The Self-cultivation of the Noble Concubine Who Eats Melon

Chapter 366: 367: The land of the worst disaster

  Chapter 366 Chapter 367: Land of Hardest Disaster

  The imperial court was in turmoil throughout the late spring and early summer. The Liushang Bureau and the Nei Zuo Yuan colluded with each other to collect millions of taels of silver from the internal treasury in just a few years.

  The Liushang Bureau is closely related to the Imperial Palace and the imperial court officials. Many children from less successful families will join it to get an official position. These two yamen guard the palace and are rich in money.

   Now that the emperor has seized the opportunity, the Liushang Bureau and the Nei Zuo Yuan will naturally try their best to get rid of the crime. How deep is the relationship between the officials on duty and the courtiers in the court?

   Internal officials are not allowed to make friends with foreign ministers, but now this rule has long been abolished by the first emperor.

  The first emperor favored many concubines, and for the sake of a smile on the beauty, the first emperor himself broke the rules and appointed the family members of the favorite concubines as officials and nobles. Among them, the Liushangju and the Neizuoyuan were the hardest hit.

  In fact, it is easy to understand. All affairs in the harem are handled by the Six Shang Bureau. It would be much more convenient if the Six Shang Bureau could have its own people to do things.

Year after year, the Liushang Bureau has been rotten inside and out, that is, after Feng Yi ascended the throne, everyone was a little unclear about the new emperor, so the past few years were still safe and secure, how could they know that there is a treasure house They just couldn't bear it anymore.

   Such internal and external collusion, the interests of courtiers and internal officials are connected, like a big net, it is not easy to completely eliminate it.

  Feng Yi confronted the courtiers **** for tat for several months in succession. In the eyes of the courtiers, the emperor became more stubborn and difficult to speak day by day.

   Just yesterday, Feng Yi sent two censors in the court hall, and the imperial staff was issued to the original nationality after that, and they were not allowed to enter the court as officials for life. He didn't even listen to the advice of the left and right prime ministers, and ordered a thorough investigation to investigate thoroughly. If anyone obstructs him, he will be thrown out of office at least, and at worst, he will be imprisoned.

   After retreating from the court, the left and right sides looked dignified.

  The two have been officials for many years, and have experienced two dynasties of emperors. They are all well versed in the rules of the court and have foresight.

   It is rare for the two people who have always disagreed with each other in the court to sit together to discuss matters.

  The meaning of the right minister is that since the Liushang Bureau and the Nei Zuo Yuan have done such evil things, it is up to the emperor to punish them.

   But Prime Minister Zuo is quite worried. The Six Shang Bureau and the Inner Court have accumulated evils for a long time. The emperor wants to eradicate them completely with such a thunderous method. I don’t know how many courtiers’ hearts will be chilled.

  The Prime Minister on the right didn’t think so, but thought that the Prime Minister on the Left was too hypocritical and chilled the hearts of the courtiers? How come the courtiers are not afraid of chilling the emperor's heart when they are greedy for the court's money?

   It's just that he can't say this, and if he says it and spreads it, the courtiers will be dissatisfied with him as the right minister.

  The right and left sides broke up again.

Prime Minister Zuo sighed deeply, the emperor's step is too big. Speaking of which, the root cause of this matter is the treasure makeup building, and the treasure makeup building was opened by the Ming concubine. Now think about it, since the Ming concubine entered the palace, the emperor His temperament has changed a lot.

   Sure enough, it was the demon concubine who brought disaster to the country.

Song Yunzhao didn't know how Prime Minister Zuo thought of her, she was busy these past two months, the Emperor had to deal with the Liushang Bureau and the Inner Academy, but her Baozhuang Building couldn't be affected because of this matter, and she had to pay for it at the end of the year Holding the tax revenue, I can't stop naturally.

   While taking care of the children, he runs Baozhuanglou.

   Fortunately, Feng Xi is quite well-behaved. When she sees her getting busy, he either goes out to play with the nanny, or obediently doesn't make trouble on the sidelines.

