Mu Huan looked at her after she was silent, "Go with me."

Mu Huan brought Xue Yun to the reception room upstairs.

After Xue Yun sat down, she opened the insulated bucket that she brought over. "Xiaohuan, Mom remembers that when you were a child, you loved the red bean soup that your mother cooked. Today, we can meet mother and daughter very rarely. I will cook it for you. Come and try it, it’s not the taste of childhood.”

Mu Huan looked at the red bean soup she had poured out, and the twilight was a bit deep. "Mom has something to say, no need to do this."

"In your heart, is the mother already a person who is good for you?" Xue Yun looked up at her and said that she was red-eyed. "Xiaohuan, we are mothers and daughters... Why do they become? Now like this..."

Mu Huan looked at her like this, but also red eyes.

Who can think that the most loved one, the closest mother and daughter, will come to the present.

"Mom still remember when I was young, you always said to your mother, your favorite person is a mother, and you always love only one mother..." Although Xue Yun didn't want to recall everything in Mu, she couldn't deny it. When I was at Mu's home, I was also happy. Especially after Mu Huan was sensible, she was so cute and cute. She called her mother sweetly every day. So many people who love her, she will always say that she loves her mother, she just wants to Mom is together.

The pride at that time, happy, she still remembers clearly, her daughter was lovely and beautiful when she was a child, she also remembered clearly.

"Xiaohuan, we are now... Why are you so strange... I am your mother, your favorite person in the world..." She forgot, is her favorite person her mother?

Mu Huan did not speak, she did not know what to say, she did not want this, she never thought about it, she still has a day to see her mother, but even more, one day, she and her favorite mother It will become like this now.

But she sat opposite Xue Yun.

"Xiaohuan, no matter how the mother changes, Mom is always your mother, my heart will always love you, my mother is eccentric, but my mother will think about you, I want you better, more happy."

After Xue Xue wiped away the tears, he handed the red bean soup to Mu Huan. "Come, Xiaohuan tastes."

Mu Huan reached out and took it.

"Taste it, it's the same as the past." Xue Yun looked at Mu Huan with an eye, looking forward to her drinking.

Mu Huan looked down at the red bean soup in her hand under the eager gaze of her.

Xue Yun saw that she didn't drink and asked, "What's wrong? Don't you like to drink red bean soup now?"

Mu Huan looked up to Xue Yun, "No."

"If you don't have it, you can taste it. Is it the taste you liked to drink before? You can have a big bowl when you are young. Now you should be able to drink more when you grow up."

"Well, I can drink more now."

"If you like to drink, Mom will always cook for you. You can rest assured that Mom will not give you anything later. Mom is coming this time, just heard that you are worried about ambushes, come over to see you, and also try to convince You forgive the little sister..."

Xue Yun said a bit later.

"Come on, if you are cold, you will not drink."

"Yeah." Mu Huan picked up the bowl and put it on his mouth. He took a sip and drank it.

After she finished drinking.

Xue Yundao, "Would you like to drink more?"


Xue Yun gave Mu Huan another bowl.

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