Chapter 449 Chapter 450: Testing Xu Mingying

Song Qinghan listened to Song Ye Xixi's slightly questioning and accusing words. She felt a little unhappy, but thinking about her current situation, she suppressed her anger and said to her: "I am very good now. You see, the relationship between me and my mother-in-law is The relationship has eased a lot. In the past, it was Yanliu's **** hoof that stirred up discord, but now that she is gone, my life will naturally be easier."

Song Yexi could only believe half of what he said. He looked at Song Qinghan and said, "I hope you will be smarter this time."

Song Qinghan’s face darkened.

 Song Yexi curled his lips.

Since we are here to burn incense, we naturally go to the main hall to worship Buddha first.

Song Yexi is very pious. She gave birth to a daughter first, and now she is looking forward to having another son. She will have both sons and daughters. In the future, she will really have a firm foothold in her husband's family, and she will not be accused of being unable to give birth to a son.

Song Qinghan must have something in common with Song Yexi now, and they also hope to get pregnant as soon as possible and give birth to a son. With a son, what is the use of Xu Anxing? She no longer has to look at his stinky face.

 After worshiping the Buddha and listening to the chanting by the eminent monks in the temple, each family donated money for sesame oil to the temple.

Mrs. Wu Xinhou was going to visit Xu Ji. Naturally Mrs. Yue would not follow her, so she took Song Yexi to have a vegetarian meal and then went down the mountain. The two families parted ways.

Xu Ji didn't want to see Song Qinghan. She really didn't like this third sister-in-law at all, but since everyone was here, she wanted to see her for her mother's sake.

Song Qinghan didn't care whether Xu Mingying's face looked good or bad. She came here just to complete the errand given to her by Song Yunzhao. She just treated Xu Mingying's face as a piece of wood. She just thought that after achieving her goal, she would be able to overpower Xu Anxing in the future. What else could she not do? Tolerable.

When Mrs. Wu Xinhou saw Xu Ji, she felt distressed at first. She was getting thinner and thinner and she didn’t know how long it would take for her to stand out.

This summer, I have to do morning and evening classes, chant and copy sutras, how hard it is.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wu Xinhou couldn't help but ask: "When are you going to return to the palace?"

Xu Mingying's face froze slightly, and then she returned to normal and said: "I have only been out for a long time, and it will take at least a few months. Mom, you don't have to worry, I have an idea in my heart."

It’s not that she can go back if she wants. She has to send a message to the palace, and only after the third concubine nods, someone will come to pick her up.

But when she left the palace before, the third concubine lost a bit of face, and she was afraid that she would also be made things difficult when she returned to the palace.

But she is not worried. At most, she is allowed to stay a little longer, but she cannot be left in Huangjue Temple for the rest of her life. If this is the case, will the third concubine still have the reputation?

Thinking about it this way, she was no longer afraid.

"You always say this. Now everyone in the palace has gone to Jincui Garden to escape the summer heat, but you are still suffering here. How can I stand it?" Mrs. Wu Xinhou looked sad.

Song Qinghan heard the mention of Jincui Garden. She looked at Xu Mingying, who had always regarded her as nothing, and said casually: "Mom, you don't have to worry about Xu Ji. Going to Jincui Garden may not be a good thing. I heard Jincuiyuan is not peaceful either."

"How do you say this? Could it be that the third sister-in-law still knows about the affairs in the palace?" Xu Ji couldn't help but taunted, what could she know about the relationship between Song Qinghan and Song Yunzhao.

But as soon as she said these words, she saw that something was wrong with her mother's face, and she heard her mother say: "You didn't know it at Huangjue Temple, but Concubine Ming and your third sister-in-law have already put aside their old grudges, and you still let your third sister-in-law If we take over Baozhuanglou's business in Guangning Mansion, our family will get better and better in the future."    "What?" Xu Ji couldn't believe her ears.

Song Qinghan smiled proudly, "It's true that Xu Ji doesn't want to believe it. After all, our sisters did have a lot of trouble in the past. But my uncle came to the capital, and with him here, even Concubine Ming has to be a bit thin. Besides, I After all, she is now the daughter-in-law of the Marquis of Wu Xin. Besides, we are close relatives, and we are connected by bones and tendons. We are biological sisters after all, so there is no grudge that cannot be resolved."

“Concubine Ming really forgives you?” Xu Ji still couldn’t believe it.

The smug look on Song Qinghan's face became even stronger, "That's not true, otherwise how would I know that Jin Cuiyuan is unsettled, otherwise it would be right for you to come to Huangjue Temple, Xu Ji. Although our relationship was not good before, but who Since we are a family, I will naturally tell you any news, so that you will not know anything when you return to the palace in the future and will be bullied again."

Mrs. Wu Xinhou was very satisfied after hearing this, "Yes, that's how you should think about it. We are a family and we should work together to be the third daughter-in-law. You said there is no peace over there in Jincuiyuan. What is going on? "

Song Qinghan pretended not to care much, "Even if I heard the person who came to deliver the letter from Concubine Ming say that the Queen Mother punished Xu Ji because someone had plotted against her, and now she was thinking of finding out the person, she wouldn't We know whether it is true or not." He looked at Xu Mingying and said, "Xu Ji, is this news true? If it is true, why don't you tell your family so that they can make the decision for you."

Xu Ji's face looked a little unhappy. She stared at Song Qinghan and asked, "How could Ming Fei's people tell you this for no reason?"

Song Qinghan said innocently, "What's wrong with these things? These things have been spread all over Jincui Garden, and it's not a secret. Don't talk about this. Some people say that everyone is going to Jincui Garden to escape the summer heat this time. Why? Fang Yi is recuperating from heat stroke. In fact, there are rumors that An Fang Yi is pretending to be ill. I would also like to say that this is nonsense, but I just listen to other people's gossip. Who wants to ask whether it is true or not? Just listen to what's going on in the palace. If Xu Ji hadn't returned to the palace, I wouldn't have told you these rumors."

Mrs. Wu Xinhou’s heart skipped a beat, “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

Song Qinghan looked surprised, "The gossip in the palace has nothing to do with us. What do I say about it? If I hadn't seen Xu Ji, I wouldn't have even thought of mentioning it."

Mrs. Wu Xinhou looked at her and asked, "What else have you heard?"

"That's not the case. At that time, the little **** who was accompanying the person who came to deliver the message from the palace said a few gossips to my girl. Only people who come to deliver serious messages would not say these things. Things without evidence cannot be ignored. Let’s talk privately to pass the time.”

 Xu Mingying stared at Song Qinghan. Nothing could be seen from her face, but she could see a bit of impatience. She was obviously dissatisfied with the attitude of her and her mother.

 She breathed a sigh of relief, this was the Song Qinghan she was familiar with.

"You said that An Fangyi was pretending to be ill. There must be evidence. Even if it is just gossip, it cannot be just empty talk." Xu Mingying asked.

Song Qinghan said: "It is said that An Fangyi found medicinal soup in the flowers behind the house. You said that she refused to take the medicine and watered the flowers. Could she be sick?"

“How come the flowers behind An Fangyi’s house were discovered by others?”

"Who knows, there are so many pairs of eyes in the palace, God knows where a pair is hidden." Song Qinghan said with a sarcastic face, "So, don't do anything wrong, I'm looking at An Fangyi This is eighty percent true.”

Song Qinghan's eyes swept over Xu Mingying's face calmly, and he saw a flash of solemnity and guilt in her eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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