The secret war is silent

Chapter 457 A fish slipped through the net

The two of them were alone, and Xiaonan had already fallen asleep.

Gong Hui explained to Luo Yao one by one what happened in the Shancheng Secret Interpretation Room during this period. Generally speaking, it was very stable.

Except that Wei Daming secretly asked Chen Zuxun to take away part of the power related to deciphering the Japanese diplomatic code.

However, the deciphered diplomatic code still needs to be transmitted through a dedicated delivery department in the code interpretation room.

This power may seem inconspicuous, but it is crucial. It is a door to the secret interpretation room. It has been in the hands of Luo Yao in the past. After Luo Yao left, he temporarily handed over the power to Gong Hui.

Therefore, if the secret code deciphered by Chen Zuxun wants to be transmitted, whether it is the Chairman's Attendant's Office or the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs and other real power departments, it must go through this inconspicuous Communication Section.

Chen Zuxun wanted to get involved in the power of communication, but he was never able to do so because everyone in this department was from Luo Yao.

When Luo Yao was here, Chen Zuxun could only keep his tail between his legs and develop his own power secretly without any thought of showing his face.

As soon as Luo Yao left, he naturally no longer feared Gong Hui. Although Chi An had a high prestige, he was a technical person after all, and he couldn't compete with a veteran of the government like Chen Zuxun, especially a political person.

After Osborne led a team to study Japanese naval secret codes, there was even less manpower for deciphering diplomatic secret codes.

If it hadn't been for the decryption of secret diplomatic messages to have formed a streamlined work line, and basically just follow the procedures, there would really have been trouble.

Therefore, Chen Zuxun proposed that the CP unit he formed temporarily join in to help, and he took the lead in deciphering the secret messages outside the chamber.

Chi An was naturally ignored.

The method was not very clever. They just took advantage of the time when the secret interpretation room was sending its key personnel to Xiangcheng and there was a shortage of manpower, so they stepped in.

This was all expected by Luo Yao.

Before Gong Hui came to Xiangcheng, everything was still under control. In such a short period of time, Wei Daming could not use Chen Zuxun to evade himself.

Moreover, he is not afraid of being ignored.

Keeping Chen Zuxun, Luo Yao actually knew that this was a cancer, but he couldn't touch it easily.

Unless he has his own reason to move him.

This is the balance. The secret interpretation room cannot become his secret interpretation room, otherwise his position will be unstable.

Some things can be done but not said, just like his attitude towards Chen Zuxun, he can only tolerate his existence.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he is the person in charge of the secret interpretation room or not. The problem is that in this position, he can provide more intelligence information to the party organization.

This location is so important.

Of course, on the surface, he still has to act out his ambitions for power and position. How can he do that if he has no ambitions within the military system?

What's going on with Xu Zhen?

After she got married to Osborne, she was no different from usual. Osborne was more attentive than before. However, she went to Nanhua Company twice and was very careful every time. Gong Hui said, Osborne I have plans to renew the contract with us, but I need to wait until you go back to decide.

Don't move this line for now. I want to see what tricks she can play. Luo Yao thought about it and said.

The news about your coming to Xiangcheng should be related to her...

Then when you go back, conduct an internal investigation. The final result will be settled, so as to put his mind at ease. Luo Yao ordered.

Okay, I also secretly ordered people to monitor the Nanhua Company.

Well done, tell the people below not to make any tentative moves and just watch the regular recording.

I understand, are you afraid of alerting the enemy?

Up to now, we only know about Bai Hu, but we don't know his identity. There is also Beichuan, the Japanese spy who the teacher reminded me about. There is no news at all at the moment. I have to be careful. This invisible opponent, That's the most dangerous thing. Luo Yao said.

Before I came here, I received a secret report saying that Kondo Keiichi had left Jiangcheng for more than half a month.

Didn't it mean that he might be at the frontline headquarters of the 11th Army in Xianning?

Now Okamura Neji has returned to Jiangcheng, what is he still doing there? Gong Hui asked back.

Could it be... Luo Yao frowned and speculated.

The Japanese launched the Hunan-Kiangxi Campaign this time. Not only did they fail to achieve the purpose of the campaign, they also suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that it will be difficult to launch such a large offensive for a while. Gong Hui said.

When external pressure becomes smaller, internal conflicts will inevitably rebound. This is a natural law. If, plus someone secretly instigates it...

Even if Luo Yao doesn't have that memory, he can still imagine what will happen next. It's not that he doesn't want to change some things, but he can't change them.

It would be nice to be able to participate in the process of history and retain a little more vitality.

It's useless to think so much.

Go to sleep. Luo Yao laid the pillow flat and lay down. Although he slept for three days and three nights, he was still a little tired after a day of running around.

There is a companion bed in the private ward, and Gong Hui and Xiao Nan sleep on the companion bed.

