The secret war is silent

Chapter 452 Gong Hui is here

Come on, come on, the wontons from Shuangyan Tower... Luo Yaogang wanted to go out for a walk after washing up in the morning.

After sleeping all night, he was already out of bed, but he still had some bruises on his body and would still feel pain if he moved a little more.

But it's not so unbearable anymore.

Because he injured his head and there was still a lot of blood, his shiny black hair had been shaved off.

Now get him a monk's robe to put on, and no one will doubt whether he can become a novice monk in any temple.

It was just covered with a piece of white gauze, looking like a seriously injured patient.

If it weren't for the fear of infection and tetanus, he really wouldn't want to have a gauze bag on his head. It was uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Mr. Qin can't eat soy sauce and dried shrimps... the pretty little nurse reminded.

I know, I've told the boss a long time ago that you have a role in the nursing station. Li Fu said with a smile.

Really, thank you, I haven't had breakfast yet. When the little nurse heard this, her beautiful big eyes suddenly lit up.

“Everyone has a share!”

Luo Yaogang wanted to ask if Tiger and the others had any, but he stopped asking when he heard Li Fu say everyone has a share.

I've long heard that the Chaos in Shuangyan Tower is one of the best in Xiangcheng. I've never had the chance to eat it. I didn't expect that after hitting my head, it turned out to be a blessing. Luo Yao sat down and took a sip of the soup first. Thumbs up and said, Delicious.

Whatever you want to eat for lunch, as long as the doctor agrees, I will buy it for you.

The food in the hospital cafeteria is not good, why do you still go out to buy it? Luo Yao raised his head, Where did you get so much money?

Stationmaster Li gave it to you. Your expenses in the hospital will be covered by the Military Command Xiangcheng Station.

That's nonsense. How much does it cost to be hospitalized? Luo Yao said, Do you understand that this is called being soft-spoken?

But this Xiangcheng is other people's territory, and we are always on Li Haihuai's territory. We only eat a little bit of him, but we don't reach out to take advantage of him...

This kind of thing started, and once it happened, it happened a second time. Looking back, I went to tell him, don't we have no money? Luo Yao said.

Well, I didn't think twice about it. Li Fu admitted that in the army, this kind of human relationship was actually nothing.

But Luo Yaoding's rules are like this. He doesn't care what others do, and his people will never allow it.

The treatment he gave was quite generous, and there was no need to take outside money.

Is there any news about the Japanese spy team that ambushed us? Luo Yao asked, this was a worry for him.

Although it is said that if one group is eliminated, a second one will appear, but the Japanese do not have that many elites to consume. If the consumption is gone, the next one may not be so able to fight.

Not yet. This group of Japanese agents are like a bull in the sea. We have set up dragnets at all road checkpoints near Xiangcheng. Even after the battle, we immediately conducted a dragnet-style search into the mountains, but no trace of them was found. It was like disappearing suddenly.”

Have the refugees in Xiangcheng begun to return home one after another?

The war has just ended. Some well-informed people have already started to collect dry food and go back, while others are still waiting and watching. After all, it is still unclear whether the Japanese army will retaliate immediately.

Luo Yao remained silent.

Brother, won't these Japanese agents be hiding among these refugees? Li Fu suddenly realized that Luo Yao meant something.

We thought that after they failed their mission, they would flee Xiangcheng as soon as possible. In fact, the most dangerous place is the safest. They just need to throw away their guns, put on refugee clothes, and get inside. Who knows what will happen to them? Who is it? Luo Yao said, And you can also get at least two meals of porridge every day. Where can such a good thing come from?

With so many refugees, there must be tens of thousands of them. If they are scattered and hidden, trying to find them would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Li Fu said blankly.

It is certain that they will be scattered and hidden, but it should not be too scattered. There are now checkpoints everywhere. Once exposed, there will be a chain effect. If so, I judge that they will wait for this storm to pass before leaving as refugees returning home.

Then I'll go and notify Station Master Li now.

Yes. Luo Yao nodded. Although this was his guess, it was not unfounded. Many people had been searching for so many days, but there was no news. Unless these Japanese agents could fly to the sky and escape, it would be impossible. No trace at all.

Then there is only one possibility, they are still in Xiangcheng.

If this is true as he judged, then the leader of this group of Japanese agents is an extremely bold and cunning person.

After breakfast, take medicine.

Luo Yao rested for a while and planned to go to the next ward to see Yi Xuezhong. He was in the same ward as Yang Fan.

Yang Fan was better than him, but he looked a little scary, and was dressed like a mummy.

There were four people in the truck. In addition to the three of them, there was also a second lieutenant from the special agent company, who was the leader of the truck in the rear.

Unfortunately, the second lieutenant was thrown into the air together with Luo Yao. He was pierced through the abdomen by a branch and died on the spot.

It was lucky that three of the four survived.

In that situation, it was hard for anyone to say that their life ended at that moment.

Team Qin. Seeing Luo Yao come in, Yi Xuezhong was lying on his side on the hospital bed, trying to sit up, but Luo Yao stopped him.

Lie down, I'm the one who got you into trouble this time. If I didn't take the risk, you wouldn't have almost died.

