It was the elites of the Platinum-class, Louise and Seran, who had known each other, who rushed to Souya’s side as he struggled alone. The fact that Louise, who draws the line at being an adventurer, showed up here suggests that the emergency situation of Lingen’s destruction has been transmitted to Ilstadt.

The black-haired woman standing on the cliff was probably one of the elite members of the adventurer’s guild belonging to Ilstadt. Souya didn’t recognize her, but he was amazed at her skill.


(To the top of the cliff, there are more than 150 meters.  Is this kind of sniping possible?)


The Bronze Demon was shot in the head, neck and heart.

It’s not the weak points, but the fact that she fired three arrows at the same time in one shot that surprised me.

In the past, Ares, the golden hero, and Rosalind, the rose, who he traveled together, were also good with the bow and arrow, and Souya, with his skill in Tactics, was able to use high-precision shooting, but Souya does not remember any archer-shooter who could shoot with such extraordinary precision.


“I’m sorry for being late. Souya-san, are you injured?”


Soya is closing in on the Bronze Demon, and Louise joins him and calls out to him. Unlike her usual attire as a receptionist, she has the expression of a dignified, experienced adventurer.

Seran, who’s also trying to make contact, is glaring at the Bronze Demon with a look of rage. He looked like he was about to pounce. 


“For now. You’ll have to be careful with the Bronze Demon’s sword. If you mishandle it, it’ll end up like that.”


Souya pointed with one hand to the flames that were still burning several dozen meters away.

The words were meant to urge Seran, who was probably harboring a strong hatred for the “colored” one, to calm down. 


“It’s nasty. I wonder if it was made by a Red Horn?”


“Probably. It’s no problem to engage in close combat, but when the life force of the main body is weakened, it will start detonating. You can’t cut its arm either. But apparently, the detonation can be controlled by freezing it.”


“–Freezing, huh. Souya-san, leave it to me.”


Hearing Souya’s advice, Seran began chanting spiritual arts when he took out the cryolite from the long coat while suppressing his boiling hatred.


“Snowfrau, spirit of ice and snow, imbue my weapon with the blessings of ice and snow. Ice Snow Weaponization [Ice Weapon].”


As soon as Seran finished his chanting, Souya’s Mithril saber, Louise’s twin swords, and Seran’s one and a one and half-handed bastard sword, a total of four weapons, emitted a white glow.

It’s a spiritual art that imbues weapons with the blessings of ice and snow spirits. The arrows shooting from the cliffs could have been the result of Seran’s magic on the bow. Whether it would actually work or not, it was one of the spiritual arts that could intuitively be expected to be effective against the Red Horn, which manipulates fire. His power may be essential to defeating the Red Horn.


“Thank you. This will allow us to block the flaming sword without waiting for it to fire.”


As soon as Souya finished, he slashed at the Bronze Demon that had come into contact with him, and the Bronze Demon responded with its sword, and it became a form of fierce competition. 

He probably didn’t realize that he had slowed down his slashes to a speed that would allow him to react. As he aimed, the cold air propagated from the mithril saber, which had received the blessing of the ice and snow spirit, and the flaming sword was covered with a mass of ice.

Souya did not overlook the sudden weight of the ice blocks clinging to the flaming sword, which caused the Bronze Demon to become unbalanced.


“O Magic Power. Become a magic bullet and kill my enemy. [Magic Bullet]”


Souya fired three magic bullets at the Bronze Demon trying to get into position. 

It is a technique that does not track automatically and requires manual operation and self-control, but because of this, it is a technique that can be greatly enhanced by the skill of the practitioner who draws the line of fire, the timing of the shot, and the speed of the bullet.

First shot, second shot, and then the third shot from a precarious position, the Bronze Demon was flung away and fell.

The Bronze Demon tried to get back up, but Souya grabbed a bunch of hand-thrown darts from his inside pocket and threw them all at him. It was a haphazard attempt to take advantage of the time available before the next move, but one of the strikes successfully pierced the Bronze Demon’s eye.




Souya thrusts his blade into the neck of the Bronze Demon, who grunts, holding its eyes. He continued by piercing the weakpoints, the head, and finally the heart. Struck by the mithril saber, it easily pierced the skin of the tough Bronze Demon. 


“Excuse me.”


After confirming that its pulse had ceased and the blood had been removed from the blade, Souya began searching for the enemy again. 

The dark-haired woman who had been camped on the cliff had disappeared. She may have confirmed that it had been strengthened by the Ice Weapon, and thought that sniping from an uncertain distance was unnecessary.


Nearby, Louise and one of the Bronze Demon were about to end their battle.

Ahead of her. In response to the enemy’s attack movements, she prepared the best counter. The Bronze Demon’s entire body was covered with a great number of cuts and scratches.

If the Bronze Demon’s instincts were good, it would have noticed that the counter was causing it to take a lot of painful slashes.

If he could stop his hand, he would be able to escape from the magic. However, he is not allowed to stop his hands. It’s a must-kill search-and-destroy. If he disobeyed this order that could be called a curse, his heart would stop beating and he would die.

Louise sheathed one of her swords after confirming that the poor devil, who had been so coiled and carved up, was staggering under the weight of the ice block that clung to him. She then leapt with her other sword in both hands and cut off the Bronze Demon’s head from its body.


(There’s not even a chance to help. The only thing left is the one that Seran-kun is dealing with.


The way Seran fought against one of them at a distance was rough. His eyes were bloodshot and he was slashing with all his might, a stark contrast to Louise, who was performing a brilliant dual-wielding sword dance.

His mind was controlled by revenge. But he is skilled enough with a sword to be able to hit hard with his hatred, and the demon sword in his hand has the power of Demonbane, a kamikaze attack. 


“I’ll kill you, you filthy demon. I’ll kill you.”


The Bronze Demon’s body began to convulse and writhe in agony as the one-and-a-half-handed bastard sword he held in both hands plunged into the Bronze Demon’s torso.

The Demon Bane is a deadly poison to the demon race, and as long as the blade continues to pierce, it will continue to destroy the tissues of the body. Seran smiled at the suffering Bronze Demon and let go of the one and a half bastard sword, and took out the cryolite again.


“Snowfrau, spirit of ice and snow, with your spear of glacier–.”


That spiritual art was not completed. Before Seran could finish his chant, the Bronze Demon’s head shook with a dull thud. At the same time, a small, intricately decorated axe was thrust into the Bronze Demon’s brain.


(──Throwing axe Hatchet. New reinforcements.)


“…… Ha, that was a very clean hit. Is this the last one?”


When Souya turned around, he saw a blonde woman standing on the other side, probably throwing the hatchet.

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