Mu Dongsheng really doesn't know what Xue Yun thinks. How can she believe that Ling Wei doesn't believe in Mu Huan, how can she say that she is good for her daughter, and still hurt her like this!

Xue Yun didn't know what to say and what to say, because she didn't say anything, it was all wrong, even though she just wanted two children to be good.

This unexplained pain caused her to scream out of Wudongsheng out of control. "What qualifications do you have to marry me! What qualifications do you have? Are you a good father? Are you good to her?"

"How old is she, you force her to marry! You can sell her for money, what qualifications do you have to say me!"

"What told me to sell her for the money! I had seen Bo Junyan at the beginning. I know that Bo Junyan is a good one. I will let her go to blind date! I am not good, but I will never harm me. Daughter!" Mu Dongsheng is really not a good father, he is very scum, he is very weak, very incompetent, even shameless.

But he has the bottom line, what he does, will not harm his daughter.

He had seen Jun Junyan several times because of his chance, knowing that he is top-notch, whether it is appearance or anything else.

Therefore, when he received a letter of invitation from the family, he asked him to lend money to her and let her take her grandmother away. He did not lend Mu Huan money.

First, he can't resist his mother. Second, even if Mu Huan can take her grandmother temporarily, she can't escape her grandmother's claws. This time she can't sell Mu Huan, she will be more sly to Mu Huan next time.

At that time, he knew that Mu Chen was in contact with Gu Chenyi. He could also stand up to prove the innocence of Mu Huan, and let Gu Chenyi believe in Mu Huan. Yes, he felt that people like Gu Chenyi could not do so, and people who were easily provoked to distrust his daughter. It is impossible to protect her.

Mu Huan only marries Bo Junyan, such a strong enough man, her life may turn around, it is possible, can completely escape the control of his mother.

Therefore, he not only did not help Mu Huan, but also helped his mother to force Mu Hua to marry Bo Junyan.

He has no ability to save Mu Huan, but he will do his best to give her a chance to stay away.

Mu Huan heard the words of Mu Dongsheng, people were stunned.

Did her dad see Bo Junyan before she got married?

If this is the case, why didn't he talk to Mu Kexin, not to talk to Bai Xueyan and her grandmother, that is not only not old or ugly, but also very handsome, so that Mu Kexin is well prepared for blind date, but deliberately said that thin Junyan is so old. Still not married, may be a problem?

Is he trying to make Mu Kexin retreat and give her a chance?

Is he doing this for her?

Including, don't lend her money? Wouldn’t she stand up and testify for her when she was defamed?


Despair for family, so that Mu Huan even thought of this, but for a while, not sure, is this the case, is this, is not, her father deliberately said this in order to blame her mother.

she does not know……

She is afraid.

I am afraid of hope and expectation.

Because of disappointment, it hurts.

Just when Xue Yungang wants to say something.

"You two shut up for me! You argued this and gave me somewhere else!" Meng's father was impatient.

Is this the place where they can quarrel? Here, wasting his time!

His intolerance, let Xue Yun want to say anything, dare not say anything.

Master Meng saw that they were all quiet and looked at Bo Junyan. "Jun Yan, I want these old lives to be good. I want to be a good family. You are going to leave this marriage with Mu Huan today!"

"Today is more complete, see you tomorrow. If there are no other changes, it will be more than 9:30 in the evening."

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