The Seventh Base

Chapter 73: have you repented

In the laboratory, Master Batu was lying on an iron bed, with his hands, feet, and even his neck locked.

He is connected to various instruments to monitor various indexes of his body.

Beside Master Batu, there is an experimenter.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory opened, and a group of people also wearing lab coats walked in and said, "How is it?"

"His physical indicators are about to break through the C-level level, which is very amazing." The humane beside Mr. Batu.

"Go and rest, I'm watching here." said the person who came.

"No." The other party responded and looked at Master Batu.

This is his task.

"After so many days, it's time to take a good rest." The person walking behind him suddenly covered the opponent's mouth, and a sharp object appeared in his hand, which plunged directly into the opponent's neck.

The man's body twitched violently, and then fell down.

The visitor looked at Master Batu, took out another potion, and injected it directly into Master Batu's blood vessel.

Afterwards, he untied the shackles on Mr. Batu's body and quietly stood aside and waited.

After a while, the instrument made a harsh sound.

Master Batu's body moved, and then he opened his eyes.

A terrifying red glow appeared in his pupils.

He sat up, smashed the instrument with one punch, grabbed the neck of the person beside him with the other hand, and lifted him up.

"Your daughter is in the arena." The other party's voice was hoarse.

"Kacha." Master Batu squeezed his palm, and the opponent's neck was directly crushed, and his head fell.

However, there was no fear in his eyes, very calm.

From the beginning, he knew the end.

Otherwise, how can you do this.

Master Batu's eyes still had scarlet rays of light, he got up directly, and all the instruments connected to his body were unplugged.


Master Batu walked towards the outside of the laboratory.



Amid the sound of mountains and tsunamis, contestants entered the arena and stood in different directions.

The parasite looked up and glanced at where the big men were.

He had a miserable life, climbed from the bottom step by step to the present, worked hard for three consecutive years, and finally entered the star competition.

Received such an opportunity to be appreciated by the great people.

Think back to your life.

The father was beaten to death and the mother starved to death.

He is dependent on others. Although he is an adopted son, he has always been driven to do things.

Coolies, laborers.

Starvation, whipping.

This is the whole of his childhood.

He endured all of this until one day he killed his adoptive parents' family, including the other's young children.

He kept climbing, and finally got to where he is today.

Even now, being watched by thousands of people, he still has low self-esteem.

He has no sense of security.

He is a parasite, a parasite that can be pinched to death at any time. Only when he is appreciated by the big men can he have the chance to change his fate.

The day finally came.

Will his fate change?

He didn't move, but was observing the battlefield.

Lindy and they moved.

In addition to the two Evansons who were killed, there were five others who came down from above.

At this moment, the five people are all in the arena, in different directions.

From the diamond match, they began to hone their killing skills in the arena.

The people here are their experiments.

Of course, they won't kill all of them today, but will leave some of the "strong" ones.

As a 'gift' to the company's partners.

But weak people, they will kill them all.

How many can stay depends on their strength.

A figure stepped towards Lin Di, the opponent was burly, wearing heavy armor, and the weapon was a heavy hammer.

At the time of the impact, there is a terrifying power.

Also, the speed is very fast.

This person is code-named Death's Hammer, born with divine power, and his body is extremely explosive.

The heavy hammer slammed down on Lin Di, the terrifying power contained the sound of wind, if it was hit by a hammer, I am afraid that wearing a battle armor would also shake.

Lindy raised his knives crossed, and the heavy hammer fell on the crossed knives.

Under the terrifying power, Lindy did not take a step back, causing the eyes in the helmet of Death Hammer to change.

Knees are bent, Lindy is charging.

The heavy hammer was raised, and the opponent wanted to hammer down again, but saw Lin Di kicked off with both feet on the ground, his body shot up, and he swung his swords down.


A head fell to the ground, blood splashed out, shocking.

This is the first person to be killed in the Star Race.

There is no doubt about his strength to be able to kill the Star Race, but Lin Di is the one who can completely suppress Mr. Batu.

The hammer of death is famous, and the power of his hammer is extremely terrifying.

However, he was instantly killed by Lindy.

very cruel.

But this is the final showdown.

The collision between the strong and the strong, the baptism of blood.

Even if you kill the top figures in the Stars Competition, you will still die.

The Star Race is a huge temptation, but it is also the cruelest among all competitions, it has always been the case.

Exit is not allowed, there will be death.

But those who survive will be chosen by the big men.

They have the opportunity to leave the underground world and gain a new life.

The parasite watched the battlefield, and soon there was death.

It was all those 'specially invited' people who were killing, and he kept observing the arena.

These people like to kill the most.

However, as long as you survive and survive, you will be appreciated by the 'big men'.

There is a chance to go to the world above.

He never thought about winning the first place, he only had one goal.

