from the same group as him. Li Fu sneered.

I understand, Mr. Gao has always been uneasy about you. It turns out there is something wrong with you. The housekeeper smiled sadly, You are a treacherous villain.

Bah, Gao Tiankui betrayed his country for glory and was willing to be the lackey of the Japanese invaders. He is worthy of talking about the word 'righteousness' with me, Li Fu. My righteousness is the righteousness of the country and the nation. His righteousness is the righteousness of a villain! Li Fu He spat.

Well said. Luo Yao praised, Let's work, I think our harvest tonight should not be small.

The housekeeper looked upright and solemn, but under the threat of death, he cooperated with Li Fu and called everyone in the villa out.

Disarm and surrender!

Deng Yi led people in from the outside, collected weapons, and took over control of the villa.

Sir, this is Gao Tiankui's study. Usually, he is the only one who can come in. Dorothy led Luo Yao and others into Gao Tiankui's study.

It is exactly the same as in the photos Li Fu secretly took. Even the furnishings on the desk have not changed at all. The surface of the desk is spotless and it seems that someone cleans it every day.

The person cleaning was definitely not Dorothy, but the confidant housekeeper.

Luo Yao saw the copy of The Good Earth by Pearl Buck on the bookshelf. Although it was not in the most eye-catching position, it should be the most convenient location for daily access.

I took it off and flipped to about page 17, and found that there was something different on it. If a book is read frequently, it will definitely be worn. In such a book, other pages are basically smooth and new. Just these three pages look like it. Traces that are often looked over, doesn't that mean anything?

When the housekeeper saw Luo Yao taking out The Earth and turning to page 17, his face instantly turned ashen. As Gao Tiankui's confidant, he naturally knew what this meant.

Gao Tiankui defected to the Wang family and worked for the Japanese, probably not for faith, but mostly for money and power. If he had power, he was lurking in the mountain city. Now the Wang family can't give it to him, so he only has money. This guy is very rich. , and has always been rich.

However, there are no decorations in his villa, and many of them are even original. What does this mean? He does not regard the mountain city as his permanent residence and is ready to leave at any time. Or, he also means to keep his wealth secret.

Luo Yao is more inclined to the former judgment.

This kind of person has either transferred his property or hid his wealth in a place that only he knows. This place is most likely this villa.

This study room looks unobstructed. There is absolutely nothing to hide. The only thing that can be hidden is behind the bookshelf.

That, too, was a bare wall.

If there are any hidden compartments or secret doors.

Move all the books and items on the bookshelf, move the bookshelf away! Luo Yao ordered. Since he is here, he cannot leave empty-handed.

Four people came in and quickly took down the books from the bookshelf. However, when one of them was about to take down a porcelain bottle with a base from the bookshelf, he found that the base could not be removed, as if it was stuck to the bookshelf.

This discovery surprised everyone.

Luo Yao came closer and reached out to touch the base. It was very cold and it should be made of iron. He could not lift it up. Luo Yao tried to turn it again and found that although there was a gap between the base and the bookshelf, it could not turn.

This is really strange. If there is a mechanism, it is usually designed to be opened by rotating or moving the base. This base seems to be unable to be lifted or rotated. Could it be that it is rusted?

But this bookshelf is made of wood. Even if the iron is rusted, it will not stick to the wood. Could it be that it is pressed down?

This kind of unreasonable design is possible, but Luo Yao tried it and couldn't press it down at all. This was strange. Luo Yao brought a flashlight over and carefully observed the base. Suddenly he found that the top of the base was not the same as the bottom of the porcelain bottle. There was an arc-shaped protrusion at the contact point, which seemed to be integrated with the base. He reached over and pressed hard on the protrusion!

The raised area sank.


There was a soft sound, and the bookshelf and the wall slowly rotated, revealing an entrance about fifty centimeters, which was obviously a secret door.

Everyone was stunned, and the housekeeper collapsed on the ground, his eyes blank.

Li Fu, you stay outside. Luo Yao was overjoyed when he saw this. He ordered Li Fu and walked in with Gong Hui.

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