She went to ruin the marriage of Bo Junyan, and he stopped the attack on Ling, and then combined with other enemies of thin Jun Yan, making the situation of Bo Junyan more dangerous.

In this way, at that time, in the face of the danger of a family's life, the livelihood of the tens of thousands of employees of Bo's, Chu Junyan will be highly likely to accept the marriage.

If it is, Bo Junyan insists on not marrying, then directly ruined him!

The other party does not suffer.

In fact, Ling Wei’s understanding of Bo Junyan, she knows that Jun Junyan will never give in to the choice of marriage. She knows that Bo Junyan will not yield, but also convinces the president, one is to save Ling’s, and the other is to give more to Jun Junyan. Enemy, took the opportunity to ruin Bo Junyan!

This can not blame her heart, to blame, can only blame the thin and ruthless first, he does not cooperate with her, she can only do this, a ring of first to ease the crisis of Ling's, and then ruin him!

However, Master Meng does not know that she is planning this way.

He also felt that Ling Wei did this, and the two were win-win. There was still some feeling in my heart. I was sorry for Ling Wei. Because before, he insisted that she and She would be together. But after returning, I know that Ling Jia has Difficult, he immediately did not want them to be together, but she was so kind, looking for an exit for their thin home crisis.

The National People's Congress is very realistic. Meng Laozi is a real person. Before, he thought that he only wanted Ling Wei and Bo Jun to be together, so that the two could be combined into one. However, after returning, he knew that Lingjia had a crisis. He did not need to When people persuade, they will destroy their previous minds.

Originally, he wanted to use his marriage to make him more expandable. He found him in Ling Wei, saying that the daughter of a president of an international group would look at Bo Junyan. As long as he was willing, the other party could not only help the thin family to appear. When the predicament, but also to a higher level, he immediately agreed to all the plans of Ling Wei, and is willing to be the mastermind.

Master Meng, who has been in the wind for so many years, even if he is taken care of, there are still people in his hand who can use it. Today, the person who fainted the dragon fly, and the person who was beaten up by Mu Huan on the upper floor, After the incident, Master Meng will say that the whole plan is his mastermind, he is going to do this.

Because he is the pro-foreigner of Bo Junyan, no matter what he did, Bo Junyan could not kill him. Besides, even if he killed him, he could get the broomstick of Muhuan away, it is worth it!

Master Meng feels that Mu Huan is a broomstick. Since Bo Junyan married her, the family has not been peaceful, and the family is not equal. Now, he is still suffering from such a big crisis. As long as he is alive, he will not look at the home. Next, so, there is such an opportunity, of course he must do it!

Master Meng believes that he is for the sake of thin family, for the sake of his grandson, and that he is fascinated by the color of his eyes. He seems to be messing up the house for a woman. He can’t let him go this way. He thinks he is all this. For the sake of this grandson, he did not care about his death. He did not think about it at all. The truth of the matter is not the case. Bo Junyan does not need him to be so good.

"It must be like this, you can rest assured." Meng Laozi let her rest assured that everything is there, he will not only keep her, but also restore the relationship between the two.

In the face of his reassurance, Ling Wei could not let go.

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