The secret war is silent

Chapter 454 Among the Refugees

Gong Hui had eaten with Luo Yao eighty times if not a hundred times, not to mention that the two of them had cooked together under the same roof.

Although she is in danger every day, it is the most unforgettable experience in Gong Hui's life.

After arriving at the mountain city.

It's safe.

But if she wanted to have that warm feeling again, it was no longer there. Although the people were close, their hearts were not together. Gong Hui felt lost in her heart for a while.

And now, that feeling is back.

Living in this hospital is indeed a bit depressing, plus being watched over, there is no freedom. Luo Yao only scratched his head a little.

The rest are superficial injuries. Once these clothes are worn, outsiders cannot see them.

As for the injury on the head, wearing a hat will make it invisible. It's just that the bald head is a bit unsightly.

There are a lot of delicious food in Xiangcheng. I originally planned to go to Fire Palace, but they mostly serve snacks there. Gong Hui came to Xiangcheng. It was her first formal meal, so she couldn't be invited to eat snacks.

So, I chose a Hunan restaurant not far from the hospital.

The characteristic of Hunan cuisine is spicy food. After years of migration, although Gong Hui is from the north, she has long been accustomed to the food of the south. The taste of the mountain city is mainly spicy.

Therefore, Hunan cuisine puts no pressure on Gong Hui.

The two of them couldn't eat that much, so Luo Yao ordered four or five authentic Hunan dishes, and then asked for a pot of tea.

He is injured and cannot drink.

Although the chef of this Hunan restaurant is not a famous chef, the taste is pretty good. The wontons Luo Yao had in the morning made him hungry by the end of the morning. He ate three bowls of rice in one go.

When did you become so good at eating? Gong Hui was a little surprised when she saw Luo Yao eating three bowls of rice in front of her.

When you go out and have this meal, you can't finish it. How can you not be full? Luo Yao chuckled, This is not like being at home. You just need to eat until you are seven to eight cents full. Anyway, when it is time, you will naturally have something to eat. A meal.”

That makes sense, I'll have another bowl of rice too. Gong Hui also reached out and added a bowl of rice to herself, imitating Luo Yao's example.

You're a girl. You should be polite when eating. Don't imitate me...

It tastes delicious like this!

This fish head is well cooked and delicious...

Outside the south gate, at the Soup Plaza, Fujita Jun took a bowl of porridge, a multi-grain steamed bun, and a few pickles.

The reason for this soup kitchen is that tomorrow is the Double Ten Day celebration, so every refugee can receive two steamed buns today.

One early, one late.

Issued for three consecutive days.

It will take three days to recover. If you don't return home by that time, you may be expelled and your two meals will only be porridge.

After three days of eating thin food, Fujita Shun was so hungry that he was so hungry that he swallowed the multi-grain steamed bun in three mouthfuls.

He had never eaten such food before, but now he found it extremely delicious.

Nothing unusual was found. After receiving the porridge and steamed buns, they were directed to another place to stay.

The refugees were in groups. Fujita Jun saw several of his men in the team. They were all in the refugee team. When they saw him, they all nodded slightly at him.

The new resettlement camps are actually divided into regions, with counties as the administrative regions. At the county level, there is still competition below, and the smallest ones are towns.

Fujita Jun frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He couldn't say what was wrong with this arrangement. It was normal for people to divide the refugees in northern Hunan according to administrative areas, and then let them return home together according to the administrative areas.

This refugee camp is well organized, and there is even a health clinic in the southeast corner of the camp...

But for Toshi Fujita, there is an ominous premonition lingering in his heart. They all use the same local identity.

After a while, it will probably be arranged in a place.

They originally planned to spread out, which was safer. If one person was exposed, others could respond in time.

But now, they seem to be restricted by the Chinese using this method.

Moreover, they were gathered together.

This is ridiculous.

The Chinese army sent out many people to hunt them down, but they could not find any trace of them. Unexpectedly, they were trapped by such a small means of deportation registration.

Of course, if you react in time and don't go to get the porridge, maybe...

There is no use regretting.

Fujita Jun had already seen several of his men being taken to a camp. When they were making up their identities, they all chose a place.

A village that was slaughtered by them.

In fact, the people in that village did not discover their identities, and they regarded them as national troops and entertained them with delicious food and drinks.

But before they left, they killed more than a hundred people in the village, old and young, and raped all the young women.

Even the swaddled baby was not spared.

Fujita Jun still clearly remembered the girl who was constantly struggling under him. She was the daughter of a private school teacher in the village. She was as pure and beautiful as a cherry blossom, blooming under him.

She hanged herself in front of him. Fujita Jun watched her die before him with his own eyes without any mercy.

