The witch's calculations were relatively conservative, and the church members did not appear in public sight until nightfall.

"However, you actually caught up with us at night. Should I say you are brave or you are just foolhardy? Well, this line seems to be a bit of a flag, haha."

As always, no one could understand the boy's soliloquy, but this did not prevent everyone from hearing the ease in his words.

Rather than engage in a troublesome chase with the opponent, the young man stopped the carriage and waited for the knights of the church to surround him and others.

It was the familiar iceberg face again. Gale didn't seem to be surprised to see Scarlet and the witch getting together. He just gave the boy a cold look and threw the magic book over.

"Is there anything else you want to defend, Scarlet's sinners?" Gale asked with great chill, thinking that he had already found someone to identify the function of the magic book itself.

So in connection with everyone's move of escaping, he probably also knew what Scarlet was really hiding.

Looking down at the magic book that had been unlocked on the ground, the young man shrugged his shoulders and looked at Gale and said calmly: "To actually force a nobleman like this, the church's arrogance is quite big."

"Shut up, devil!" The accompanying knight roared angrily. After knowing that all of them had been tricked by the seemingly harmless boy in front of them, no one was in a good mood.

Gale raised his right hand to signal, and the knights around him pulled out the long swords from their waists uniformly without even a trace of noise. He stared at the young man indifferently: "I advise you to be honest and capture him without any help."


In reply, a fireball flew out of the carriage, which accurately overturned several church knights directly in front of the carriage. The figure of the witch floated under the moonlight and said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense to them. Come on, hurry up."

After the words fell, another red light swept out from the carriage. Although the body was small, the damage caused was very shocking. When the immature fist fell on the ground, the earth let out a tearing scream. I don't know how many unlucky knights there were. It was directly involved in the terrifying crack.

Meiling, Patchouli and the boy gathered around the carriage, confronting the knights of the church.

Gale did not expect that in just a few days, the other party would gather so many troublesome companions, but this only made his thinking pause for a second longer.

"Destroy them."

Following Gale's order, the church knights launched an attack together, and he took the lead in drawing his sword and slashing at the boy.

"Surrender before the power of God, sinner."

Words with spiritual effects came out of Gale's mouth, and a golden cross appeared above the young man's head out of thin air, and in the next second it crashed down with the force of Mount Tai.

The young man held up his left hand, and the invisible barrier prevented the cross from moving forward. Then he pointed forward with his right hand, and Gale's slash was frozen in mid-air.

"What a pity, all your attack methods will be blocked." The boy said with a smile.

"That's true, but -" Gale asked nonchalantly: "How long do you think you can last under our siege with your two companions?"

Gale's judgment was very accurate. The seemingly weak boy was actually the most troublesome person in this group of people. If he was restrained, he would have won half the victory.

Yes, if there are only three of them fighting.

Rustle————! !


"From the shadows?!"

"What is this, ahh—!!"

The horrified voices of his companions made Gale suddenly feel uneasy palpitations in his heart. He turned his head and saw countless bats tearing apart their battle line in the darkness that the sacred light could not touch.

With huge bat wings like a demon, red eyes like gems, Remilia's small figure is bathed in the bloody moonlight, shocking every knight of the church with a powerful pressure that surpasses everyone.

"Demon.!!" Gale gasped. Although he had guessed that Scarlet's demon summoning might be successful, he did not expect such a result.

Actually, the devil was completely summoned into this world through séance.

Bats came from the darkness and turned into sharp blades, frantically harvesting the lives of the church knights until every pair of black bat wings was dyed bright red.

Gale stared blankly at the cross above the young man's head, as if it was stained, with countless bloody stains appearing on the golden light.

As if being cannibalized, the bats stained with the blood of the church knights climbed onto the cross one after another, staining the sacred gold with the filth of blood.

When the last bit of gold was covered with blood, it was an almost unimaginable scene of hell. The bloody cross emitted a terrifying red light, dyeing the entire land with the color of sin.

"It's my turn to ask you, knight." Seeing the cross above his head completely transformed, the young man asked Gale with despair in his eyes: "How long can your companions hold on under our counterattack?"


