The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1012: You are very important 5

The daughter is born, and the son is born.

She can't take care of her son because of her daughter, so she watched him lose all of this.


Just at this time, Mu Hua called.

Xue Yun looked at the incoming call on the phone and didn't know if she would pick up the call.

"If she meets you, you will meet her. You can also ask her if she is in danger." Ling Wei left after she finished.

After she left, Xue Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, took the phone of Mu Huan.

"Mom, how are you doing now?"

"I... I am fine..." Because of Ling Wei’s words, Xue Yun instinctively stuttered.


Xue Yun returned to the heart and pressed the heart of the panic, first concerned, "I just heard Ling Wei said that Bo has a crisis, you and Bo Junyan are ambushed, do you have something?"

"Nothing." Mu Huan felt her worry, and said, "Bo Junyan and I are very good, we will not have anything."

"Nothing will happen." Xue Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, what about you? Need money?" Mu Huan wanted to come to Xue Yun directly, but she thought that she had a certain danger now, she was afraid that this danger would bring Xue Yun, this is also, thin Jun Yan knows Ling After the accident, he did not talk to Mu Huan and did not pick up Xue Yun. Now they are all in danger. At this time, Xue Yun came over, not taking care of her is harming her.

Therefore, Mu Huan just called and asked Xue Yun if she needed money. If her situation is not good, they can't meet each other. They can't get her to support her at this time. She can also give her money and let her leave Lingjia. it is good.

"I don't need money now, I don't believe it, you Uncle Ling really has an accident... I think he may have been saved like I did..." Xue Yundao.

As long as she hasn't found his body, she doesn't believe it. He really has an accident.

After the silence of the phone at the end of the meeting, "Mom has not thought that people like Ling Feng should not fall into the sea."

Xue Yun first was a glimpse, and immediately, "I have thought about it, but the waiter on the yacht said that he had a lot of drinking and drinking that night. The monitoring on the yacht was also seen. There is no possibility of murder. It is probably because of Ling’s The crisis has been very troublesome recently, plus more drinks..." I stood in a dangerous place and accidentally fell down.

"I heard Jun Yan said that Ling's crisis will be a company wanting to swallow Ling's, and before Ling Feng's accident, Ling Wei will talk to the other party about the conditions and let the other party stop the attack. So, Ling Feng should not I will drink too much because I am bored, and I accidentally fall into the sea."

"You mean he is happy?"

Mu Huan, "..."

How did she understand her happiness?

"I mean, Ling Feng's failure to fall into the water may be done by Ling Wei. She can start with her biological father. You should be careful to guard her. It is best to leave Lingjia with Ling Xiao!" Road.

Xue Yun instinctively said, "This is impossible! Although Ling Wei hates me, she will never start with her biological father. The relationship between their father and daughter is very good! This is absolutely impossible!"

She feels that Ling Wei is unlikely to kill Ling Feng anyway.

Mu Huan, "..."

Although she had long thought that she would say this, it is absolutely impossible to hear her, and there is still an inexplicable sorrow in her heart.

But she has no evidence at this time.

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