In his opinion, these ignorant Chinese people are no different from pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep.

Tian Jun, you stay here from now on. Don't run around. In two days, when the return certificate comes, you can go home together after taking the return certificate and repatriation fee.


Looking at his subordinates gathering one by one, Fujita Jun suddenly felt that it would be a good thing if he could be repatriated without being discovered...

The problem was that he always felt like his heart was pounding. His subordinates wanted to come over and say hello to him, but his eyes stopped them.

He wants to be quiet!

Brother, Sister Hui, you are finally back. Li Fu waited and finally got Luo Yao and Gong Hui back.

If he hadn't known that Gong Hui was accompanying Luo Yao, he would have wanted to go find Li Haihuai again.

Luo Yao took off his coat and said, Xiao Hui and I had dinner and walked around the city for a while and then came back. Where have you been this morning?

Brother, didn't you tell me this morning that the remnants of the Japanese army's special agent team might have mixed up with the refugees coming to Xiangcheng? I went to find Station Commander Li...

Luo Yao was surprised after hearing this: Did you come up with this method?


Yes, it is expensive and laborious, but if we can really dig out the remnants of this Japanese spy team, it will definitely be a great achievement. Luo Yao carefully thought about the feasibility of Li Fu's method.

It does require a lot of manpower and material resources, but this is also a good thing. The refugees will eventually go home.

They were forced to leave their hometowns because of the war, which is different from those who left their hometowns after a major disaster and couldn't survive.

As long as order is restored in northern Hunan, they will naturally go back, just spend a little money.

Stationmaster Li has already started making arrangements. I estimate that it will be promoted to all refugee gathering points in Xiangcheng today. Li Fu said.

Okay, you did a good job in this matter, but once you find these people, have you reminded Station Master Li not to act rashly?

Yes, I've reminded you.

That's good. You go and go through the discharge procedures for me. I will be discharged from the hospital today. Luo Yao ordered.

Brother, you have just woken up. The doctor has said that you will have to be observed in the hospital for at least a week. Li Fu said.

What are you observing? If there is anything to observe, if something happens, they probably can't do anything about it. Luo Yao said. He needed to observe, but if something went wrong, it would be basically impossible to save him with current medical technology.

His biggest injury is in his brain. As long as there is no problem with the brain, there will be no problem. Other aspects are just minutiae. If something happens, he has been comatose in bed for three days, plus the day after he woke up, it has been four days. If something happens, it will be early. Something has happened.


Yangyuan is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is good. It's just suitable for me to recuperate. Tiger and Lao Yi can also go there after they are discharged. We are in the hospital, not only bringing danger to the hospital, but also wasting medical resources. Luo Yaodao.


What, am I wrong again? Do you think no one knows about us in the hospital? Luo Yao said.

Brother, the news of the battle that morning has been blocked, and the status of your injuries and hospitalization has not been announced to the public. The secret should not be leaked. Li Fu said.

Brother Yao, it's better to stay in the hospital for two more days. I'll be leaving in two days anyway... Gong Hui said.

Sister Hui, you just arrived, why are you leaving in such a hurry?

My coming here this time was specially approved by Director Dai. Otherwise, leaving the mountain city privately would be against the family rules. If someone uses this against me, it would be easy to be transferred from the secret interpretation room. Gong Hui explained.

The code translation room is a confidential unit, and the whereabouts of all personnel are restricted. Especially high-level officials like Gong Hui are not allowed to leave the mountain city at will.

If something happened, not only would he be unable to eat, but many others would also be unlucky.

Brother, now that Sister Hui has spoken, please stop being stubborn and stay in the hospital for two days. Li Fu advised.

Luo Yao thought about it for a moment and nodded: Okay, but I promise to stay for two more days, but you can't interfere with my freedom.

What's the meaning?

In a while, I want to go around the refugee camp. You two will accompany me. Luo Yao chuckled.

Li Fu and Gong Hui looked at each other, and they both understood that they had fallen into a trap. He was threatening to be discharged from the hospital, and his real purpose was to go to the refugee camp.

If it were brought up directly, he and Gong Hui would definitely disagree. After all, it was too dangerous. The remnants of the Japanese spy team were probably hiding among the refugees, but now, they had to accept this condition.

In fact, Luo Yao had already planned it. At night, he would personally go to the refugee camp in Xiangcheng. With his hearing, as long as they communicated with each other these days, he would be able to find out the people, especially the one who directed the ambush. own commander.

He remembered that guy's voice. As soon as he opened his mouth, it was difficult to run away.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Fu actually came up with such an idea for Li Haihuai. It was a good idea, but it was easy to alert others.

But if you cover it up well, the other party won't notice it for a while.

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