Watching Yin Ziyu wave away, song Zongzhi sat down on the sofa, feeling lost.

Song Yi bit her lips and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. She just had a deep sense of loss in her eyes and was bleeding from her fingernails.

Qian Linfang couldn't help chasing out and grabbed Yin Ziyu's hand. Regardless of the curious eyes of the employees around, her voice trembled and said, "Yin Ziyu, where are you going?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Maybe I'll go back to Mu Xuanxuan for a few days, but it's not a long-term solution. I'm thinking about finding a hotel... "

"To my house!" Qian Linfang suddenly interrupted Yin Ziyu, "as long as you don't go, go to my house. You have the key

The hand holding yinziyu trembles, just like the last straw held by a man who immediately falls into the abyss.

"That's good. I'm worried that I have no place to live. I'll go out and do some work first. Don't tell me about living in your house, "Yin Ziyu pointed upstairs." wait for me to go home in the evening. "

Qian Linfang's pretty face was bright in an instant and nodded: "I'll wait for you!" Stand still and watch him leave.

Yin Ziyu takes out his cigarette and nods. He gets on the Mercedes Benz and goes away.

Back in her office, Song Yi is absorbed in looking at the extra desk in front of her, as if the guy with a cell phone giggling is still around. I'm used to the feeling that he's around. Now I'm alone. The room is empty, just like my empty heart.

Why? Why did you leave?

Song Yiyu kept asking questions on her desk.

Really because it's settled? There's no need to go in such a hurry. These days of contact, she is familiar with Yin Ziyu's temper, never in such a hurry to leave the relationship.

Because of the relationship with yourself? It seems that he has not completed the mission given to him by his master.

There are Mu Xuanxuan and "fish on the sky", which are all closely related to him. It's impossible to just leave.

The only reason is that the matter should not be over, or that some of the effects caused by the following make him not want Jinghuang group to be involved, but intend to solve it alone.

Song Yi calm analysis, picked up the phone and dialed a number: "I heard that you are omniscient professional trading information company?"? OK, I want you to check one person. I want to get all the information about him before 0:00 this evening. Money is not a problem... "

"Brother fish, I'm back. Where are you?" Yin Ziyu just drove to the outer ring when he received a fiery phone call from mercury.

After things subsided in Nancheng, Skywalker group successfully got the right to operate the North African railway line, and there was no need to restrict mercury, so he flew back to Nancheng just after he got free.

"I just applied with my family to become the general manager of the group's Nancheng branch. There will be plenty of time to play with you later. "

Yin Ziyu smiles: "play? I just quit my job in Jinghuang group. Where can I play? "

"Well? No, I brought a friend with me. Why are you leaving? " Mercury voice pulled out a high profile, cry out heartbroken.

"Who says I'm leaving?" Yin Ziyu vomited a cigarette, "go to the official website of the mercenary. Now people all over the world are shouting, fighting and killing. You can't find a place to settle down. You're just back. Help me to fix up the guy who takes advantage of me. "

Skywalker group, of course, does business honestly at home, but there are several other lines of business abroad. One of them is Mercury's single business line, the arms escort business in North Africa. They don't manufacture, sell or smuggle. They are only engaged in transportation and protection business, but they also make a lot of money.

Therefore, Mercury's position in the family is quite detached. He dares what others dare not do, but he can command a lot of things beyond his level. The rail line sent by Yin Ziyu also provides great convenience in transportation business, and also makes Mercury's position in the family more stable. That's why Yin Ziyu asked him to prepare weapons for himself.

Even if you don't sell them, you can contact them every day and get a lot of them.

"It's no problem, brother fish. I'll give it to you tonight." Mercury made a promise, then said with a smile, "where are you? A friend will surprise you."

"Who? I'll pick you up at the airport. " Yin Ziyu is curious.

"We'll know when we meet."

At the airport, Yin Ziyu looks at BI Shengnan walking out from the exit of yanshimei, a little thirsty. After the woman was dressed up, she was radiant, attracting almost all the attention of the whole airport, making the mercury around her totally nonexistent.Blink an eye, stretch out a hand delicate and feeble way: "somebody else's internal injury hasn't healed yet, don't know to help?"

Yin Ziyu met him with a bitter smile, took the soft and boneless jade hand and said, "didn't you just meet? The Luo family has such a big business waiting for you to deal with. How did you come to Nancheng? "

"In the negotiation between the two families, the men's Department agreed that the women's department should have a foothold in the capital, but in exchange, the business and Xingmao building in the South City have all been transferred to our men's department. Let me see if there is any problem with my industry." Bi Shengnan glanced at Yin Ziyu with all kinds of manners. He saw that the Jade Buddha she sent was still hanging around Yin Ziyu's neck. His pretty eyes flashed with bright colors, and his delicate body almost nestled up to him.

Yin Ziyu suddenly, sure enough, the two families each stepped back. Because of Jinghuang, the female department can't keep it in the south city. Instead, it's better to use waste to gain a foothold in the capital.

If Tianyun consortium comes to Nancheng, it should not be as noisy as before.

Yin Ziyu nodded and carried them straight to Qian Linfang's villa. On the way, I bought some personal belongings, clothes, bedspreads and so on, and came to Qian Linfang's house together.

Qian Linfang asked for leave at noon and waited for Yin Ziyu at home. As soon as the doorbell rang, he ran out to open the door. After opening the door, he was stunned and found that three smiling faces waved to her.

"Why? Mr. mercury, Mr. Bi, you are here, too. This is

"Stay in your house for a few days and move out when you find a place." Yin Ziyu explained a sentence, to her sorry smile.

Qian Linfang shook his head and said with a smile, "come in. I've just cooked a lot of food. It's just right for everyone to eat." Virtuous looks like a hospitable daughter-in-law.

Bi Shengnan looked at Qian Linfang, blinked and said with a smile, "don't be so polite in the future. Just call me my male sister or my sister-in-law."


Qian Linfang and mercury look at each other curiously and don't understand Bi Shengnan's meaning.

Bi Shengnan proudly pulled out the Jade Buddha from Yin Ziyu's neck and said with a smile: "this is bi Shengnan's wedding keepsake, which hides tens of billions of assets of Tianyun consortium. Now it's hanging around his neck. What do you mean?"

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