The anger caused Gale to burst out with great strength and break free from the boy's shackles. He didn't care at all about the blood dripping from his hands and tore off the cross pendant around his neck. The blazing white light slowly suppressed the brilliance of the blood. .

As if this was a signal, the flustered knights around them quickly regained their composure and retreated, forming a faint encirclement, surrounding the young man and his group, including Gale.

"What is that?" The young man raised his eyebrows slightly and stared intently at the knight Gale in front of him.

"I'm afraid it's magic," Patchouli said solemnly after seeing the doorway at a glance, "I'm afraid there's great magic sealed in that cross, otherwise it wouldn't have been used to this extent."

"That's very bad, let's break out quickly." Remilia stared at the boy and said, her intuition was never wrong, Gale's magic gave her an extremely terrifying sense of crisis.

If you continue to stay here, you will definitely lose something important, something very, very important.

Remilia's heart tightened. Even though what she saw was only a glimpse of fate, it was enough to scare her.

But just as she struck out at the church knights around her, a white light curtain completely blocked her attack. The knights who had just been a piece of cake for her to ravage suddenly turned into a solid iron wall. , blocking their retreat.

Looking carefully, almost every knight on the periphery also holds a small cross in his hand. Although the light emitted is not as strong as Gale's, it is still not to be underestimated.

Suddenly, the light in Gale's hand condensed into a sphere, rose slowly, and was as dazzling as a newborn sun. In an instant, it turned into a vortex, and all the spiritual power in the air was gathering towards it.

Not only the spiritual power, but also the vitality of the knights flows towards it.

"Sacrifice." Patchouli's face gradually turned pale. She was not shocked that the church could actually use black magic, but was horrified that this level of sacrifice would bring about undeniable destructive power. I'm afraid.

Looking at his companions who had exhausted their vitality and fell down, Gale's eyes turned red with sadness: "Although our lives will reach the end, the light of the gods will inevitably purify all darkness."

Gale injected his life force into the "sun", and the blazing white ball of light seemed to finally reach the critical point and trembled violently.

Everyone's hearts tightened, but Remilia's spirit fell into some incomprehensible trance at this time. The magic gun in her hand seemed to follow her will, and it was so huge that it could almost rival the "sun" in demonic power. It suddenly erupted and turned into a stream of light that merged into her body.

Standing the ominous red cross behind her, the magic gun in Remilia's hand lost its original form and turned into a burst of red light. The demonic power emanating from her body directly broke through several levels. Reached the level of a big monster.

"I will never let you take it away!"

Remilia's eyes exuded a determined and fierce light, and with her fully extended wings accompanied by the ruthless sound of breaking wind, she was like a red meteor, slamming into the blazing "sun".

The collision of light and darkness stirred up an astonishing wave of air. Neither Patchouli nor Meiling could withstand the impact. They were unable to even help and were pushed away from the distance. Only the young man looked calm and held down the blow with one hand. With loose bangs, he stood firmly in place.

Remilia's sudden explosion was almost the same as the blazing "sun", but suddenly, behind the "sun", a huge shadow was slowly emerging.

It was a woman with a face full of pity. She put her hands together on her chest. The holy light condensed her figure, and a terrifying sense of oppression fell on everyone's heads in an instant.

"God." With difficulty, he revealed the identity of the woman bathed in the holy light. Patchouli's luck was gradually overshadowed by despair.

Remilia was unwilling to squeeze out the last bit of strength in her body, but no matter how she called, the seemingly endless power was like a dry spring that could no longer squeeze out even a little bit of hope.

Seeing that under the shadow of the God of Light, the power of darkness was on the verge of destruction, a stinging burning sensation spread throughout Remilia's body, as if she was in a furnace.

The red light was like a extinguished flame. Under the wash of the holy light, it slowly turned into an unwilling blue smoke.

Remilia's vision slowly became blurred, and her consciousness gradually began to disconnect. Her struggle and stubbornness seemed to have sunk to the bottom of a dead lake, unable to make any more waves.

Just when the boundless darkness was about to sweep into her brain, a hand gently held her body, pulling her back from the edge of destruction.

Feeling the warmth coming from her arms, Remilia opened her eyes, and what came into view was the young man's smile that seemed a little unreliable, but very reassuring.

"Oni Sauce"

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