"There are 1,300 men and 618 women in this place, and the animals are mostly birds and reptiles. Nara took notes in his hand. Most of the men here are young adults, and he found that almost all men have exercised, and each one has calluses in the palms.

A small percentage of women exercised, but none were over 50 years old. There are no children in the whole world, not even domestic animals. He had never found cats and dogs, and if he hadn't seen it in the pictures of the house, he would have thought there were no cats in the world.

In a square, surrounded by stationary humans and animals, he pulled everyone he could find, and he used the so-called Time Stence pocket watch. Keeping the whole world still, he discovered that this so-called world was actually very small.

Every time the scene changes, the surrounding scene changes, and he just stays where he is. I didn't even notice that my surroundings were changing.

In the past few days, he has obtained things like death notes, hypnotic rings, hypnotic mobile phones and so on, which seem to want him to stay.

"Actually..." Just at the beginning, Nara Shu directly slapped himself to interrupt the sentence. I secretly cursed and annoyed in my heart, but I didn't expect this sentence to be like opening something.

Those who were still standing still just now turned their heads to Nara Suo, and everyone opened their mouths and did not know what they were chanting.

It wasn't until a man rushed towards Nara and dodged to the limit that he heard what the people were saying.



That's what those people are shouting, and now Nara goes back to look at those people. It was found that they had long lost their minds, everyone's eyes were dull, and their mouths were closed like zombies in a horror movie.

You can't go on like this, you have to find a way to get out of here. Seeing that these zombie-like crowds were about to rush over, Nara began to make prints, but found that he could not communicate with the Chakra in his body, picked up the pocket watch in his hand and pressed it, and found that he could not stop their dash in the slightest.


the help of the reflection of his pocket watch, he can see his face now. It's not Nara or Fang Zhongtao, it's his past life....


"Ah~ what's going on" Nara opened his eyes, and at the first glance he saw Kageichi wiping his face. Nara Shu was a little confused now, he remembered that he was overwhelmed by the crowd just now, what is the matter now?

Getting up from Kageichi's arms, Nara Shu sorted out his chaotic train of thought. Looking at Kageichi, the familiar psychic link appeared again. But Nara Shu was still not sure if he had come out of that illusion, and Kageichi took out a mirror from the shadow and handed it to Nara Shu.

It was the handsome face of his own Nara family, and Nara looked at Kageichi. Kageichi always knows what he's thinking, which is probably what makes him special.

"How long have we been here?" asked Nara without holding back.

Watching Kageichi stretch out four fingers, Nara Shu wiped the sweat on his head with his hand, it turned out to be four hours.

Nara had time to look at his surroundings, but he got up to find that there was a section of dead wood at his navel, and this section of dead wood connected to the dead tree next to him.

What is this thing, Nara Su easily took it off and played with it in his hand. I can't see the difference from ordinary dead wood.

This is a dead wood forest, and the entire dome of the sky is shrouded in a huge glass cover. It's night, and outside the glass cover are hovering helicopters that Nara can't name.

Feeling the chakra in his body, Nara Shu felt very secure. Stomping his foot, black shadows emerged from under his feet, looking at each of them with a familiar link with him, Nara traced this and let go of his heart.

Go elsewhere and look elsewhere, after Nara gave orders to the dark shadows. Using Chakra condensed on his toes, he felt that something was calling him, right inside that dead forest.

Not very relieved, Nara Shu directly put a part of his mind into Kageichi's body, controlling Kageichi to walk in front, and Nara's body followed Kageichi's body.

Through Kageichi Nara, he saw a huge dead tree, and on the side of the dead tree were sitting people, some of them were skinny, but from the dead tree, new branches were sticking out into the navels of these people.

Nara's body also arrived here, and he found that there should be a hundred people here, most of them had strange smiles on their faces, and only a few showed pain.

It's so weird, seeing this scene, Nara traced the urge to run away. Suddenly, his heart moved, it turned out that other black ninjas had also found out. Putting their minds elsewhere, Kageji also found a strange crowd also sitting by a huge dead tree.

He looked closely at the few people who had not been completely sucked dry, and he saw several familiar faces.


There was a strange revelation here, and Nara Shu's hands condensed into a chakra scalpel, forcefully cutting the vine at the navel of a man with a painful face. The man's newly closed eyes slowly opened and a word came out of his mouth: "Quick... , run" said and swallowed directly.

The painful expression on his face also turned into a smile of relief.

Nara looked at this dead corpse, this wooden bar connected to the navel is the thing that devoured the life force of these people?


The black shadow under his feet became very viscous, and it would take a while for the black ninja to transform. Nara has now found a well-protected laboratory. Outside the laboratory was a dark green barracks, and now there was no one in what should have been a heavily guarded place.

Nara successfully found an experimenter's diary inside.

On July 14, a meteorite fell in northern Canaan Province. There was actually vegetation on the surface of this meteorite, which may be the first alien life discovered by Blue Star, and the superior decided to put the research team in the second time, by phytologists, cytologists...

On August 1, soldiers disappeared nearby, what the hell were we studying?

On August 20th, a missing soldier returned, oh my God, he was so thin, according to him this tree would put him to sleep, and then satisfy everything in your dreams, so that you would remain in the dream forever, and if your willpower was strong enough to escape....


This tree is actually spore spreading, everywhere, they blocked the whole place, and the top abandoned us.

This is a divine tree, and this is a gift from God. Hahaha~


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