Bi Shengnan's face changed and he wanted to explain. The leaders of the other three branches roared.

"No way!"

"How can that be?"

"I don't agree!"

Qi Shushu's voice makes Yin Ziyu and Luo Tiancheng stunned at the same time. I don't know why the leader of the three branches is so excited.

Bi Shengnan's face changed. He knew that the leaders of the three branches had misunderstood him, but he took his eyes to Yin Ziyu and sipped his mouth without explanation.

Luo Tiancheng frowned and said, "without the kindness of brother Yin, there would be no Luo family now. What's wrong with me trying to make friends with him? "

The leaders of the three branches are Luo Shuanglong, Luo Chihe and Luo Xiaohu.

Luo Shuanglong snorted: "master, it's OK to make friends, but if you want to make friends, I think you need to be careful."

"Yes, there are some things we need to take care of the development of the Luo family. We can't make rash decisions with our own wishes." Luo Chihe nodded.

Luo Xiaohu looked directly at Yin Ziyu: "I don't know what's the relationship between you and our foreign affairs director Bi Shengnan?"

Bi Shengnan pursed his mouth and nervously looked at Yin Ziyu. I believe that with his cleverness, he has already seen the key to the matter, but he didn't ask him to help him in advance, and even deliberately shirked when he asked for help. It's a bit whimsical to let the other party bear the burden for him at this time.

"Mr. Yin, please don't blame Sheng Nan if he offended me. Bi Shengnan is here to make amends to you. "

Bi Shengnan can only say a vague word, but smart people can understand it. I believe Yin Ziyu can understand it. Whether he can help depends on the mood of others.

But it's also a bit out of the ordinary, and Bi Shengnan has some helplessness in his heart. In the family, they are constantly competing with each other for their own things. Now their own means are also disgraceful. They still regard themselves as something and hand it over to others. They want to rely on others to get rid of the shackles.

Yin Ziyu grinned. Of course, he knew what those people were concerned about. He shook his head and put out a cigarette: "don't worry, everyone. I'm not here to fight for power and gain, and I'm not interested in the property of the Luo family. I'm here for something else. "

Bi Shengnan's pretty face suddenly became miserable, while the leader of the three branches was elated and said: "well, as long as you really are like this, that's our forever friend of Luo Jiaquan."

Luo Tiancheng snorted without any trace. He was very unhappy with his opponent's obvious struggle for fame and wealth. He sneered: "my old man is not dead yet. Can't you wait? Hei hei, Hei hei, I will give the property of the Luo family and the inheritance of the Luo family boxing to whoever I want, regardless of men and women. Don't think you have a man in your family. What kind of society is this? The rules of the Luo family are set by Laozi. The more you can't calm down, the more you can't get anything! "

Speaking of these words, Luo Tiancheng exudes the majestic breath of the leader of a big sect, which makes the leader of the three branches change his face at the same time.

"Master, you misunderstood. We just want to keep the authenticity of the Luo family

"Yes, of course, you are the master of the Luo family. You say that whoever inherits will be the one who inherits. There is absolutely no difference between us as the younger generation."

The leader of the three branches quickly lowered his head to subdue. At this time, he had a bad impression in front of Luo Tiancheng, so there was no hope.

Bi Shengnan looks at Yin Ziyu bitterly. They are closer. Bi Shengnan looks at him with white eyes and breathes. He lowers his voice and says, "can't you do me a favor? I won't pester you."

Yin Ziyu vomited a cigarette and joked: "elder sister, we've met twice in total. It's OK to help you fight. The marriage between the two factions should be avoided. The affairs of the world are in the world. If we collude with each other, we will be involved in the school. "

Yin Ziyu's words are right. If he and Bi Shengnan really spread something, I'm afraid Luo Tiancheng will die at once. Seize this point and ask to see Yin Gang. According to the virtue of the dead old man in the valley, he must marry this woman.

It's not that Yin Ziyu doesn't like beautiful women, but that he doesn't come to Beijing to look for flowers and willows.

With a smile: "Mr. Luo, do you want to reunite the Luo family?"

When this was said, there was a moment of silence in the whole room.

Everyone looks at Yin Ziyu in dismay. Not only Bi Shengnan covers his mouth in surprise, but the leader of Sanzhi is stunned. Even Luo Tiancheng is surprised.

A moment later, Luo Tiancheng's face looked happy, and his excited fingers trembled: "Mr. Yin, what do you mean? Are you ready to help

Luo Tiancheng was so excited that the Luo family split into male and female families, which also led to the division of the Luo family boxing into two schools: boxing sect and nianpai. Over the years, as he grew older, he felt a trace of regret for everything in his heart. However, the contradiction between the two families became deeper and deeper, but he could not find any way to return to one family.The leaders of the three branches were shocked. They didn't have Luo Tiancheng's feelings, and instantly considered their own status. If the two companies merge into one, I don't know how many competitors will be added. More importantly, my position will be affected.

"If you plan well, you don't have to fail. But you also have to prepare for a massive hemorrhage. After all, my master didn't come. Everything is just me. " Yin Ziyu smiles, straightforward and magnanimous.

"What? You're the only one? You're kidding The leader of the three branches sneered, "do you know how tough the Luo family is? I'm not polite to tell you that even if we pour all our strength into the Luo family, we won't be able to shake it. "

Luo Tiancheng frowned and took a deep look at Yin Ziyu. If the younger generation of another family had been talking in front of him, I'm afraid he would have slapped him in the face.

But after all, this man was the disciple of that one, and just now he did something extraordinary, so he reluctantly said: "Mr. Yin is just a beginner, maybe he really wants to do something. But I still advise you to do what you can. Sometimes you will suffer a big loss if you don't understand your opponent's strength and act blindly. "

"Ha ha, I know what you are afraid of. Isn't it the deep and terrible mind plan and the irresistible hypnotism? " Yin Ziyu shrugged. Seeing that the faces of the Luo family had changed, he said with a smile, "in some cases, the ability of these women will be greatly limited, which I am familiar with."

"Have you dealt with them?" Bi Shengnan can't help asking.

"I have a lot of contacts and I am quite clear about their routines. That's why I dare to come to you. As long as we create opportunities to introduce them to China, the Luo family of men will probably eat them. "

Luo Tiancheng and others looked at each other with a strange light in their eyes. Bi Shengnan suddenly giggled and said, "that's good. They are in the capital now!"

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