The secret war is silent

Chapter 424 Opponent

Brother, have Neji Okamura's cards been basically played now? The two of them were not satisfied with reviewing the current battle on the map, so they actually made a sandbox by themselves.

This is what Li Fu learned in the Spy Team in the past.

Naturally, he is familiar with the road.

Don't make it too delicate, and you will improve it slowly later. I asked two coolies, Yang Fan and Yi Xuezhong, to help, and it took me an afternoon.

I actually asked them to get a sand table out.

Although it was much different from the one Luo Yao saw in the war zone war room of Qingfeng Gorge in Yuelu Mountain, it had everything it needed, and it was basically usable.

Li Fu was still very satisfied with his masterpiece, even a little proud, but the time was a bit short and the work was a bit rough, so he could just repair it slowly later.

Unless there are troops hiding in the dark that we don't know about, the troops he can mobilize now are basically there. Luo Yao nodded.

There are six divisions, at least 100,000 troops, and there are two main Class A permanent divisions. The third and sixth divisions are all used on the frontal battlefield in northern Hunan.

This is enough to show that Okamura Neji's main attack direction from the beginning was Shohoku.

According to the conversion between the strength of the Japanese army and the national army, it is at least 300,000 less than the elite of the national army. It is hard to say the elite 300,000.

This is also the reason why Okamura Neiji had the confidence to dare to take the initiative to attack the ninth theater with 500,000 troops with a force of 100,000.

Of course, with Japan's current economic strength, launching a campaign with about 100,000 troops at a time would also be a huge burden on logistics and supplies.

The Japanese Army has always had the tradition of fighting to support war, and in the Shobei region, the national army pursued a policy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country to the maximum extent possible.

Logistics will become their biggest burden, not to mention that before the war, many troops were sent deep into the rear of the Japanese army to harass their logistics supply lines.

These still caused some trouble for Okamura Neji.

Night falls, and a bright moon rises in the sky.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Hunan is rainy in autumn. It rained a while ago. The water level of Dongting Lake rose and the waterways were smooth. The Shangcun detachment almost succeeded in a sneak attack and landed in the camp.

It is rare to have good weather, and there is not a trace of cloud in the sky. It is the season for admiring the moon.

For dinner, I had a few simple bites. The chef’s skills here are not as good as those of Lao Dong, but the skills are still good, better than those in ordinary restaurants.

Li Haihuai got them a lot of good things, and Luo Yao couldn't refuse them just because they were so kind. How much could they eat anyway?

In the end, it wasn't just his subordinates who got the advantage.

On the terrace, Luo Yao sat on a wicker chair with his eyes slightly closed. He went through the relevant information about the investigation after the Wenxi Fire that Li Haihuai gave him over and over in his mind.

Mainly related to the fire at the Wounded Soldiers Hospital, and then three more fires were deliberately set outside the south gate of Xiangcheng. These three fires caused the Second Guard Regiment in the city to carry out the burning of the city misjudged and ignited them in advance. They set fire to various arson points in the city, resulting in tragic disasters.

Before the Japanese came, I had ordered my own house first.

This is a man-made tragedy.

Someone lost their head because of this.

The person responsible was killed, but the damage could not be recovered, and the people's support was also lost. This incident had a great impact, and it still leaves a deep shadow in the hearts of the people in Xiangcheng.

Brother, why are you hiding here alone, and we are all looking for you to eat moon cakes? Li Fu walked over from behind him, You said you didn't turn on the lights, and we didn't know you were here.

I just want to be alone and think about some issues. Luo Yao explained, seeing the mooncake in Li Fu's hand, Where did this mooncake come from?

Stationmaster Li had someone buy it and send it over. Li Fu said, It's freshly made and it's still hot when it's delivered. It's from Jiuruzhai.

Jiuruzhai's pastries are very famous in Xiangcheng. Our time in Xiangcheng was too short and we didn't have the opportunity to taste Xiangcheng's delicacies. It's really a pity. Luo Yao nodded.

Have a try. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's time to eat moon cakes.

Okay. Luo Yao didn't want to refute Li Fu's kind words, so he reached out to take one, opened the packaging oil paper on it, and took a bite. It was crispy and fragrant, and he didn't feel tired at all when he ate it in his mouth.

I have never eaten such delicious mooncakes in my life.

That means you haven't eaten anything good. There are too many Chinese delicacies. If you want to eat them, you will never be able to finish them all in your life if you eat the same thing every day.

After I defeat Little Japan, I will take Ze Rong to travel around the world and eat delicious food all over the world. Li Fu said with a longing look on his face.

You can definitely make this wish come true.

Team Qin, Cheng Song, you guys are here, making it easy for me to find you. Chen Zerong (Sun Qian) seemed to have heard someone talking here, so she came over.

Haha, your family has sent me mooncakes.

Team Qin, this is the order just issued by the war zone commander. Chen Zerong handed a telegram to Luo Yao.

Come back into the room and turn on the lamp on the table.

Under the lamp, Luo Yao glanced at the content above and handed it directly to Li Fu. Li Fu took a look at it, but he didn't show much shock.

