Xiao Lan saw that Mao Li was about to leave, and quickly shouted:

"Brother Xiao Instantaneous, can I take Miss Mingzi to your room to sit in your room first, I can treat her."

When Akiko Saiyama heard Xiaolan's words, a flash of joy flashed on her face, but it was quickly replaced by a groan of pain.

Maori instantly stopped and glanced at Akiko Sayama, with a strange smile on his face, and nodded.

"Chi should be in the room, you take her directly."

Then just leave.

Officer Henggou arranged for police to search the entire hotel.

Then he discussed with Maori Kogoro why this strange baron of the night suddenly appeared.

Conan saw Maori instantly leave directly in one direction and thought of this guy's terrifying intelligence ability.

Did he know where the murderer was hiding and was ready to catch it alone?

So he quickly followed.

At this time, on the viewing platform, the whole scene was chaotic.

Four ghost ninjagogues are fighting with the strange baron.

To be honest, Mori was still a little disappointed with the abilities of Ghost Ninja.

Their force value is not very high.

Hand-to-hand combat can only be fought with agile attack speed and monster barons.

Just at this time, he was kicked out by the baron from time to time.

Other tourists on the viewing platform gathered around, and there were even cheers.

The moment Maori arrived at the entrance, the four ghost ninjas suddenly left the battlefield and jumped from the roof.

Everyone present was shocked and shouted for help.

Conan, who followed behind, first noticed the man wearing a night monster baron's suit, and then heard the exclamations of the people, but saw nothing.

But Xiao Mo saw in an instant, a familiar ninja dressed and red eyes.

Glancing at the Maori Instant beside him, he wondered where these ninjas usually hid.

For so long, I haven't found any trace of them, and I don't know when I followed them to Izu.

Maeda, who was wearing a mask, was also stunned when he saw the behavior of the four ninjas.

I am a Japanese karate champion, although it was three years ago.

But I didn't expect to be entangled by four ninja-like people here.

Although they are not very powerful, they rely on strange speed and are very difficult.

Moreover, I don't see them tired, as if they are not afraid of pain.

I thought I would be pestered by them until the police came.

Who would have thought that they would suddenly jump off the building.

But this is his chance.

While everyone was looking at the edge of the building.

Satoshi Maeda ran towards the entrance of the viewing platform.

Conan yelled, "No, he's going to escape." "

Then start looking for something to kick.

But watching the strange baron of the night get closer and closer.

Mao Li instantly showed a strange smile on his face and shouted: "Pegasus Meteor Fist!" Under

the mask, Maeda Satoshi was stunned, but still reflexively put on a fist blocking pose.

Then immediately realized that something was wrong, and changed his arms to block his chest.

The mouth scolded: "Shameless!


After Maori finished shouting the slogan, he directly kicked Maeda Satoshi.

Then they were blocked by each other, and both took a few steps back.

Mao Li did not talk nonsense instantly, did not wait for the other party to adjust his state, and directly bullied himself.

Although inheriting Tara's abilities, especially the abilities of the nine corps of the Dark Shadow Legion.

However, Maori Instant's most familiar and favorite is the ability of Ghost Ninja.

Direct hand-to-hand combat.

Maeda was shocked, and he realized that this man's fighting style was almost exactly the same as the previous ninjas.

However, the strength was much greater, and even he faintly felt that the other party seemed to be practicing with himself.

The power is increasing little by little.

Mao Li was also very depressed, he didn't expect the other party to be really strong.

If it weren't for the other party's only thoughts about leaving, there was no idea of fighting to the death.

I may have lost as soon as I came up.

Although he has extraordinary strength, this body has never fought.

In the process of fighting, Maori instantly used the power of the ghost king to protect his physical body.

I'm afraid that I will really be accidentally broken, and then I will have to pretend to be sick in front of someone, trouble!

Conan was also stunned as he watched, and he only thought that Maori was instantly powerful.

Otherwise, he would not have punched through the board, but he did not expect that he would also have fighting skills.

At this time, Officer Yokogochi and Maori Kogoro also got the news.

The two rushed up with the police.

While evacuating the crowd, let the police slowly surround the two.

Maeda smiled bitterly, he knew he couldn't run.

However, he himself also calculated to be caught by the police, but he did not expect this to be the case.

Alas, I hope Akiko doesn't do anything stupid anymore.

With this in mind, he took advantage of the opportunity to leave the battlefield after a punch with Maori in an instant.

Then take off your hat, cape and mask.

Everyone was not too surprised, after all, in this group of people, only Satoshi Maeda had this kind of combat power on the surface.

After Maeda threw away the things, he did not talk nonsense, and directly took the initiative to attack Maori instantly.

He knew he couldn't run today, and he just wanted to fight one last time.

Mao Li suddenly felt a great increase in pressure, which was completely different from Maeda Satoshi who just wanted to leave.

This is the strength that an all-Japan empty hand champion should have.

Mao Li also increased his strength little by little.

Seeing this situation, Officer Henggou was ready to instruct the police to look at the situation and find an opportunity to shoot.

He was worried that once Satoshi Maeda found an opportunity to escape, it would be more difficult to capture him again.

Maori Kogoro stopped, he could already see that Maori Instant also seemed to have some kind of inheritance of fighting skills.

However, it seems that he has never fought, and sometimes he has obviously found the other party's flaws, but the speed of the shot is a beat slower.

However, as the battle progressed, Maori Instant's sense of battle has been significantly improved.

Maori Kogoro had a satisfied smile on his face, and the other party was the national champion.

He put his arm around Officer Henggou's shoulder:

"Don't worry, believe in my nephew's ability, he will definitely stop this guy, even if he can't stop it, isn't there still me?"

Officer Henggou also remembered, this is a senior in the police world, the original legend of the police academy.

How could it be bad in terms of martial arts.

As the battle progressed, Maori Instant's body gradually mastered the rhythm, from being hit at the beginning to occasionally hitting the opponent several times.

And then to be able to fight back and forth with each other.

Maeda Satoshi was also shocked, the other party was like he was not afraid of pain, and he was okay if he was beaten so much.

Instead, he slowly keeps up with his own pace.

His eyes also shined, which is a good seedling.

It's a pity that he will soon go to jail.

Mao Li instantly felt that his skills were almost practiced, and began to attach the power of red ghost fire to his moves.

Neither he nor Aka, nor those Naruto have had much chance to fight this way.

Every time the two collided, a trace of ghost fire invaded Maeda's body.

People who practice martial arts are very strong in their own bodies, and they don't feel it even a little.

But I can't hold a lot.

Finally reached a certain tipping point.


Maeda felt a pain from the depths of his soul and quickly covered his head.

Maori instantly closed his hand and stood aside.

A group of police officers rushed up and handcuffed Maeda.

He didn't struggle either, looking at Maori Instantaneous and praising with a smile:

"You are very powerful!"

Maori smiled evilly and looked at him: "Thank you for the compliment, but I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Maeda Satoshi was stunned, and instantly thought of something.

Shouting at Officer Yokoguchi and Maori Kogoro who were walking towards him, "

It's me! That's me! I am the murderer of Jiang Yuan's man, and I confess my guilt. "

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