The secret war is silent

Chapter 420 Change direction

On the 25th, the Japanese army broke through the position on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, and the Chinese army gradually resisted.

A Japanese army crossed the Mufu Mountain and entered the Xiangbei area directly. For a time, everything north of the Miluo River was in danger of falling into the hands of the Japanese army.

The war situation seemed to be tilting towards the Japanese side.

However, after the Shangcun detachment broke through and occupied the camp, they were blocked to the west of Miluo Town. The new city was right in front of them, but they couldn't get through. After the defenders learned their lesson, they would not give the Japanese any chance.

The fortifications on the south bank of the Miluo River took more than a year to build. The reinforced concrete bunkers connected the fortifications together. The Japanese aircraft and artillery were ineffective at all.

Even the gas bombs had little effect.

Although the Chinese army did not have enough gas masks, they actually made a simple protective equipment. Although it was far from a real gas mask, it greatly increased the survival rate of soldiers on the position.

Okamura Neji sent telegrams at least seven or eight times a day to urge Uemura Mikio. Uemura remembered that it was useless to blister his mouth. The Chinese army relied on strong fortifications, just like a hard turtle shell, unable to bite at all.

No. 4, Rongyuan, where the X group resides.

Through the two days of reconnaissance and analysis, it is basically confirmed that the Japanese army has gradually changed their communication codes. This is the worst case scenario. Whether the Japanese army is trying to prevent trouble in the bud, or they know for sure that we can decipher them. password, this is an unfavorable situation for us. Luo Yao summoned the heads of several groups to hold a small meeting.

Although their new password does not have any new tricks, we need a large number of samples to analyze and crack. Even if we work with Shancheng at the same time, it will take at least a week to get results. Huo Tian (Wu) Yan) spoke.

The day lilies have been cold for a week. Li Fu sighed.

There is no way, unless we get their code book, but this is unrealistic and impossible. Huo Tian spread his hands and said.

Luo Yao encouraged: Don't be discouraged. We don't know when this battle will end. Whether it takes a week or longer, we must decipher the Japanese army's secret code.

Qin Group is right. What are we here for? Isn't it just to decipher the Japanese army's secret code?

The secret code can be changed, but the person has not been changed. As long as we find the person, we will naturally be able to find them one by one. Xu Jihong (Hu Yanran) said.

Team Leader Hu is right. Didn't we mark the characteristics of some radio operators of the Japanese army and give them nicknames? We just follow this direction. If we find the radio operators, we can find them. Communicate secretly with each other. Lin Banggu (Ling An) agreed.

The day after tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. We will definitely not be able to spend this Mid-Autumn Festival with our families. However, it is fate for us to get together. We will spend this Mid-Autumn Festival together. Luo Yao said, I have prepared some There aren’t many things, they’re just my thoughts. I’ll go back and ask everyone to pick them up from Ma Huan’s place.”

Team Qin is still considerate. I have never seen such a considerate officer in these years.

This flattery is quite comfortable, haha, let's break up!

Team leader, in the past two days, there have been some new faces near our station. I observed them and they don't look like our people. Yang Fan then followed Luo Yao into the office.

Have anyone sent someone to protect those who went out to purchase supplies?

At least two people, one in the light and one in the dark.

Make an appointment for me with Li Haihuai (Li Zhijie), the head of the Xiangcheng Station of the Military Command. Our safety in Xiangcheng cannot be achieved by ourselves. We must also rely on local forces. Luo Yaodao.

Our work is not confidential. If Xiangcheng Station knew about it, wouldn't it be easy to leak the secret? Yang Fan asked.

Yes, I went to the Qianyang class and learned to think proactively about problems. Luo Yao nodded in approval, Li Haihuai is the head of the Xiangcheng Station. He knows that it's not a big problem at all. We are on his territory. It’s not nice to say hello to him, not to mention we’ve been here these days.”

Yes, I'll make arrangements right away. Yang Fan agreed.

If the Japanese army already knows that their secret communications have been deciphered, then it is unlikely that the secrets will be leaked in Xiangcheng, because the number of people who know the secrets is very limited.

He had already analyzed this with Wu Xuexin. At the theater headquarters, personnel entry and exit were strictly controlled, and no one with knowledge of the situation had ever gone out during that period.

Is it possible that this spy could still use the headquarters radio to communicate with the Japanese army? That is impossible.

If the leak did not occur in Xiangcheng, then it would only have occurred in the mountain city. However, this operation was not only classified, but the ability of the code room to decipher the Japanese military code was also top secret. Within the military command, apart from the code room itself, very few people knew about it. Yes, the possibility of leakage is extremely small.

The 43rd station of the Ministry of Military Affairs and the confidential research team of the Attendant's Office only found out what they were doing by gathering the strength of the three families this time after they gathered together. Even if their superiors knew, it was only on a very small scale.

If someone here is a Japanese spy, then the party-state will not have to continue fighting the Japanese.

Beichuan and White Fox were not caught, which was always a worry in Luo Yao's heart, no matter whether these two guys were the same person or two different people.

His existence is a huge threat to Luo Yao and the secret translation room.

