Chapter 1 001: Xiti Crematorium

   Concubine Chu is dead!

  Ding Nanbo Mansion's sky is about to collapse!

  His Majesty was distraught, and stopped court for three days.

  Ding Nanbo's mansion was very moved, and decided to send another woman into the palace. Unexpectedly, Chu's house had been scoured inside and out, and there was no woman of the right age, so he put the idea on the head of the in-laws.

  Mrs. Nanbo was determined to be Mrs. Song San's elder sister, and immediately wrote to ask her sister to bring her niece to Beijing as soon as possible.

   Song Yunzhao spit out a mouthful of tea when he got the news, and pinched himself fiercely. The sharp pain brought her back to reality in an instant.

  After fourteen years, has the story finally started?

   Is she, the vicious supporting actress, going to the crematorium?

  Just... eager to try.

  Jiang Xiang carefully looked at her own girl, seeing the uncertain expression on her face, thinking that she was sad again, and cautiously persuaded: "Girl, don't worry, this time Madam will definitely not force you not to run, and the master will not agree."

   Jiangxiang loves her own girl very much. Since the third girl was born, the wife has hated to see her. Although she is a concubine, her life is a little better than that of the second girl, but not comparable to that of the eldest girl.

   Their hearts would be broken to be girls, let alone girls.

  Song Yunzhao smiled lightly, and said softly to Jiang Xiang: "I know you love me, but don't say such things outside, lest you get caught."

  Jiang Xiang thought she was sad, but she wasn't sad at all. The Cai family didn't treat her as a daughter, so naturally she wouldn't treat her as a mother. If it wasn't for the ancient filial piety that made her very passive, she would have already tried to find a way to stand on her own.

   After more than ten years of wretched development, this opportunity finally came, and it was the best opportunity to escape.

   "Girl, what should I do now?" Although Jiang Xiang comforted her daughter, she was extremely anxious in her heart. What if the wife insisted on not taking the girl to Dingnanbo Mansion in Beijing?

  The great opportunity to enter the palace and run for election is gone!

   "What should I do?" Song Yunzhao chuckled, "Jiang Xiang, you should quietly pass the news to Mother Zhao who is next to the eldest aunt of the eldest room."

   Jiang Xiang's eyes lit up, "Yes, this servant is really stupid, why didn't I think of this method? This servant will go now."

  The eldest lady doesn’t care about the sand, such a good opportunity must be fought for, as long as the eldest lady is willing to fight, even if it is to compete with the four unmarried girls in the big house, the third lady will definitely bring their girls.

   Jiang Xiang left in a hurry, Song Yunzhao turned his eyes slightly, and then laughed heartily.

  In the book, the original mother, the third wife of Song, Cai, secretly brought her precious eldest daughter, Song Qinghan, to Beijing without telling the other two families of the Song family, in order to seize the opportunity. She didn't take her third daughter with her at all, but the eldest lady's father was the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and he was naturally well-informed in the capital. Before the Cai family arrived in Beijing, the eldest lady received a letter from the Jiang family, and immediately took the four girls from the long house and concubines to chase after her.

   Naturally, there was a big commotion, and Da Furen squeezed onto the boat of Dingnanbo Mansion because of her shameless skills. This time, she wants to take advantage of this opportunity. She must go to this general election. This is the opportunity she has been waiting for for more than ten years.

   "Girl, girl, Yinzhu from Madam's yard is here to send a message, Madam asked you to come over." Qian Cao said hastily as she lifted the curtain.

  Song Yunzhao got up unhurriedly. She was dressed in a plain jacket and skirt, which was a bit bland. She didn't look like a rich and noble daughter at all. She didn't intend to change clothes, so she just walked out.

   Halfway there, she heard someone calling her name, and when she turned her head, she saw Song Jinxuan chasing her.

   "Third sister, do you also go to mother's place?"

  Song Jinxuan is the second young lady born from a concubine, born to Aunt Che. Aunt Che is favored at home, and even her son and daughter are very respectable.

  Song Yunzhao nodded lightly, and didn't mean to answer her.

  Mother and daughter, Aunt Che and Song Jinxuan, are very scheming. They know that Cai doesn't like her, but whenever Aunt Che wants to fight Cai, she always uses her as a raft.

  Song Jinxuan didn't seem to see Song Yunzhao's indifference, and said with a smile: "I don't know what mother told us to go over."

  Song Yunzhao didn't bother to talk to her, and walked straight forward without even looking at her.

  Song Jinxuan looked at Song Yunzhao, her face froze slightly, she looked down on someone, she was not the child Madam hated, she thought so in her heart but didn't dare to say it directly, she gritted her teeth and chased after him.

   Entering Cai's yard, the flowers and plants in the yard are in full bloom and neatly arranged. There are two little girls who have just grown their hair standing under the eaves, watching them come and quickly open the curtain.

  Song Yunzhao was standing under the eaves and before he walked in, he heard the happy laughter of his elder sister Song Qinghan, and Cai's loving voice was faintly heard, and she walked in directly as if she didn't hear it.

  Song Jinxuan knew that Song Yunzhao was eccentric, straightforward and reckless. Although his wife didn't like her, if she was wronged, she would always find a way to complain to her father.

  As soon as Song Yunzhao entered the room, the smile on Mrs. Cai's face disappeared, but the sister-in-law Song Qinghan said with a smile: "The third sister is here."

  Song Yunzhao met Cai Shi, nodded to Song Qinghan, and then sat down directly.

   Mrs. Cai felt depressed for a while, because her daughter came to collect debts.

  Song Jinxuan obediently followed Song Yunzhao's salute and sat down quietly, but her eyes glided over Song Qinghan and Cai's body, and then bowed her head in silence.

  Ms. Cai looked at the two of them with a straight face and said: "Tomorrow I will take your elder sister to the capital. You two should not break the rules when you stay in the mansion. If anyone invites you to go out as a guest, you will be rejected. Everything will be discussed when I come back."

  Song Jinxuan was taken aback, Madam is going to Beijing with eldest sister?

  Why so suddenly?

  She subconsciously looked at Song Yunzhao, but seeing that Song Yunzhao didn't blink his eyelids and looked indifferent, she felt a little irritable in her heart.

   Madam and Song Qinghan laughed so happily, there must be something good happening, but this kind of good thing obviously Madam didn't want to bring herself.

   How can this work?

  Song Jinxuan rolled her eyes, and immediately said: "Mother, this trip is far away in the mountains of the capital, and only the elder sister will be by her side to serve her. I'm afraid she will be tired. It's better for my daughter to accompany her to be filial to the mother and share some of the burden for the elder sister."

  Song Jinxuan had never been to the capital since she was so old, but she knew that her aunt's natal family was in the capital. Although the grandfather was only a sixth-rank official, he was in charge of the Wuxuan Department and was an official with real power.

  Song Qinghan raised her eyelids and said in a soft voice: "I appreciate the kindness of the second sister, but I heard that Aunt Che fell ill again due to heatstroke. At this time, my sister should take care of Aunt Che more. Besides, there are girls and women accompanying me along the way, so I won't be tired. You don't have to worry about it."

  Song Yunzhao was still sitting there with a blank expression on his face. Seeing her daughter's face like a late mother, Cai felt very disturbed, and the more she looked at it, the more unhappy she became.

   Who is whose mother?

  Just as she was about to teach her a few words, she heard noisy voices coming in from outside. Just as she was about to speak, she heard the voice of her sister-in-law Jiang coming in, and instantly had a bad feeling.

  (end of this chapter)

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