The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1009: You are vital 2

"Then my mother..." Mu Huan thought of Ling Feng's accident, her mother's situation would be embarrassed.

Thin Jun Yan was a little deeper. "You can meet her, or call and see if she will live with us."

Although he said it is not very clear, straightforward.

However, Mu Huan also understood what he meant.

After she was silent for a while, "Well."

Bo Junyan couldn't see her a little unhappy, stunned, reaching out and taking her into her arms. She didn't know how to comfort her. He kissed her directly and turned her attention away.


These days, Ling's share price has been falling and finally fell to the end. After Ling Wei came back, he will meet non-stop. Sometimes people will come to the house to meet, her busy, tired, for Ling's desperate, Xue Yundu Look in my eyes.

She used to take care of her life.

Ling Wei, who didn’t come back in the evening, came home in the morning, and the exhaustion of that body made Xue Yun look distressed.

She went forward, "Don't be too hard, the body is the most important."

"The body is not important. I don't fight now. I don't want to fight it in the future."

Xue Yun, "..."

That's what it is, but she is really too hard.

Xue Yun wanted to say that when she went to give her something to eat, Ling Wei suddenly grabbed her arm. "Xue Wei, I don't know how to open it to you, but I can only open it to you."

Xue Yun’s heart screamed, “What...what...”

"Ling's suddenly encounters such a crisis. It is a big foreign company. If you want to enter the domestic market and buy Ling's, he will directly acquire Ling's. With the good foundation of Ling's, he will develop more in China. Quickly and quickly, Dad’s previous investment mistakes were caused by the other party’s induction.” When I didn’t know the truth, Ling Wei felt that there was a problem because her father’s vision was OK and should not be connected. Mistakes.

Although Xue Yun doesn't know much about the shopping malls, she has been married to Ling Feng for so many years. She knows a little about her and understands what she meant. "So, let's do it now?"

"I have been trying to talk to each other after I know the truth, but people can eat them, and they will definitely not stop. After several contacts, finally, let me find a breakthrough point. If it can do this, we will Ling's can turn to safety, and you want to do this, you are crucial."

"This...what...this...big things, how can I...will be crucial..." Xue Yun couldn't think of what she could do.

Ling Wei did not turn around, directly said, "The daughter of the president of this big company looks at Bo Junyan, she wants to be with Yan Jun, we can make them both together, and the other party can let Ling."

"The key to bringing them together is that Mu Huan is rejected by Bo Junyan. You are the mother of Mu Huan."

When Xue Yun heard this, she suddenly panicked. "I... I... I am Xiaohua’s mother. I can’t do anything, and I don’t say that their two feelings are so good. I can’t destroy it. The key is, I can't see Xiaohuan..."

"My dad has an accident. She will be worried about your current situation as a biological daughter. She will definitely call you. It is not difficult for you to see her now. Seeing her, what I want to do, it is not difficult. And what you have to do, you don't have to bother, you just have to do what I said."

"The rest of the update time is almost the same as yesterday.

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