Of course, Yin Ziyu was in a bad mood. He managed to make something. Qian Linfang didn't eat a bite, which affected him.

"It turned out to be the general manager. I didn't invite you to annoy you. How could I be so angry?"

Hearing Yin Ziyu's tone so calm, the whole family was stunned. This kind of tone should not be the calm of those who kill people.

Can't help but wonder, is Yin Ziyu careless parking did not take the key, let others drive away to kill?

Song Yi was more or less calm. She asked in a deep voice: "just now, the police told us that someone killed more than ten people in our Mercedes Benz. Do you know who did it?"

"Oh, the news is so fast." Yin Ziyu vomited a cigarette and said flatly, "I made it. But those people should die. "

Hearing this, the blue veins on Song Yi's forehead suddenly burst out and roared in a voice she had never heard before: "who do you think you are? Has the final say damn you? The police have come to my house with a warrant to arrest you. What do you say? "

"The big boss has access to the police. He has the ability to find out what the police are doing." Yin Ziyu light way, tone seems to be separated by a layer of what, become unfamiliar, "don't worry, one person to do one person when, this will not affect your song family, I carry." Finish saying PA hung up the phone.

Song Yi almost dropped her cell phone on the ground, gritting her teeth: "asshole! What the hell is this? It's like twenty-five or eighty thousand to make such a mess. "

Looking back at Song Zongzhi, his tone changed to beg: "Dad, do we really want to stand by? After all, they came because of us and saved us many times. "

Although she was so angry that she wanted to kill that guy, she didn't know why. In her heart, she didn't want to see Yin Ziyu caught. That guy is tired and lazy all day long. He even has a lazy tone when something goes wrong. The words he says are not reliable at all.

Song Zongzhi sat on the stone bench again, frowned deeply, rubbed his temple and said, "let me calm down first and see if I can think of a way."

Bai Ping can't help reciting "Amitabha" with her eyes closed. In her eyes, Yin Ziyu is very sensible and clever. How can she do such an impulsive thing? Young people are young people. It's easy to be confused when something happens.

Qian Linfang, of course, also heard the conversation between them. With a worried expression on her face, she grabbed Yin Ziyu's arm and said, "brother Yin, why don't I accompany you to turn yourself in. With my testimony and the help of lawyer Yan Lili, you should be sentenced to an extreme homicide... "

Yin Ziyu immediately lost a white eye in the past. What's the international joke? Lao Tzu killed so many people that he had to turn himself in every time? Does it not smooth the soles of the feet?

Didi - Yin Ziyu's mobile phone rings.

Without hesitation, he got through the phone and said calmly, "good morning, Captain mu."

Mu Xianghui over there frowned. This time, Yin Ziyu changed his name. He was no longer the director, but his own secret identity.

After taking a deep breath, Mu Xianghui said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yin, there was a homicide case in Nancheng this morning, involving more than ten lives..."

"I did it." Yin Ziyu took a smoke and squinted at the distance from the window.

Half lying on the bed, Qian Linfang's heart jumped and unconsciously grasped the quilt tightly.

"What? Did you do it Mu Xianghui exclaimed, originally he wanted to ask Yin Ziyu to the scene to help investigate, but unexpectedly he got such amazing news.

However, on second thought, there was no trace of the murderer at the scene. He was so experienced, and the killing was crisp. All of them were fatal with one shot, and the shooting technique was superb. In Nancheng, apart from Yin Ziyu, he really didn't expect a second person to be able to do it.

After Yin Ziyu admitted, Mu Xianghui only felt thirsty. He understood the rules of the mercenary world. If he did it by himself, he would not hide it. He even showed off some important things.

But this is China. It is a place where principles, laws and regulations are emphasized. It is far from being a place where people can run roughshod in war-torn areas. Does this guy still think this is North Africa or the Middle East? This asshole!

"Just killed a few people who should have been killed." Yin Ziyu took a smoke lightly and said, "it's up to you. It's settled as soon as possible."

Fuck! Mu Xianghui wants to curse his mother. If you want to settle it, you can settle it. Do you think I can cover the sky with one hand?

Seeing that there was no one on the left and right, Mu Xianghui covered the microphone with his hand and said in a low voice: "Mr. razor, you've made too much noise. I can't cover it alone. Well, I'll help you find out what my superiors mean? You know, there is also a descendant of the Luo family. Although the main influence of this family is not in China, its influence is not small. I don't dare to give you a guarantee if I can win it or not. "In fact, in accordance with Yin Ziyu's previous style, he left a mark of a razor on the scene and then drifted away, absolutely natural and unrestrained.

But now he is not alone. Not only Qian Linfang but also the Song family will be directly affected.

He is a man who doesn't want to bear the burden of thought. He simply stays and tries to deal with it.

After lighting a cigarette again, Yin Ziyu took a puff and said to Mu Xianghui, "in China, others may not be able to hold it, but you have enough ability. Well, you give me a thorough settlement of this matter, I promise to promise you a condition Yin Ziyu bite every word very hard, sonorous powerful way, "you know, this exchange you absolutely do not suffer."

Mu Xianghui was shocked and his face became solemn. The conditions promised by the world's most powerful legendary mercenary may have incalculable value at some times, especially in international affairs. This person's influence is absolutely enormous. Think about the super characters he was able to mobilize, and he couldn't help being moved by the deal.

Not looking forward to asking for instructions, Mu Xianghui gritted his teeth and said, "good! If I can get the promise of the legendary mercenary, I will give up. We'll take care of this! "

Qian Linfang, who was listening quietly by the phone, covered her mouth gently. She didn't know who Yin Ziyu was talking to. Her tone was so powerful that she seemed to be able to deal with such a big problem. And Yin Ziyu with a "promise you a condition" can let the other party so service, also let her began to have a strong curiosity about his identity.

Yin Ziyu is relieved. As long as people like Mu Xianghui make a promise, there is nothing they can't do in China

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