The Self-cultivation of the Noble Concubine Who Eats Melon

Chapter 224: 225: Tear off a piece of meat from the Qin family's father and daughter

  Chapter 224 225: Tear off a piece of meat from the father and daughter of the Qin family

  Concubine Zhuang couldn't bear it any longer when she heard this, "If Daddy hadn't been against His Majesty in the court, how could I not have a child?"

   Madam Wang was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

   Concubine Zhuang covered her face.

   Madam Wang turned her head to look at Yan Zhi, suppressing the panic in her heart and asked, "Yan Zhi, what's going on?"

  After Mrs. came in, she asked Yun Dai to guard the door. When she heard what Mrs. said, she lowered her eyes slightly, and said after a long while: "Madam, the empress is still a virgin."

   Mrs. Wang almost pouted when she heard the words, "What did you say?"

   "Enough!" Concubine Zhuang yelled angrily, "Don't ask, you'd better go back first."

   After finishing speaking, Concubine Zhuang went straight into the bedroom and threw the bead curtain flying all over the sky.

   Mrs. Wang's face was as white as paper, and she grabbed the rouge, "Is what you said true?"

   Rouge nodded lightly, "Madam, you should go back first, don't ask any more, your empress feels wronged."

   Mrs. Wang almost fell to the ground with her ass, Yan Zhi hurriedly reached out to support her, seeing her face pale and red eyes, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

   This kind of thing is not something she dared to ask as a servant. If it wasn't for the fact that your lord had been following the prime minister on the left to fight against the emperor a few years ago, how could the emperor have left the empress alone?

   Mrs. Wang stepped out of the palace, her mind was full of the sentence about being a virgin...

  On the other side, Concubine Shu and her mother were also talking.

   Mrs. Lu was still sighing, "Song Zhaoyi is really strong-tempered. Now she is just a Zhaoyi so powerful that she doesn't pay attention to you. When she gives birth to a child, I'm afraid you three concubines will not be able to get into her eyes."

   Concubine Shu was stabbed by her own mother, and said angrily: "You can be content, I can sit firmly as a concubine now, and my father is decent before His Majesty, what more can I ask for."

  Ms. Lu: …

  If she wasn't born and raised by herself, she would have thought her daughter had been replaced.

  What happened in the palace to say such a thing.

   "Are you planning to fight?"

   "Mother, your daughter wants to fight, but can I win? Song Yunzhao can bend, stretch, act, and pretend, and her face is more beautiful than a vixen. Look at her attire. Who in the palace can match her ingenuity? What do you think I'm fighting for?"

   "There is some truth in what you said." Madam Lu thought carefully, Song Zhaoyi's outfit today is indeed gorgeous, especially her face, which looks like she is several months pregnant, so beautiful that she can shine. "However, the more beautiful the pregnancy, the greater the possibility of having a daughter. The daughter loves her mother and can't bear to toss."

  Shu Fei had a sullen face, "Who said that when she was pregnant with me, she vomited faintly."

   Mrs. Lu was angry, "What nonsense are you talking about, kid? How many years ago did it happen."

   Concubine Shu is so annoying, "Don't meddle in these things, I'm living a good life in the palace now, what other people want you to do outside, you must not agree."

   "Isn't it for your own good?"

   "I'm fine now, if you don't meddle, my life will be bad."

  Ms. Lu was furious. Something happened, so I knew she was mad at her.

   Tried and tested luck, suppressed the anger, Mrs. Lu stopped talking about this matter, and started to talk about business, "I'm afraid things will not be good today. I see that Mrs. Yao will definitely sue Yao Zongjing. If you don't know, Prime Minister Qin will have to impeach Mrs. Qin tomorrow."

   "Isn't this a great thing? Qin Taifu doesn't deal with my father, so he won't worry about my father." Concubine Shu laughed.

   "How can things be so simple?" Mrs. Lu couldn't explain clearly to her daughter, that's all, she just told: "I think you should keep a distance from Song Zhaoyi. I will tell your father what happened today. It will definitely be very lively in the hall tomorrow."

   "My father won't get involved, right?" Concubine Shu said worriedly, no matter whether she was facing Song Yunzhao or Qin Xiyue, she always felt that she was not very lucky, "I think it's better to forget it, and let my father watch the fun?"

   "Your father has his own ideas about matters in the court."

   Concubine Shu: …

   "Anyway, just don't let me hang around in the palace." Concubine Shu can't control her father or mother, she should take care of herself.

   Mrs. Lu left the palace angrily. This girl raised her for nothing.


  Song Yunzhao walked all the way back from the tea banquet, her mood was extraordinarily calm, the summer wind whipped up the corners of her skirt and danced wildly in the air. The palace people lead the way, and she walked in this picturesque palace, for a moment, it seemed that she was out of place in this time and space.

  Feng Yi rushed over in a hurry, stood not far away and looked at Yun Zhao who was slowly approaching, his former pair of nimble eyes were cold and without any emotion at this moment, standing under the sun clearly gave him a very strange feeling.

  His Zhao Zhao has always been coquettish, with a smile on her face and sparkles in her eyes. Before this, no matter what happened to her, she had never seen her so emotionless.

  Song Yunzhao was reminded by Xiangxue, and then slowly raised his head, staring at the figure in the distance, the light and shadow in front of him slowly merged, and the separated world seemed to slowly return to normal at this moment.

  She subconsciously stopped, her eyes fixed on the person opposite.

   It's hard to describe how she feels now. Today, when she and the heroine completely tore her face apart, trampled the Qin family to the ground, and charged them with murdering the emperor's heir and concubine, she knew that she did not leave the emperor with a way out.

  She didn't want to stay either.

   It is true that Qin Taifu was the elder of the three dynasties, and that he has made great contributions to the country, but it is also true that Qin Xiyue has plotted against her several times.

  Perhaps this is the heroine's world, which is very unfriendly to her vicious female partner. She failed to catch her a few times before. This time, even if Chen Ran takes the blame on herself, she will tear off a piece of flesh from Qin Taifu and Qin Xiyue!

   I don't know if she was too harsh on the heroine, but she always felt that the world was like a mosaic in front of her eyes, with heavy shadows, and Feng Yi's facial features not far away were a little blurred.

   So, she didn't move.

  Feng Yi sensed that something was wrong with Yun Zhao, and felt a little flustered for no reason. He quickened his pace and walked towards her, standing in front of her, but her eyes were clearly looking at him but had no focus.

   "Zhao Zhao?"

  Feng Yi suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and opened his mouth to call for someone, reaching out his hand almost at the same time, holding Yun Zhao's hands tightly in his palms.

  The moment she felt Feng Yi's body temperature, the world suddenly became clear, like sunlight piercing through the fog, and even her name seemed particularly sweet.

  Song Yunzhao raised his head and blinked vigorously, Feng Yi's facial features slowly gathered in front of her eyes, as if the world that was about to pass away just now restored order at this moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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