Xue Boling ordered the entire line to retreat. This was expected, it was just a matter of time.

Now it's like two martial arts masters competing in the ring. One of them wants to fight quickly, and the other one wants to knock down the opponent as quickly as possible.

As a result, the opponent resisted and was still passive. He punched back and his face was bruised. He tried to sneak up on him again and tried to sneak up on him.

He was still guarded by his opponent.

There is no other choice but to set up a battle array and face off.

Now one side is attacking and the other is defending. It can be said that they are evenly matched. One is looking for the opponent's loopholes in the offense, and the other is also looking for the opponent's loopholes in the defense.

Luo Yao believed that Xue Boling would never be willing to just defend without thinking about counterattack. Originally, the combat strategy for this battle was to retreat and decisive battle, that is, to adopt a strategy of gradual resistance and luring the enemy deeper, consuming the Japanese army's combat power and prolonging the battle. The opponent's supply line and the advantageous terrain of the dense network of Xiangbei rivers made it impossible for the Japanese tanks to maneuver quickly. Under the city of Xiang, they fought a battle of annihilation one by one, changing the balance of strength between China and Japan on the battlefield in one fell swoop.

But your opponent is not stupid, and will not fall into your trap easily. The generals below may be eager to achieve success and be impatient and aggressive, but Neji Okamura, who is in charge of the overall situation, will not.

Now was the stage of mutual stalemate. Even if Xue Boling gave the order to retreat, apart from continuing the attrition war with the Japanese army north of the Miluo River, which was meaningless, it also wanted to induce the Sixth Division to pursue.

Now it depends on the reaction of the Japanese army.

On the surface, the national army is now retreating steadily. In fact, the national army has not suffered much loss in combat power, and the morale of the troops is not bad. This can be seen from the battle reports and the speed of retreat.

Although the national army suffered heavy casualties in the previous stage, and some troops were even injured, their fighting spirit has not diminished, and their fighting spirit is even high. It does not look like a defeated army.

On the other hand, Okamura Neiji was a little entangled. His goal of launching the Hunan-Jiangxi war plan had basically been aborted. If the fight continued, the outcome would be only half and half.

If he was a particularly rational commander, he should immediately order a halt to the pursuit, or even abandon the area currently occupied, and retreat in order to fight again.

However, this is obviously impossible.

How much manpower and material resources have been spent on launching such a campaign? If we withdraw our troops now, will the generals on the front line listen? Each of these arrogant generals felt that they could conquer China by force. Who wouldn't want to take this opportunity to achieve meritorious service, be promoted, or even receive a medal from the emperor?

Therefore, he could not give the order to stop the pursuit.

We can only ask the Japanese troops who are in contact with the Chinese army to pursue cautiously and not fall into the trap set by the Chinese army.

This Okamura Neji is also betting that we will be truly defeated. If he can attack Xiangcheng in one fell swoop, he will be able to explain to Tokyo. Luo Yao stood in front of the sand table and said leisurely.

The Sixth Division?

Of course Li Fu knew that Luo Yao's hatred for the Sixth Division was that this Japanese army committed a heinous massacre in Jinling City. This was a Japanese army full of crimes. If this Japanese army were allowed to invade Xiangcheng, what would happen if they were allowed to invade Xiangcheng? The consequences can be imagined.

Brother, don't think so much. If you want revenge, there will be opportunities in the future, as long as this Sixth Division is still in China. Li Fu comforted, Even if it withdraws, when we win, we can make these The invaders pay their blood debt.”

Luo Yao rolled his eyes and looked towards Li Fu: I'm wondering if the 'hipple' knows we are here?


I've done so much, don't I just hope he knows I'm here?

Brother, are you so sure that the 'haunt' will definitely come? Li Fu asked.

I am also betting that a person will never miss this opportunity. Luo Yao said.


Kondo Keiichi.

Why do you remember him?

I single-handedly destroyed the elite ninja team he sent to the mountain city, and personally captured the 'Viper' team. Now I have deciphered the Japanese military's communication code, causing them huge casualties. If you are the head of the Japanese military intelligence agency , will you hate me to the core? Luo Yao asked rhetorically.

Of course, if I were Kondo Keiichi, I would naturally want to get rid of you, eldest brother!

I have a hunch that Kondo Keiichi should know that I am in Xiangcheng.

How is this possible? The confidentiality measures we have taken all the way here are strict enough, and we have always used pseudonyms in Xiangcheng? Li Fu asked in surprise.

Nothing is impossible. If Keiichi Kondo knows that I am coming, it will not be surprising that Neji Okamura knows that their communication code has been deciphered.

But why was it after we won the great victory at Yinlong Mountain?

Information transmission takes time. Maybe this time we are lucky and it happened to pass that time. Otherwise, we will be the ones who suffer. Luo Yao glanced at Li Fu and said.

This is indeed difficult to control. I can only say that I was really lucky this time. Otherwise, he might even be unable to defend himself, which would be even worse.

Chief Xue's opponent is Okamura Neji, and my opponent is Kondo Keiichi.

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