Qin Group, this has nothing to do with you. If you don't take the risk, someone will take the risk for you. Yi Xuezhong said.

Luo Yao walked over and gently patted Yi Xuezhong on the shoulder.

He could have others pretend to be him and drive ahead in a car, but this would almost likely be an act of death.

Since you want to be a bait to lure out the Japanese spy team, if you don't go yourself and let others go, you won't be able to get through it psychologically.

What kind of gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall?

It's nothing more than an excuse for being timid and afraid of death. A true gentleman will not be afraid of danger and always put the lives of others first.

What did the doctor say?

Two broken ribs and a fractured left calf. I won't be able to get out of bed for a month or two. Yi Xuezhong said, it's good to be able to save a life. It's just two months of not getting out of bed. Is there anything more terrifying than death? ?

I have some bone wound plaster here. You will get better faster if you use it. I will give it to you later. I have used it myself. Luo Yao said.

Thank you, Team Qin.

You're welcome, we're all brothers.

Tiger, how are you? Yang Fan was able to get out of bed, but he needed to use a cane and had gauze wrapped around his forehead. He looked like the red-headed Asan from the Shili Foreign Exchange in the Concession.

The doctor said that my ankle was dislocated and I can't exert any strength for the time being. I can only walk on crutches first. Yang Fan grinned.

His injuries looked scary, but in fact they were not that serious. When the truck rushed down, his head hit the steering wheel, causing a bloody head injury, and then his ankle got stuck. I thought it would be broken, but it turned out to be X When the light shined, it was just a dislocation. I was not lucky, but the scratches on my chest were serious and bruised.

It's fine. Luo Yao was very happy. As long as the person is fine, anything is fine.

Consultant Qin?

Chief of Staff Wu, why are you here? Luo Yao turned his head and was surprised when he saw Wu Xuexin in casual clothes at the door.

When I learned that you were awake, Commander Xue asked me to come over and see you. Wu Xuexin smiled slightly and explained his purpose.

Chief of Staff Wu, please come next door to talk. My ward is next door. Luo Yao hurriedly said.


Wu Xuexin nodded. There were many people in the ward, so it was not suitable for one-on-one conversations. He wanted to talk to Luo Yao alone.

Chief of Staff Wu, drink water. Luo Yao asked Li Fu to pour a glass of water for Wu Xuexin and sat on the hospital bed.

Wu Xuexin nodded, concerned about Luo Yao's physical condition, and then said: Mr.

Qin Ming is very grateful for your care, Chief Xue. Luo Yao's attitude toward Xue Boling was to keep a distance and respect him, but not get close to him.

In essence, they don't belong to the same type of people. In addition to the relationship between the military commander and the national army, he keeps a distance for his own consideration.

If he gets closer to Xue Boling, it will arouse Dai Yunong's suspicion and suspicion.

Chief Xue mentioned to me that he once invited you to serve in the theater commander's department, but you refused? Wu Xuexin asked.

Qin Ming is very honored to be valued by Chief Xue, but Qin has no other ambition and can only live up to Chief Xue's kindness.

That's right. You have made many meritorious deeds in the military and are deeply valued by Director Dai. You will naturally have a bright future. Wu Xuexin nodded. The Ninth War Zone is Chen Cixiu's old base. If Luo Yao joins the Ninth War Zone to serve, I'm afraid it may not be possible. It's a good thing.

It's useless to have Commander Xue's favor alone.

Thank you, Chief of Staff Wu, for your understanding.

Regarding the work of the 'X' team in the Ninth War Zone of Xiangcheng, the Ninth War Zone will issue a report later. I will ask you to sign it and submit it to the Military Committee.

I'm signing, isn't that appropriate? Luo Yao was stunned for a moment and said.

Is there anything inappropriate? If this report is not approved by you, the leader of the 'X' team, it will be useless even if it is submitted. Wu Xuexin said.

Okay. Luo Yao nodded.

Then I won't bother you to recuperate. Some nutritional supplements are not worth a few bucks. They are just a little thought from Commander Xue and I. Wu Xuexin waved his hand and asked the guards to bring in some things, which are all nutritional supplements for the sick and wounded. Taste.

Thank you. It cost Commander Xue and the Chief of Staff a lot of money. He couldn't refuse the things some people gave him.

Wu Xuexin sat for less than a quarter of an hour before leaving. He was also very busy with work and had no time to chat with Luo Yao in the hospital.

Feeling a little tired, after Wu Xuexin left, Luo Yao lay down and fell asleep again. In his daze, he heard a familiar voice.

I'm sorry, miss, you can't come in here!

Why can't I come in? Isn't this a hospital? I'm here to visit patients! A female voice was very dissatisfied.

It's Gong Hui!

This voice was so familiar to Luo Yao that Li Haihuai arranged security personnel at the hospital. No one except medical staff was allowed to enter.

This is naturally for the safety of Luo Yao and others. After all, the Japanese spy team has not been found yet.

Those guards didn't know Gong Hui, but Li Fu should know him. Where did this guy go?

When Luo Yao opened his eyes, he found that Li Fu was not in the ward.

Yang Fan has some inconvenience, so he might as well go by himself. Luo Yao got up from the bed and got out of bed.

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