The sound of slight snoring came, and Gong Hui, who had been tired for a day, found that she couldn't sleep, and turned over and over in bed more than a dozen times.

In the end, I don't know if I got used to it or if I was really sleepy, I finally fell asleep.

After a dreamless night, Gong Hui opened her eyes in the morning and found that it was already bright. Luo Yao was wearing a hospital gown and standing in front of the window, stretching his limbs.

Apparently he had woken up a long time ago.

Xiaonan was no longer around, and the girl should have woken up, but he didn't wake her up and got out of bed first.

Brother Yao, where is Xiaonan?

Oh, Ze Rong is here. I took her out to buy clothes. Luo Yao turned around and explained, She is familiar with this place and will be back soon.

Oh, let me freshen up first and then buy you breakfast?

No, Li Fu called and will buy it for us later. This guy has money now. Luo Yao said, Just tell him what you want to eat for lunch later.


Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Li Fu had a pair of big red eyes and came in with a large food box in one hand. Through the food box, you could smell the aroma coming from inside.

Yang Yuxing's noodles are freshly baked. I asked a rickshaw to come all the way. Li Fu said.

Didn't Yang Yuxing Noodle Shop burn down in the Wenxi Fire last year? Has it reopened? Luo Yao asked in surprise.

Well, not long after the new opening, the business is not as good as before. The main reason is that there are fewer people eating. Li Fu said, Hurry up and ask Sister Hui to come over for breakfast. I serve the noodles and soup separately. I am afraid that the noodles will be lumpy. , It’s not delicious.” Li Fu said while opening the food box.

Where are Tiger and the others?

They all have it, what can be spared is theirs.

Thin noodles, neatly arranged, served with clear soup, sprinkled with a little chopped green onion, drizzled with a little sesame oil, and seven or eight exquisite side dishes...

This breakfast is so tempting, it makes people drool.

Where is my niece Xiaonan? Li Fu asked directly without treating him as an outsider at all.

Your wife took her out to buy clothes. She will probably be back soon. Luo Yao said.

Going out to buy clothes so early, the clothing store isn't open yet?

She has worked here, doesn't she know better than you?

Yes. If I had known she was coming, I would have just ordered an extra bowl... Li Fu really didn't know that his wife had come to the hospital. She probably came to see Luo Yao and take a look at his own.

It's okay, we can't eat even this much.

Gong Hui is from the north. When she saw the noodles, her eyes lit up and she was not polite. She sat down and started eating with chopsticks.

How was the trial? Luo Yao asked while eating.

The last person we arrested is called Fujita Jun. He was originally affiliated with the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department and was recently transferred to Jiangcheng. He is affiliated with the Kondo Agency in Jiangcheng and is directly led by Kondo Keiichi. These people are both soldiers and agents. Most of them at least know how to Speaks more than two languages, and received rigorous military and special agent training in the Northeast, all of which lasted for more than three years...

The Japanese are all hard-nosed. This time they arrested fourteen in one go. As long as one of them opens his mouth, he can learn a lot of information. At least the origin of this Japanese spy team will be clear first.

There are thirty of them in total, and we currently have only twenty-nine of them. In other words, there is still one person who has slipped through the net.

No, it should be two people. Do you remember the person who parachuted from the Japanese reconnaissance plane that night? He should not be counted among the thirty people. Luo Yao shook his head.

Yes, how could I forget this person?

It's hard to find these two people now, especially the one who parachuted down. He is probably not among the twenty-nine people. Luo Yao analyzed and judged.

These Japanese agents can quickly determine our foothold. What does this mean? Luo Yao continued.

Do they still have their internal agents in the city? Li Fu asked.

It's hard to say. After all, when we caught 'Hen', he already knew that we were at Rongyuan No. 4, and we did it deliberately to show them in Yangyuan. Luo Yao shook his head.

That Fujita Jun has been refusing to recruit. Station Commander Li was afraid that he would be killed and the gain would outweigh the loss, so he did not continue the trial. Li Fu said.

Fujita Jun is the leader of this special agent team, so he naturally knows the most, and the information obtained from him is also the most valuable.

But if this guy doesn't speak, there's nothing he can do.

Let me go, I haven't encountered such a hard nut for a long time. Gong Hui, who was eating noodles, suddenly raised her head and said.

Sister Hui, can you do it?

Remove the word 'can' in the middle. Gong Hui skillfully took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth, and said confidently.

You really want to go? Luo Yao raised his head in surprise.

It still depends on whether the person agrees. If the attack is too harsh and the person is killed, I won't be able to explain it. Gong Hui chuckled.

Li Fugang took a mouthful of noodles, almost choking, and coughed repeatedly: Sister Hui, how about I help you ask?

Okay, I don't have to go anyway. Gong Hui said, being able to stay with Luo Yao in the hospital without having to think about anything would be better than anything else.

Gong Hui hasn't moved her muscles for a long time.

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