The Ling family started out as a grocery store, and there are shops everywhere in the south. This is beneficial for Yun Zhao to sell the products of his Baozhuanglou, and reached an agreement with Ling Yunhe. The products of Baozhuanglou are exclusively authorized to the Ling family. Home channels push their products to the southern market as quickly as possible.

The Ling family is naturally very happy. Baozhuanglou is the property of Concubine Ming, and the title of Concubine Ming is not enough. With the name of Concubine Ming, the Ling family will definitely be promoted to a higher level. Both parties can get what they need, and the cooperation is a pleasure. .

   Concubine Wan was immersed in research and development and was out of control. Mrs. Yao handed over a post to enter the palace. Concubine Wan didn't want to see her, but Concubine Sun next to her persuaded her a few words, and Concubine Wan nodded.

  The first thing Mrs. Yao said when she saw her daughter was, "Why are you still involved in the matter of Baozhuang Building?"

   Concubine Wan was taken aback for a moment, confused by her mother's angrily tone, her face was a little ugly for a while, she pursed her lips tightly and did not speak.

Mrs. Yao didn't notice that her daughter was in a bad mood. Her daughter has always been aloof, and she looked like this at home. She didn't take it to heart, and continued to say: "Your father is being targeted in court now because of this Baozhuang Building. You can't just see your family end up in the same situation as the Wang family, so hurry up and think of a way."

  Concubine Wan's face turned pale from the news, will she end up with the Wang family?

   "What did Daddy do to be targeted?" Concubine Wan asked focusing on the point.

   Mrs. Yao heard her daughter's question, and said with some displeasure: "You don't know what your father does. What can happen? It's just those villains in the court."

Concubine Wan didn't believe it. If this was the case, her mother would not say such a thing. Although she didn't ask about court affairs, but because of the Baozhuang Building, she also knew about the affairs of the Liushang Bureau and the Neizuo Academy. At this moment, her face turned pale, and she almost He gritted his teeth and asked, "Couldn't Daddy be involved in this matter of the Liushang Bureau?"

  Ms. Yao's face froze.

   Concubine Wan saw that there was still something she didn't understand, her mind turned quickly, and she slowly said: "None of the brothers in the family has entered these two yamen, did my father pave the way for others?"

Mrs. Yao couldn't help being questioned by her daughter, and she couldn't help but said: "An official in the court, which official master has never done such a thing? If you ignore the old friends and relatives, you will be scolded behind your back for being heartless and ruthless." Righteousness? Your father has always been soft-hearted, so if he can help, he will help."

After listening to her mother's words, Concubine Wan knew that the truth might not be as simple as what she said. For a moment, she felt her eyes darken. She held the round fan tightly in her hand, and then said: "I am an unfavorable concubine. How can I intercede for my father when I can't even see the emperor? Mother, don't make things difficult for me."

   Mrs. Yao said almost immediately: "You are now helping Concubine Ming to do things for Baozhuang Building, so please give Concubine Ming a few words of kindness."

  Concubine Wan suddenly raised her head and looked at her mother, she couldn't believe her ears.

Mrs. Yao was a little guilty, but thinking of her husband, she gritted her teeth and persuaded her daughter, "When the family is well, you can live comfortably in the palace. If you look at Wang Zhaorong's life, you will know how difficult it is for her after the Wang family collapsed. I am Your mother is always there for you."

  For her good?

  Let her ask Song Yunzhao, then what dignity can she have in front of Song Yunzhao?

  In her life, she couldn't straighten her waist or lift her head when she saw Song Yunzhao!

   Concubine Wan put on a wooden face, "Mom, let's go back. If father is just setting up someone, it's not a serious matter. At most, he will be implicated and reprimanded. After a while, he will be fine."

   "How can you say such indifferent words, that's your father." Mrs. Yao stood up abruptly and said angrily.

  (end of this chapter)

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