one hundred and twenty-eight

Everyone immediately raised a glass to celebrate. Liu Yunting's attention was really diverted. She looked at Ming Xin'er enviously and said, "sister Xin'er has entered a big company. Will she be promoted and raised?"

Everyone laughed. Mingxin'er shaved Liu Yunting's nose and joked: "I just went in. I'll talk about it after the probation period. But Jinghuang is the most powerful company in Nancheng. It should be more generous than other places. "

For her, although practicing martial arts is the biggest goal, she is still concerned about earning more.

Yin Ziyu looks at several girls. Liu Yunting, a simple girl, is concerned about her income. Obviously, the embarrassment of life has made them realize the importance of money. But on the other hand, the money is so urgent, but can maintain a pure heart, Mu Xuan's group of people, really very rare.

Qian Qian looked at Ming Xin'er and Yin Ziyu and said curiously, "sister Xin'er, uncle Yin, you've all gone to Jinghuang group. Can you let my mother go to work there?"

All of them were stunned and looked at Liu Yun awkwardly.

Yin Ziyu's eyes flashed. I don't know why the atmosphere was suddenly strange.

Liu Yun quickly pushed the fruit plate, gently to thousands of way: "children don't interrupt adult chat, eat fruit quickly."

After all, Qianqian has been in the first grade, and some things can be seen. She flattens her mouth and lowers her head in grievance. She mutters: "but I don't want to see you work so hard. When you take me to school, there are always some people who laugh at our bad clothes. Some boys in the class always bully me and say I'm poor, I can't even afford snacks at school... "

Liu Yun's eyes suddenly turned red. She pursed her mouth and took a deep breath. She said in a soft voice, "my mother will bring you snacks every day and let you wear new clothes every day..."

Qianqian shook his head wisely: "Mom, I'm wrong. I shouldn't say such words to make you sad. I'm full. I want to play by the lake below. " Then he jumped out of his chair.

Liu Yun stood up in a hurry, looked at everyone apologetically, and chased Qianqian to the elevator. Not long after, I saw the figure of mother and daughter strolling by the lake hand in hand from the window.

After a moment's silence, Yin Ziyu pushed the button on the chair, put the back down, turned it into a half lie, lit a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and puffed for a while. Seeing that neither of the two girls spoke, he asked, "since we all live together, do I have the right to know? What about the poor mother and daughter? "

Ming Xin'er sighs and looks at the two people kicking the water by the lake below through the window. She says: "sister Yun's family was good. Her parents were workers in the mine, and she was good at her studies. But before she was admitted to university, there was a disaster, and her parents died in the landslide. Fortunately, a young and promising businessman supported her at the critical moment and allowed her to enter the University smoothly. "

Yin Ziyu picked his eyebrows, vaguely had a bad premonition, straightened up and said: "don't tell me it's the kind of dog blood plot that happened to her."

"Almost." Ming Xin'er's face showed a trace of anger, "the businessman aided Yun Jie to go to university, and also visited her from time to time. With meticulous care, they moved Yun Jie's heart in the pain of losing her relatives, and they fell in love. But after a year, the merchant's wife took dozens of people to the University and beat up Yun Jie in front of all the teachers and students in the Department. She called her Xiao San, a fox spirit, and shamelessly seduced her husband. "

"The man changed his face on the spot and said that it was Yun Jie who took the initiative to seduce him, slapped her hard and left. Yun Jie became the object of ridicule in the whole school. When she was in great pain, she found that she had been pregnant for five months. She panicked, and no family to help find a way, on a stormy night alone to escape the University, traveled thousands of miles to the south city. As a result of unmarried children, also did not have the university diploma, a lonely woman, life can imagine how difficult.... "

Yin Ziyu vomited a cigarette, lay down again, and said, "with respect, it's not difficult to find a good job with Liu Yun's beauty..."

Mingxin'er stares at once and slaps the table hard, Liu Yunting was startled and scolded: "what nonsense are you talking about? None of your men are good. The reason why sister Yun didn't dare to go out was that there were so many things like this. All of them, under the guise of recruitment, were in bad mood. Several times, sister Yun was almost put under house arrest by the boss who had no intention. After that, sister Yun no longer dares to make up for fear that something will happen because of her appearance. "

Yin Ziyu stood up from his soft chair and said with a smile, "I can't imagine that diploma is still so important in China after more than ten years. No wonder Liu Yun can't find a good job. Without a college diploma, she won't have a foothold. "

Liu Yunting is also the first time to listen to Ming Xin'er detailed Liu Yun's past, sad to shed tears.Ming Xin'er sighed: "I was chatting with her once. She couldn't bear it and cried to me. You'd better pretend you don't know. Sister Yun has a high self-esteem and doesn't want to be pitied. "

"Don't be sad. There's no way out. Especially when I'm here, good days will come." Yin Ziyu went to the window and looked down at her mother and daughter. Her words seemed a little light.

Although the two women nodded their heads, they didn't agree with each other. Yin Ziyu was just a security guard, and he was not a decent job. Talking about ease, life was really hard.

They were full of wine and food, and everyone was thinking about leaving. No matter how good the environment is, after all, it's not my own home. They have their own affairs and can't stay for a long time.

The following Qian Qian has fallen asleep, lying on Liu Yun's leg. Ming Xin'er is supported by Liu Yunting and goes down first. Yin Ziyu goes to check out alone.

With the bank card given by song Zong, Yin Ziyu has the courage to walk. He comes to the payment office and knocks on the table. He presents the bank card smartly and reports his table number.

The front desk waiter is a handsome guy. He skillfully typed the keyboard and looked at the screen. His face changed. Finally, he believed the amount and looked up at the fish, showing a look of admiration and surprise. He said respectfully, "Hello, sir, your consumption today is 412000 yuan in total. According to our preferential treatment for distinguished guests, you will be charged 410000 yuan in total."

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