The secret war is silent

Chapter 379 Ledger

Brother, I found a ledger! Li Fu suddenly exclaimed.

Luo Yao was also surprised, turned around and asked: Ledger, what kind of ledger?

Li Fu handed over a black leather-bound book. There was no word account book written on it, but the content recorded inside looked like a line of accounts.

Luo Yao got it, opened it, and said, These are transaction records recorded in cipher text. It is estimated that only Gao Tiankui himself can understand the contents.

I didn't expect this guy to be really powerful.

It's a pity that it was not used on the right path. He betrayed his country for glory and became a shameful traitor. Luo Yao said, Let me take a look at this account book first.

You guys take stock here, I'll go up and make a phone call to report the situation. Luo Yao told Li Fu and Gong Hui, and went up first.


Dai Yunong canceled all evening activities and waited for Luo Yao's call in his office. He was accompanied by Mao Qiwu and Pan Qiwu.

Tonight's actions have been reported to Datian. The old man is waiting for news at the barren mountain mansion. Such a huge traitor intelligence organization is lurking around him.

And it also provided the Japanese with information on bombing mountain cities at any time.

How can this make the old man sleepless and sleepless? If one day his office or residence is exposed, and the Japanese drop a bomb, it will be all over.

The news of the successful secret arrest of the German Mansion had come, which made Dai Yunong's heart drop. At least he had caught the Colonel, the main culprit, and the mission calculation was half successful.

If the villa is successful again, then tonight's arrest mission will be considered a complete success, so the atmosphere in the office is no longer as tense as before.

The three of them started talking and laughing.

The phone on the desk rang.

Boss Dai, this is from You Ning. Mao Qiwu stood up, walked over and picked up the phone, answered it, and immediately covered the phone.

Dai Yunong smiled slightly and reached out to take the receiver: Hello, I'm Dai Yunong.

Director, with the help of Miss Dorothy, the students have successfully taken over Gao Tiankui's villa. We found an underground secret room in the villa... Luo Yao reported concisely on the other end of the phone.

Dai Yunong stood up from his chair involuntarily before he finished listening to Luo Yao.

You Ning, you handled the situation very well. After the work in the villa is completed, come back to the bureau headquarters immediately. I want to listen to your report in person. Dai Yunong gave a serious order.

Boss Dai, did You Ning find out again? Mao Qiwu asked hurriedly after seeing Dai Yunong hang up the phone.

Dai Yunong stood up and smiled: This little guy always brings me surprises. Guess what he found in the villa?

Radio station?

Guess again.

What else can there be? A large amount of gold and jewelry? Pan Qiwu then asked.

This Gao Tiankui does have astonishing wealth that you and I can't imagine. No wonder he has the financial resources to bribe so many people to do things for him. Dai Yunong nodded.

Is there really gold? How much?

You Ning and the others estimated that there are about one million.

One million is not too much.

It's U.S. dollars.


Mao Qiwu and Pan Qiwu couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this. If it were legal currency, then this would be nothing. Legal currency has been compiled continuously, and a piece of ocean is almost worth more than a dozen legal currency.

But if it is US dollars, it is completely different. One million US dollars is equivalent to 2.4 million silver dollars. If converted into current legal tender...

This is a huge wealth, and with this money, the military's poor finances will immediately become looser, and many things in Dai Yunong's plan can be done.

Got rich, and got rich.

The amount of this money must not be spread, otherwise it will attract covetousness. Dai Yunong ordered. With such a large sum of money, some people will definitely be jealous, and even old men may come to fight against the autumn wind.

There is no shortage of money in the country now. The old man's special funds are only 20 million French currency a year. The money obtained this time is more than the old man's special funds for a year.

According to the rules, at least 30% of the money must be withheld, and the remaining 70% needs to be turned over to the bureau...

Dai Yunong's heart trembled when he heard this. Three hundred thousand US dollars was withheld at this time, but he set the rules.

Never before has a subordinate unit achieved such great gains in action.

Boss, I think we can re-stipulate that if more than 10,000 French currency is seized, and less than 100,000 French currency is seized, 20% can be withheld. For more than 100,000 French currency, only 10% is allowed, and for one million, a maximum of 5% is allowed. . Below 10,000, it can be 30%.

If this is the case, the people below may make false reports or conceal reports?

If the calculation does not stipulate this, there will be no false reports or concealment below. As long as it is found out, it will be dealt with severely! Pan Qiwu said.

Isn't it unreasonable for us to do this? In order to compete for the interests of subordinate units, we temporarily change the rules? Mao Qiwu also wanted to fight for Luo Yao.

Brother Pan is right. We have never encountered this kind of thing in the past. This is a loophole, and we must fix it. Of course Dai Yunong was inclined to Pan Qiwu's suggestion.

