"We can't run any more. Go, one by one!" Xu Ziyu simply refused, struggling to stand up, "we block for you, run away!"

Luo Xiaohu three eyes canthus to crack, roared: "how can a man let a woman stand in the way of running, I would rather fight with them!"

"Go! Xiaoyu is right, one is the other! " Luo Tiancheng tore off the Jade Buddha that had been hanging around his neck for decades and thrust it into Luo Xiaohu's hand. He glared and said, "my old man can't live for a few years. Give this to Sheng Nan and let her find out the traitor and revive the reputation of Luo family boxing!"

Luo Xiao, with tears in his eyes, looked at the dragon and crane nearby. At the same time, he bit his teeth and roared and rushed out.

Luo Tiancheng and his two injured daughters-in-law also rushed out, but they rushed to the most crowded position, trying to create a chance for the three to escape.

"Want to run? Good idea Tang Yuanhu sneers and blows a loud whistle. Suddenly, a lot of people in black appear on the wall outside Luo's house. Qi Shushu goes to surround Luo Xiaohu and the three of them. Obviously, he has prepared his hands in advance to escape.

Those who broke through the encirclement were immediately blocked, and a fierce battle started again. There are a lot of people on the other side. The number of injured people on Luo's side is gradually decreasing. Many young people have already vomited blood and lie on the ground. They don't know whether they are alive or dead. Luo Tiancheng can't help roaring up in the sky and is inexplicable.

The dragon and the crane saw that the momentum was not good, and they could not care about the internal contradictions any more. They worked together to break through a line of defense. One person supported Luo Xiaohu with one leg, threw him out of the courtyard wall, and then spared no effort to stop the man in black who was catching up.

Nowadays, Luo's family still has a lot of people outside. As long as Luo Xiaohu goes out, he can contact Bi Shengnan and the people who are scattered outside. Maybe he has a chance to make a comeback.

Seeing someone escape, Luo Tiancheng's spirit is relaxed. Tang Yuanhu catches him and kicks him in the chest. With the sound of "click" bone breaking, Luo Tiancheng vomits blood and falls to the ground.

Tang Yuanhu catches up with Luo Tiancheng when he raises his single knife. A female voice behind Leng buting says, "Mr. Tang, keep the sword down!"

The other Luo family members roared when they saw that their master was seriously injured, but they couldn't get rid of the siege of many people in black. The trapped animals were still fighting. After a long time, they were subdued one by one and fell to the ground.

Tang Yuanhu turned his head and hurried out a young woman behind him. He came to Luo Tiancheng and stared at him closely. He said: "master Luo, if you don't want to die, you can hand over the token in your hand!"

"What token?" The soup yuan tiger Mou son Shan Shan Shan, immediately follow to ask a way.

The woman took a look at him and said faintly, "this is the housework of our Luo family. Uncle Tang doesn't need to know."

"Hey, hey, hey, help you take down the men's Luo family. Do you think we're here to help?" Tang Yuanhu sneered.

Who didn't know that the Luo family was fighting for the legacy left by their ancestors before they were separated. It's a pity that at the critical moment, an outsider came from the sky and sealed up the most important boxing score, Italian score and the cultivation experience of successive leaders of the Luo family. What's more important is the gold checks accumulated by many successive leaders stored abroad. These things are the most important core of the Luo family.

Because of this, except for Luo Tiancheng, no one else has made great achievements in the boxing of the Luo family; The Luo family of the overseas female department just took away a lot of money, and Yigong gradually evolved into a kind of hypnotism. They were ashamed to say it. This is also the reason why Luo Tiancheng and Luo Wan, who are nearly 80 years old, want to reunite the Luo family.

If it wasn't for Yin Ziyu and the headmaster's token, Luo Luowan might not be so determined to return the female Luo family to China. Who can expect things to be targeted before they succeed.

Luo Tiancheng glared at the woman and said angrily, "eat what's inside and out! I won't tell you when I die! "

"No, is that the token that the old man gave to Luo Xiaohu just now?" Tang Yuanhu suddenly returned to his senses and immediately turned to chase him out with his double knives. He doesn't care whether people die or not. Anyway, his own people are here. He can't escape by measuring them. The biggest thing is to get the property of the Luo family.

Luo Xiaohu, who is standing out of the tight encirclement, is staggering and galloping towards the outside of the mountain. When he is close to the end of the oil and the lamp is dry, his face is full of tears, and he is crying and running madly. His heart is as painful as a knife.

At this time, he saw a car rushing towards him. He was so scared that he quickly rolled to the ground and tried to get into the woods. But he heard Bi Shengnan's voice: "Uncle tiger, why are you here? What happened?"

Seeing Bi Shengnan, Luo Xiaohu was surprised. He rushed up to the co pilot and yelled, "hurry, turn back and run for your life!"

Bi Shengnan saw that his hair was scattered and sweaty, and there were blood stains in many places. He immediately knew that it was not good and yelled, "where's the owner? Where is he? ""Run away, or we'll both be lost! Come on Luo Xiaohu, like a madman, beat the window desperately. At this time, there was already the roar of cars in the distance. The three cars flew out of the high slope and came to the ground.

Bi Shengnan's pupils shrunk. He put on the reverse gear and stepped on the accelerator. The car made a turn in the same place and sped away towards the coming road.

Luo Xiaohu saw Bi Shengnan covering his belly and bleeding on the steering wheel. He was shocked and said, "are you injured, Sheng Nan?"

"I was beaten by a cruel man. He was so strong inside that his internal organs were like a knife..." Bi Shengnan insisted, breathing, "Uncle tiger, you drive. I'll try to use martial arts to suppress the injury."

The two quickly exchanged positions in the car, Bi Shengnan reluctantly took a breath to suppress the internal injury. Her Kung Fu was handed down by Luo Tian, one of the few descendants of the Luo family. While suppressing the injury, he said hatefully: "I didn't expect that dadaomen would attack us at the critical moment. This kind of despicable behavior against the rules of the river and lake must be arranged by Tang Tianye. After going out, I will make it public and ask him to give us an account of the Luo family! By the way, how's my grandfather? "

Luo Xiaohu eyes canthus to crack, gnashing his teeth tunnel: "Sheng Nan, everyone is controlled by them, we Luo family boxing was swallowed, how to do?"

Bi Shengnan was so angry that he wanted to shoot, but he was injured. He frowned and said, "it's not OK to give this kind of thing to the police. They can't save people. They may also force them to kill people. As long as they don't dare to kill people in the capital, we have a chance. "

Luo Xiaohu took out the Jade Buddha that Luo Tian had sold to him and said in a deep voice, "this is what the master asked me to give you."

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