The Selfish Demon Lord

25 This world is so COMPLICATED

*On Kingdom of Luku*

Maid A: " [Bows her head] Your Highness... princess Alice is still in her room, she accepts all the food that we gave her, but she still refuse to let others in."

The King: "Hmmm... as long as she eats the food... You may go now!"

Maid A: "[Bows her head] As you wish your highness"

The 'Maid A' leave the room but Eve and Ariel enter the room

The King: "What is this?"

Eve: "Your highness... you remember the promise you made a year ago to the king of Kingdom of Tesh?"

Ariel: "He claiming now of what you promise, he said that... if you brake your promise...he gonna set a war pn our Kingdom!"

The King: "But we have a year before that time!"

Eve & Ariel: "Please read the letter my king...!"

The king opened and read the letter and he seems like he dislike what the Barbarian King wrote.

*On ginro and other location*

Ginro and the others are walking around and trying to leave the forrest in order to find a village

Dave: "[Looked at Ginro] So what's your plan?"

Ginro: "First we need to a village..."

Dave: "Then...?"

Ginro: "We need to find a 'Covered Wagon' and Rider of it!"

Margaret: "Why we need to find a Wagon!? That's the use of transportaion of supplies to the other villages or kingdoms!?"

Lucifer: "Thats what Ginro wants... he wanted to do a free ride"

Ginro: "Lucifer is right... That's my plan, but we need to confirm that the Wagon we ride is destinate on Kingdom of Tesh...! That is why we need to live in village for about a days or week."

Dave: "I know a Village near here...!"

Lucifer: "Don't tell me..."

Margaret: "Hey... i think i don't like whats inside of your head right now!"

Lucifer: [Whispered at Dave]

Dave: [Looked at Margaret and Smiled Sarcastically] Yes!"

Lucifer: "Well it's been so long sinse i come there"

Ginro cannot understand of what they saying so he let them be, and asked to them to lead the way

Dave: "But ginro i think we can't live there for a day or a week!?"

Margaret: " well i think it's going to become a hazard if we arrive there."

Ginro din't hear of what Margaret said and pleased Dave to lead the way to the 'Village'.

*On Kingdom Of Luku*

The king is on the garden of his temple sitting on the chair and looking at sky, suddenly the queen walk and sit infront of him and asked about of what's he gonna do about the letter that he read.

Queen (Thea): "So... Whats your plan Darling."

The King: "I don't know my wife..."

Queen (Thea): "How about asking The Barbarian king an extension?"

The king: "I can't do that... you know 'That' person... What he said is what he said"

Queen (Thea): "[Touch the Kings Hand] But look at Alice right now! She can't forget of what happened of suddenly leave of Ginro..."

The King look down and thinks for a minute

The King: "Ok.. ok I will go directly to the Barbarian and asked an extention of 'This'"

Queen (Thea): "But! Thats dangerous you gonna go inside of his territory. Even now The Oath is already broken"

The King: " BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY CHOICE!!!... I.. i.. don't have any choice my wife!"

Queen (Thea): "Then i will allowed my self to come my two loyal servant with you!"

The King: "Loyal servant? Who?... Don't tell me is that..."

Queen (Thea): "Yes! Cain and Abel!."

*On Ginro Location"

While their walking, ginro suddenly remembered something very important.

Ginro: "Can i ask something?"

Margaret: "What it is?"

Ginro Doubt of what he gonna ask because he knew that he will be busted if he asked of what happened of 'The Oath'.

Ginro: "(Why the Demon and Angel is on Human World and can go inside of any territory. Margaret Already Break 'The Oath' by stepping her foot on Kingdom of Luku also Dave. even though they said that the pledge are cannot be broken, Daymn...! why the BlackShadow don't come and see me... he/she said that he/she gonna tell me about this world but it's too complicated now)"

Ginro Looked at them but he can't say a words. Margaret, Lucifer and Dave was looking at him with serious face.

Ginro: " Forget it guys of what i was trying to say"

Margaret: "Uhhh... Now i am so curious now!"

Ginro: "Hehehehe"

Dave: "I think where here!"

Lucifer: "It's Still beautiful as is"

Ginro: "Wooow!"

Margaret: "But still i'm scared on this place"

Ginro and the other find a small village that lives inside of the forrest. The Design of the tree is like in yggdrasil of What Ginro read on the book in Kingdom of Luku.

Dave, Lucifer & Margaret: "Ginro! this os Yggdrasil where elf lives"

Ginro: " (Now! this is what you called so COMPLICATED)"

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