As a result, the secret interpretation room and the detective brigade will intercept no more than 5%, a reduction of six times.

For money, why not be shameless?

Inform Zhang Zhen, Tao Yishan and Wang Zhaohuai that they can take action. They must act quickly and do not give these people any chance to resist.


Luo Yao was speechless after hearing the newly changed rules. He didn't expect Dai Yunong to be so shameless and openly changed the rules he had set. There was nothing he could do, the rules were set by others and they had the final say.

If you still want to play under others, you can only listen to them.

At any rate, Dai Yunong also knew that what he had done by temporarily changing the rules was a bit unreasonable, so he turned a blind eye to certain aspects of the matter.

For example, he arbitrarily promised to give Dorothy a reward of thirty thousand US dollars, and to escort her safely to Hong Kong and then take a boat back to Europe. This can actually be repudiated.

Even if she defaulted on her debt, there was nothing Dorothy could do as a weak woman.

However, this has damaged the credibility. If word spreads, I am afraid that if the same thing happens again, no one will be willing to cooperate with the military commander, and the losses may be even greater.

Also, the ownership of the German Building was originally held by Li Fu on behalf of him, and the holding agreement signed with Gao Tiankui was also directly taken away by Luo Yao.

The German Mansion fell into the hands of Luo Yao and Li Fu.

Dai Yunong sent someone to take over Gao Tiankui's villa. It was a good villa, and only Dai Yunong could take it for himself. Others were not qualified to do so.

Luo Yao did his best to capture the German radio station and packed it up and shipped it away without even bringing it to anyone to say hello. No one could compete with him.

It was enough to equip a battalion with weapons and ammunition, which was beyond his control, so he picked a few good pistols and left the rest to Deng Yi to pack and take away. As for how to deal with these weapons, it was not his responsibility. thing.

Luo Yaodong thought that the empty safe was pretty good. The New Veterinary Station in Ciqikou needed such a big thing to store some confidential documents.

It saves money to buy it, it would be a good idea to just take it back.

The iron door of the underground stone chamber was not to be dismantled. It could not be dismantled, so it was left behind.

Dorothy packed up her personal belongings and belongings and moved back to Germantown Mansion. As for when she would leave the mountain city, she had to wait for follow-up arrangements.

Probably he will leave with Zhou Xiaoying.

This week Xiaoying went to Hong Kong, which relieved Luo Yao from a worry, but another worry was about to come, that is, Yu Shuheng was back.

Dai Yunong asked her by name to go to work in Room B of the bureau headquarters. This Room B was the secretary's office. Many of the people in the secretary's office were young and beautiful women.

It's hard to say, I can only curse twice in my heart.

Different road non-phase plan.

Director, this is a notebook found in the safe of Gao Tiankui's villa. It is written in cipher text. The student took a rough look at it and speculated that it is an account book of his dealings with some people. The specific content is not yet clear. Luo Yao handed over the ledger directly.

He didn't keep warm.

There is no way, this thing must not be kept privately, let alone want to know the content inside.

Can it be cracked? Dai Yunong flipped through it twice and asked doubtfully.

I don't know, I'm not sure, but if I can get Gao Tiankui to speak, it would be easy. Luo Yao said honestly.

Although there are many ways to crack this kind of cipher text, just like deciphering the cipher code, no one is sure of success.

Director, the students' tasks have basically been completed. Luo Yao said.

Thank you for your hard work. You should go back and rest first. If anything happens, I'll let you know. Dai Yunong accepted the account book and nodded.

Yes, students are resigning.

When we came out of the bureau headquarters, the sky was already turning white, and it was almost dawn.

Gong Hui came with him, but she was not qualified to see Dai Yunong and could only wait outside. Of course, she did not want this opportunity.

How's it going? What did the director say?

Let's go back, our mission is temporarily over. Luo Yao jumped into the car, breathed a long sigh of relief, and unplugged the traitor intelligence organization hidden in the air defense force.

I don’t know how many people’s heads will fall to the ground next, and it has nothing to do with him.

We have made great achievements this time, and we will be rewarded a lot, right?

It is expected that our two military ranks will be raised one level. Luo Yao said calmly.


What else do you want? Luo Yao asked back.

There are no other rewards, such as bonuses or something? Gong Hui said a little disappointed.

There will be a bonus. Let's talk about it when we get back. Let's find a place to have breakfast first. The red oil shop we followed Xu Zhen last time made good red oil. Let's go there to eat. How about it?

Okay. Gong Hui drove Luo Yao to have breakfast.

Gong Hui could tell that Luo Yao was very tired this night, and it was only at this moment that she truly relaxed. Although she had a lot to say, she didn't want to bother him anymore at this time.

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