Qu Feiyan came back to master Luo and saw that he was still angry. He shivered all over and scolded: "son of a bitch, these sons of a bitch have come here to act wildly. I think I might as well call up the old army..."

Qu Feiyan quickly took his arm and said with a bitter smile: "grandfather, you are angry. You can't talk nonsense any more. Times are different. "

"What's the difference? What's the difference? It's not proper to assassinate in broad daylight. Can the world tolerate such curfew? " He took out his mobile phone and called Mu Xianghui angrily: "what's the matter with you? Someone almost killed my head. I don't know what to eat?"

Mu Xianghui was a little confused and apologized. He didn't know that an assassin was going to assassinate Luo until Qu Feiyan took over the phone and explained. Startled, he reported the matter to his superiors in a hurry, and then hurriedly sent out people to investigate.

After Mr. Luo vented, he knew the news, and immediately sent a group of people to protect him. He looked like he was wearing casual clothes. Everyone knew that he was the elite who specialized in special time. After the old man scolded, he was a little tired and went back to bed.

Qu Feiyan did not dare to leave. He sat outside with a soft sword on his knees, and his face was filled with emotion. It's really eventful this evening. Yin Ziyu's side is not only noisy, but also has a double knife assassin. I don't know who is fighting.

This side just finished, the phone in hand vibrated again, took it out to have a look, it was Tang Tianye who called.

Qu Feiyan frowned. Recently, she has little contact with Tang Tianye. I don't know what happened when I called so late.

Just connected, Tang Tianye panicked: "sister tobacco, something's wrong. My father was raided on the way back from the Mu family, and he has been taken away. I suspect Yin Ziyu did it. Please contact him and ask him to hand over my father as soon as possible. "

Qu Feiyan was surprised, and a touch of sadness appeared on his beautiful face: "how do you know it's Yin Ziyu's hand?"

"He came to Tang's house to make trouble, crippled my numerous subordinates, and almost killed me. If I hadn't installed a defense system in my home, I would be dead now! " Tang Tianye's voice was trembling and startled.

Qu Feiyan's heart sank down, and Yin Ziyu finally chose to fight hard. This guy is so cruel that he dares to take away the owners of the rich families in the capital and even kill them. How rampant and domineering is he?

"What do you want to do? Or what do you need me to do? " Qu Feiyan asked on the phone.

"I'm afraid. That guy is the top mercenary in the world. I really didn't kidnap Bi Shengnan, but that guy is after me! Sister Yan, aren't the seven sons sent to Emei still there? Can you ask them to protect me? I'm willing to pay any amount of money! "

When a man's strength is so strong that his whole family can't resist it. All the pride of the second ancestor collapsed and became the original incompetence.

Qu Feiyan frowned: "the seven elders have returned to Emei. Don't you have three elders from dadaomen? Why don't you ask them to help? "

Words with a strong refusal, Qu Fei smoke is helpless. Yin Ziyu is not a dead brainer who doesn't follow the rules of the river and lake. The scene of two guns beating Emei's seven sons out of temper seems to be yesterday. Who would like to ask for trouble?

"The three elders have gone. Sister Yan, please help me... "

"I can't spare myself now. You are a disciple of zhenzhuan, and you are entitled to the protection of the sect. You'd better go back to dadaomen." Qu Feiyan simply refuses Tang Tianye. In this case, she doesn't want to go to this muddy water. It's not that you don't want to save your life, but that you don't want Duanmu's family to be affected by it.

After hanging up the phone, Qu Feiyan was more and more angry. Mr. Luo is assassinated here, and Yin Ziyu is making trouble on his own. It's really a headache and anger. That guy didn't listen to me at all. Relying on his own ability, he made such a mess in the capital circle. It's just too shameful.

She didn't believe that the people above didn't know what had happened. She calmed down and thought about it, and immediately figured it out.

The Tang family and the Shen family, including the Luo family, who had an accident, are the ones the government does not want to see. They turn a blind eye to for various reasons. At ordinary times, they put their energy on business. Although they have the taste of seeing money, they are still in the controllable range.

It is estimated that the government can't bear to make more noise these days. Even if Yin Ziyu doesn't make trouble, these families will be investigated one by one.

But that way is too long and lasting. I don't know how many variables will happen in the middle. It happened that a Yin Ziyu jumped out and worked hard with several families in a tough way, which greatly accelerated the whole process.I believe there are many people above who are closely watching the development of things. Once they get to a certain time, it's time to take action.

How big a storm can a man turn out? It's not going to take a few hours to really clean him up.

After thinking about these joints, Qu Feiyan sighed deeply and said: "Yin Ziyu, don't make any more noise. Since you don't want to stop, I can only do this. I hope you can understand my good intentions to you in the future... "

Pick up the phone, I called a number, rang twice, there a gentle woman's voice came over: "cigarette? It's so late. What can I do for you? "

Inside the summit Hall of Emei sect, a middle-aged woman wearing a Taoist robe, holding a brush in her hand and her hair tied on her head, curiously holds a mobile phone and talks gently with Qu Feiyan.

This man is the headmaster of the Emei sect. According to the custom of the past dynasties of Emei, all the leaders are women. Of course, the cultivation of martial arts and insight among peers, floating flower Taoist priest is also respected by all people.

"Niang, Yan'er is in a bit of a mess. A lot of things have happened recently..." Qu Feiyan doesn't call master any more, but calls out the real relationship between them.

This is the biggest secret of the Emei sect, and it's the only way to address them when there is no one. In fact, the Taoist priest piaohua is a monk. Before he went to daomen, he had a husband. His husband's family is Duanmu's family.

Otherwise, it is not necessary to support a Chinese family with the heritage of Emei school. Because of this, Duanmu family has been extremely low-key, even if there is such a big event outside, Duanmu family has never appeared to participate.

In the face of his mother, Qu Feiyan showed a rare weakness, some wronged way: "my daughter's heart is in a mess, mother, I don't know what to do now."

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