The Self-cultivation of the Noble Concubine Who Eats Melon

Chapter 580: 580: If you want to get ahead, you have to endure hardships.

After seeing off Mrs. Lu and her daughter, Yun Zhao still felt a little unspeakably melancholy.

From her perspective, she was right.

Who doesn’t want to live and live well? Is it easy for her to live?

In order to survive, it was difficult for her to fight monsters and level up all the way.

But for the Zhao family, she did have a chain effect because she pushed down the Qin family father and daughter. It was like a butterfly flapping its wings but causing a storm. The butterfly effect was beyond her control.

Song Yunzhao frowned. After Zhao Yang fell in the Qin family, emergency measures should have been taken, but obviously he failed.

She did not expect that the internal fighting within the Zhao family would be so fierce.

Yun Zhao snorted, why should she feel guilty? If she had been laid down by Qin Xiyue, the grass on her grave would have been three feet high!

 Thinking about it this way, I feel much more comfortable.

 She is not possessed by the Virgin!

Song Yunzhao asked Zhang Maoquan to send the things to the Tai Chi Hall and hand them over to the emperor herself. She took Feng Yun to play with toys and read a book. It was just a book of words that she had enjoyed reading in the past, but today she still had the same page after reading it for a long time.

 So annoying.

 Why should she have such a thing as a conscience?

  What does the incident in the Zhao family have to do with her?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the crisp sound of the bead curtain. He turned his head and saw Feng Yi striding in.

Yun Zhao was a little surprised and hurriedly stood up to greet him, "Why are you here now? Hey, it's snowing?"

She saw a thin layer of snowflakes on Feng Yi's shoulders, and hurriedly took off his cloak, then handed it to Xiangxue, hung it up, and cleaned it up.

Feng Yi came over in the wind and snow, and when he saw Yun Zhao's unhappy face, he knew that his guess was right, she must be in a bad mood.

"Things are almost busy now. The things you sent made Chen Suyun open his mouth completely, and the rest will be easy to handle." Feng Yi held Yun Zhao's hand and sat down. Before he could continue, He felt his calf tighten, and looked down to see Feng Yun hugging him.

I only looked at Zhaozhao and didn’t even see that I had a son.

Feng Yi reached out to pick up his son and asked him with a smile, "Are you good today?"

 Feng Yun nodded obediently, "Be good."

 Feng Yi is a little regretful. This son's temperament is too soft. A daughter would be just right.

Hold his son around in a circle to make him happy, then put him in his original place and continued playing with him. He sat beside him and talked to Yun Zhao.

Feng Yun is very well-behaved. When adults talk, he is very patient and rarely cries.

His son was so good that Feng Yi could not find an excuse to get him away.

What a pity.

“Did Chen Suyun give an explanation?” Yun Zhao looked at Feng Yi and asked.

 Feng Yi nodded, "We are still interrogating. With these things, it should be almost done."

"Then he is related to another faction of the Zhao family?" Yun Zhao frowned. If he was related to Zhao Yang, he would not be close to Zhao Furen.

“Well, the Zhao family is not monolithic. The direct and indirect branches live together, so it’s not surprising if something goes wrong.” Feng Yi said nonchalantly.

Ordinarily, brothers in ordinary people's families would fight and make trouble if they couldn't divide their wealth, let alone such a big family, with more interests involved. Zhao Yang could still control him when he was alive, but once he dies, his brother will be useless, dear. My father is also incompetent. He can't do anything except study. He has Mrs. Zhao to support him, but she is a housewife and can't do much about the outside world.

Zhao Ling'e did enter the palace, but not only was she not favored, but she was demoted from her position. This made their family even worse. The rest of the Zhao family seized the opportunity to completely trample this direct eldest daughter under their feet. "How are Zhao Cainu's family?" Yun Zhao asked with his slender eyebrows slightly knitted together.

Feng Yi looked at her and said, "The capable ones will go up and the mediocre ones will go down. It's like this naturally. Zhao Zhao, it's only a matter of time before the Zhao family will be in this situation."

Song Yunzhao looked at Feng Yi in surprise.

Feng Yi held her hand, "I guessed that you would feel guilty because you rejected the Zhao family's previous attempt to use Mrs. Ding to join forces with the Song family. Don't think like this. It would be fine if the Zhao family came in an upright manner. If you use such unflattering means, no one will agree to it, let alone you. It is their own fault that they are where they are today."

Yun Zhao felt warm in his heart. Although Feng Yi didn't know how much she had lost, at this moment he could still worry about feeling guilty, so he took the time to comfort himself, which really made her happy.

"I know." Yun Zhao smiled, "I just think about the impermanence of life."

"Hmph, don't think too much of the Zhao family. The Zhao family and Tai Fu Qin were secretly connected. After Qin Tai Fu fell, the Zhao family is targeting you again. Scholars are nothing more than that." Feng Yi said unceremoniously. Ridicule, the Zhao family has always relied on their character, this is their character!

"You know this too?" Yun Zhao was surprised.

 “As explained by Chen Suyun before.”

Yun Zhao nodded, "Chen Suyun knows quite a lot."

"The person who can allow Zhao Furen to meet and hand over in person must be someone who is trusted by the Zhao family." Feng Yi was angry and angry at first, but now he doesn't care. If it's not Chen Suzhen, it's Wang Suzhen and Zhang Suxun, and it's not the Zhao family. The Li family and the Sun family.

 It’s the same for everyone, it’s just for the sake of power, status and interests.

“Just wait for the news from King Zhenbei.” Yun Zhao said softly, hoping that Ding Xian could survive this test.

Feng Yi squeezed Yun Zhao's hand, "Ding Xian is familiar with water affairs. He is always the leader in sailor training. Although it is urgent to go to sea this time, he should be somewhat confident."

Feng Yi was very annoyed that Ding Xian was so incompetent that he was stabbed in the back by the people around him. However, Ding Xian did have great talents in water affairs. There were not many such talents in the government who could replace him, so every one of them should be cherished.

 The matter of cultivating talents must also be put on the agenda to avoid such an embarrassing situation from happening again.

Thinking of this, Feng Yi looked at Yun Zhao and said: "I plan to send a few people to Huizhou for water affairs. I remember that Song Yuming has a good relationship with you. He has a long way to go in the capital, so it is better to let them go."

Being an official in the Hanlin Academy is noble and noble, but the qualifications are extremely difficult. If you go up step by step, the timeline will be very long.

At first, Song Weiming chose to stay in Beijing to gain qualifications at the Hanlin Academy. Firstly, it was because his eldest cousin was too outstanding. Secondly, Song Weichang also chose to go abroad, so there were not many choices for Song Weiming.

Yun Zhao did not expect that Feng Yi would take the initiative to mention this. She looked at Feng Yi and asked, "Can he do it? I don't know."

"I asked the people at the Hanlin Academy about how Song Yuming endured hardships in the Hanlin Academy. He also read a variety of books. He was very diligent and motivated, and he never used your influence to cause trouble. I think he has a plan in mind. You can see that he is not studying. I am a nerd, but I can learn everything. I not only learn but also study with great concentration, which is rare.”

A pair of children raised by Aunt Che, I dare not say that they are the first class in terms of ability and progress.

 The children of the concubine have to endure hardships if they want to get ahead.

 “Then let me ask.”

Yun Zhao didn’t refuse, but he didn’t agree either.

Feng Yi now plans to let people from the Song family get involved in water affairs, not only for promotion, but also to cultivate right-hand men for Feng Yi.

Song Yuming had to ask her family if she could do it.

  One update.

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