The White Fox was defeated by him last time and went dormant. It was very difficult for him to find him. This time, he left the mountain city. Although the news was blocked from the outside world, if the White Fox kept staring at the code interpretation room, then he would He will definitely know the news of leaving the mountain city.

This is an opportunity.

This is a volatile situation, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

If there is any temporary progress in the Japanese military secret code, we can't just wait and do nothing. We have to find something to do.

Change the direction, change the thinking, and you may have unexpected gains.

Li Haihuai had a good relationship with Yu Jie and Shen Yu in the past. When Yang Fan approached him, he readily agreed to meet and the location was in the east of Yulou.

An authentic Hunan restaurant.

Li Haihuai still attached great importance to him. How could an ordinary person hold a banquet in the East of Yulou?

On the evening of the 26th, Luo Yao packed up, changed into a suit, took Yang Fan out alone, called a car, and came to Yulou East.

The full name of Yuloudong: Yuloudong Restaurant, formerly known as Yulouchun, was founded in the 30th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, that is, 1904. Because its address is at the entrance of Maoxiang east of Qingshi Bridge, it was renamed Yuloudong.

It has been open for more than 30 years and is one of the most famous restaurants in Xiangcheng, especially famous for its wedding banquets.

Because Xiangcheng has implemented a curfew, the business of restaurants and restaurants is not good at night, and some even close down.

Yuloudong is not included in this list.

Because there are always people who are privileged and are not affected by the curfew.

The so-called curfew was just for fear that Japanese soldiers and spies who had sneaked into Xiangcheng would come out to cause trouble and cause vicious public security incidents during the dark. After all, it was difficult to control what happened at night. Therefore, driving people home to prevent crowds from gathering was tantamount to Everyone is isolated from each other, and it is almost impossible to cause trouble.

Guys come forward.

My surname is Qin. Boss Li has reserved the table.

Oh, you are Mr. Qin. Boss Li is already here and waiting for you in the private room upstairs. The waiter bowed his head quickly and led Luo Yao and Yang Fan up the stairs.

The clerk knocked on the door: Boss Li, Mr. Qin is here.

Invite him in.

The clerk stretched out his hand to open the door and asked Luo Yao to go in.

In the private room, there was only one person, Li Haihuai, wearing a long gown, with his hair divided into three parts and combed meticulously. When he saw Luo Yao, he stood up and greeted him: Brother Qin, Brother Yu has heard that you came to Xiangcheng a long time ago. It's a pity that you are coming to Xiangcheng. I don’t know where you live, I want to see you but I can’t.”

Teacher Li, you're welcome. The reason why Luo Yao called Li Haihuai teacher was because Li Haihuai had taught them in the temporary training class, so it was not an exaggeration to call him teacher.

Don't call me teacher. I just gave you two random lessons. I'm not really a teacher. Li Haihuai waved his hand and said humbly, I'm here to support you. Just call me Brother Haihuai.

Brother Haihuai. Luo Yao couldn't resist, but finally obeyed his wishes.

Come, sit down, sit down and talk. Li Haihuai said very enthusiastically, Man, serve the food.

Li Haihuai wanted to pour wine for Luo Yao, but he stopped him: Brother Haihuai, it's not that I want to refute your kind intentions. In fact, I have set a ban on drinking. If I go back smelling drunk, how can I convince everyone? ?”

Li Haihuai stopped his movements. They are all superiors. Naturally, they know that if a superior wants to convince the public, he must lead by example. This is the only law.

If you take the lead in breaking the rules you have set, no matter what rules you make or prohibitions you impose, will anyone still listen to you?

Okay, I won't drink tonight. We're fighting, so drinking is really not appropriate. Li Haihuai nodded and put away the bottle.

Brother Haihuai, we have the opportunity to drink this wine. When we defeat the Japanese, this will be our celebration wine. Luo Yao laughed.

That's good. Li Haihuai laughed, Then tonight, we will have tea instead of wine.


This is the hairy beef louver, spicy zeiji, Zengfu soup balls... One after another authentic Hunan dishes were brought up by the waiters.

Luo Yao was dazzled by the sight of color, fragrance and taste.

It's too much, Brother Haihuai. I'm afraid this meal will cost a lot of money, right? Luo Yao sighed.

That is to say, right now, in the past, this table could not be won without ten or eight oceans, but now only five is enough. Li Haihuai said.

Not much, five oceans, enough for an ordinary person with a family of five to survive for a month.

Brother Haihuai, this is too extravagant. Chairman Chiang advocates the New Life Movement, and Director Dai also advocates frugality. There are just two of us, how can we eat so much? said Luo Yao.

If you can't eat it, pack it up and take it home. It won't be wasted anyway. Li Haihuai said slightly embarrassed.

That's right, as long as it's not wasted. This dish has been cooked, and it's even more wasteful if you don't eat it. Luo Yao chuckled. Li Haihuai is a local snake. There is no need for him to argue with others about this. Besides, people have done this. A table, that also gives him face.

Of course, the situation is different. If someone did this in the organization, he would fall out on the spot.

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