Survive in the star race and be appreciated.

Spar walked to the middle of the arena, and he also saw those slaughtering people, with a violent aura in his eyes.

The Berserker Sba is a mechanically transformed man. His whole body is a mechanical body, and a huge armor wraps his body.

His right hand swayed the chain, and at the end of the chain was a thorny ball, which made a harsh wind sound as it swayed.

His left hand is a large mechanical sword, which is ferocious and terrifying.

It's just that the momentum is very scary.

A figure rushed towards Spar, also an elite figure from the world above, Case.

Case's armor is golden, matching his golden hair, and in his hand is a source sword.

I saw his body leap into the air and attack Spar.

Spar raised the mechanical broadsword in his left hand.

The source force sword slashed on top of the mechanical sword, and the crisp sound of a click came out, and the mechanical sword appeared cracked and was cut off.

Sba threw out his right hand and smashed the steel ball with spikes at the opponent.

The opponent's source sword crossbar.


With a loud bang, Case's body was shaken and flew out, and his footsteps slipped back when he landed.

Sba looked down at the mechanical knife that he was cut off, and his face was not good.

Case, who was knocked back, also raised his head, stood up straight, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Mechanical transformation of people is of little significance and has no value in existence.

In the world above, mechanical technology is more developed.

The potential of transforming people is very limited. Even if the mechanical body is constantly upgraded, it does not make much sense. There are many alternatives.

Therefore, Spar has no meaning to live.

The chain in Sba's hand was retracted into the mechanism, only the steel ball was exposed.

The sword in the opponent's hand is very strong, if it is cut in chains.

The chains will also break.

Case stared at Spar as if he was staring at his prey, and his body moved again, very fast.

"Om!" The source sword pierced directly at Sba's abdomen.

Spar stared at each other.

"Hey..." The source sword broke open the mechanical body and stabbed into Spar's body. Case's eyes were filled with a sneer.

But at this moment, Spar's broken mechanical sword went straight down, directly blocking the opponent's source sword, and at the same time, the right hand trigger was triggered, and the thorny steel ball shot straight at the opponent's helmet.


With a loud bang, Case's body was shaken out, his head dizzy, and he fell to the ground.

If it wasn't for the high level of armor and energy protection, I'm afraid he would have been killed directly.

Spar ran forward, shaking the chain in his hand, and smashed it at Case's head again.

But at this moment, a sharp and harsh sound came out, the chain suddenly broke, and the steel ball flew out.

Didn't hit.

A woman next to her in a fiery red armor came over and cut off Spar's chains.

She looked at Case and said, "Are you alright?"

Case got up, but his head was still dizzy.

Shaking his head, he felt an extremely violent emotion in his heart.

"kill him."

Having said that, he rushed forward, and the woman joined hands with him.

"You are a group?" Sba said, his arm smashed out, but how can he fight against the two without his weapon?

The huge mechanical body that wrapped his body was continuously cut and shattered and fell down.

Inside, the figure of Sba climbed out, and his body was only one meter.

There were bursts of surprised exclamations from the arena.

The burly and domineering berserker Spar turned out to be a dwarf.

Case stepped forward with a wicked smile, no wonder he missed a hit just now.

Spar crawled towards the stands. He looked up at the big men, and seemed to want to ask for help.

"Pfft..." The sword pierced directly into his heart.

With despair in his eyes, Sba made every effort to get to where he is today.

I want to change my to get the approval of those big men.

He has done a good job.

But why is the ending so cruel?

Why must you kill him!

Spar saw the eyes of those big men, without a trace of sympathy or pity.

Even the eyes of those adults were filled with contempt and sarcastic smiles.

At this moment, Spar realized.

Fate cannot be changed at all.


In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Xu Mo looked at the battle below and understood a little bit.

"So you choose people from the contestants in these star competitions?" Xu Mo said to Senator Zones: "The so-called being favored by big people is actually a gift?"

"Yes, there will be a very small number of elites who have grown up in the underground world. In order to change their fate, they will definitely come to the arena. These people come willingly. After the battle, they will be sent to the laboratory for brainwashing." Zuo Senator Enns said.

Xu Mo felt a little ironic.

People, in the underground world, are experiments.

is a transaction.

The arena is a trap for those who want to change their destiny.

They climbed to the end step by step until they fell into the trap.

This underground factory has completed a perfect closed loop, firmly controlling the underground.

"Have you repented?" Xu Mo said to Senator Zones.

Senator Zorns was stunned for a moment and looked at Xu Mo.

Xu Mo pulled out a knife, slashed across his head, and chopped.

After killing Senator Zoens, Xu Mo rushed forward.

"Bang..." With a loud noise, the floor-to-ceiling windows shattered, and his body rushed forward, leaping down into the air!

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