Chapter 429 Chapter 430: Joint layout

Mrs. Feng’s daughter has been in the palace for so long. At first, she thought that her daughter would one day fly to the branches, but who gave up a concubine?

 Mrs. Feng’s impression of Concubine Ming is quite complex.

She takes very good care of her daughter. The last time her husband was promoted, it was because of Concubine Ming. The Feng family is very grateful to Concubine Ming.

If there is a flaw, it is that Concubine Ming is too domineering, but the emperor cannot see anyone else.

But if you think about it from another position, if the person who is favored is your own daughter, you will naturally not want to share the favor. Mrs. Feng will feel relieved when she thinks about it.

 Besides, ever since the Empress Dowager returned to the palace, something has happened in the palace from time to time. Without Concubine Ming to protect her daughter, she doesn’t know what kind of situation she will be in.

Mrs. Feng has completely thought about it. As long as her daughter can live safely, she will ask for nothing.

 So, this time my daughter encountered difficulties twice. Her heart was like being set on fire, and she could not sleep well all day long.

She had long wanted to see Mrs. Ning Anbo and wanted her to give her some advice, but Concubine Ming didn't say anything and her daughter didn't mean it. She didn't dare to act rashly for fear of upsetting Concubine Ming and her daughter would follow. Disaster.

Now that Mrs. Ning Anbo comes to visit in person, can Mrs. Feng be unhappy?

 So it was quite enthusiastic.

After listening to Mrs. Feng's words, the eldest lady thought for a while and then said: "If you invite the abbot of Huangjue Temple to come into the palace to perform rituals, you have to ask the emperor to issue an edict. Now that the empress has this intention, it is only a matter of time. .”

Mrs. Feng nodded hurriedly, fearing that she would be too slow and make Mrs. Ning Anbo mistakenly think that she was dissatisfied with Concubine Ming, "Yes, I think so too, but Xu Ji didn't see any difference at all, and I didn't feel the same in my heart." Bottom line. Tell me, is she really unaware of this matter?"

"It's really hard to tell." The eldest lady said in deep thought, "It's difficult to take action at Huangjue Temple. What do you think we can get information from the Wuxinhou Mansion?"

"Wuxinhou's Mansion?" Mrs. Feng frowned slightly, "It's not that I haven't thought about it, but the current Wuxinhou Mansion is in a state of turmoil. I'm afraid I won't be able to find out any useful information."

Upon hearing this, the eldest lady said: "If the Wu Xinhou Mansion is not in trouble, how can it ask for help?"

Mrs. Feng was startled. Did Mrs. Ning Anbo mean to ask Mrs. Wu Xinhou to beg Xu Ji?

If we can get Xu Ji and Mrs. Wu Xinhou on the line, it would be a way. I won't say whether it will work or not, but at least there will be a direction.

Then she thought of something and shook her head, "I'm afraid it won't work. The palace wants Xu Ji to think that Lingshuang is not dead, but Wu Xinhou's house may know about Lingshuang. If they are allowed to meet the boss, wouldn't it be a big deal? Exposed?"

The eldest lady asked: "Don't let Xu Ji know that Ling Shuang is dead?"

 Mrs. Feng clapped her hands and said, "I blame you for forgetting to mention this. That's what I meant."

The eldest lady muttered, "This is a bit difficult to handle, so Mrs. Wu Xinhou must not have time to disturb Xu Ji."

 Mrs. Feng sighed, “No.”

One more thing happened.

“I wonder if the person you found is reliable?” the eldest lady asked softly.

Huangjue Temple is a royal temple. The rules in the temple are very strict, and the flow of information inside and outside is not easy, but it cannot be said that there are no loopholes, otherwise where would Mrs. Feng's informant come from?

 “Reliable.” Mrs. Feng said. "Then let him find an opportunity to let Xu Ji know about Yanliu's death. Let Xu Ji know that Xu Sangong shook hands with his wife and see how she reacts." The eldest lady said immediately.

 “What does this have to do with it?” Mrs. Feng couldn’t understand.

 “Try to see if Xu Ji has any contact with the outside world.” The doctor said.

Mrs. Feng’s eyes lit up. Xu Ji was so stable, either because she had a calm temperament or because she had a source of information.

However, Xu Mingying was not particularly stable when she was in her boudoir. It would be good news if we could try to find out if she has other options.

The two discussed some more details, and the eldest lady stood up to leave.

 Mrs. Feng sent the person out personally, and the two made an appointment for the next meeting.

The eldest lady did not go back directly to the uncle's house after leaving Feng's house. Instead, she turned around and went to her parents' house. She stayed at Jiang's house for half an hour before returning to her house.

Mrs. Jiang wrote a letter and asked Mrs. Fu to go to Huangjue Temple to offer incense together.

As a royal temple, Huangjue Temple is not only open to the royal family. Many families in the capital can also enter. For example, the sons of Mrs. Jiang Tai and Mrs. Fu Tai of the Jiang family both became ministers. Important ministers in the six ministerial dynasties were eligible to go to the royal temple. This was also the favor of the royal family.

Mrs. Jiang thought of her daughter's words and thought carefully about what she should do to burn incense tomorrow so as not to reveal her whereabouts. Xu Ji discovered the clues.

The eldest lady took a short rest after returning home, and the eldest husband also came back. The two couples discussed the results of today's trip.

"...I went to see my mother again and asked her to go to Huangjue Temple. She would be accompanied by a few servants. It would not be surprising if the servants talked a little more and talked about the happy things in the capital. Mrs. Feng's people released The news, our people here can confirm it, I don’t have to worry about Xu Ji not taking the bait.”

The elder nodded and said, "Let's give it a try first. Whether it's a mule or a horse, it has to be taken out for a walk."

"That's what I mean. Now I don't know whether Xu Ji has anything to do with this matter, or whether she was the mastermind behind Lingshuang's death. Then it's hard to investigate the case in the palace in detail, and we have to rule out suspicion one by one. "

“I’ll have someone deliver a message to Xu Anchen later. He is Xu Ji’s eldest brother and ask his wife to find an opportunity to meet Xu Ji.”

Such a three-pronged approach cannot be useless at all.

Outside the palace, the Feng family and the Ning'an family were very busy. In the palace, Yun Zhao also mentioned to Feng Yi the next day that he would invite the host of Huangjue Temple to perform rituals in the palace.

"First there was a fire, and now there are deaths. The concubines in the palace are also in panic, and several people have fallen ill. Sister Shu Fei and I have discussed that we should invite the host to perform a ritual ceremony to calm people's hearts." Song Yunzhao said to Feng Yi said.

Feng Yi didn't believe these things, but when Yun Zhao spoke, he said: "I'll send someone to Huangjue Temple later. However, there are rituals in the palace, so you have to be busy here."

"It's not a big deal. Now that Concubine Shu is here, she is a powerful person, so I can still be a little lazy." Song Yunzhao said with a smile.

It's not that she doesn't do things on purpose, but because she has too much control here, and the Queen Mother will reach out to cause trouble, and she is too lazy to work hard, let alone fight with the Queen Mother, so she can only work hard for Concubine Shu.

 When she really sits in the back seat in the future and has the confidence to compete with the Queen Mother, she will naturally not take a step back.

Feng Yi glanced at Yun Zhao and gently brushed her face with his hand. She said it easily, but he knew that she was wronged in leaving the Queen Mother behind.

 (End of this chapter)

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