The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1030: Unable to cross the enemy 2

I didn't expect to bring a big grandson to the hand, let him die!

Meng Yueman was afraid of his son’s stimulation, and he really spurred his father’s anger. He shouted, “Jun Yan...!”

"Don't Mom want me to compromise, divorce to go to the daughter of the president of Ace Group? He did such a thing, you still want him?" Bo Junyan's tolerance for his grandfather reached the limit.

If all this is not their prior knowledge, and his wife can't let go of her mother's love, she will never doubt her mother. This is what happened.

Thinking of that possibility, Bo Junyan’s twilight is even more hazy!

Meng Yueman, "..."

She can't.

Can not be vertical, even her biological father can not take death to threaten her son to do such a thing, but, let her watch her own biological father to die?

This can't be done, it doesn't work, and I think that even if her father is fine, after her incident, her biological son and her biological father will be in the same water and fire.

Meng Yueman, who wants to collapse more and more, picks up the fruit knife on the table and stabbed his stomach to his abdomen. "Dad, I said, if you want to die, I will accompany you..."

Didn't he threaten her with death? Ok, she will take him one step at a time!

Meng Yueman came from this knife without warning. From picking up the knife on the table, she stabbed it down. It was only a few tens of seconds. It was like the saying that the person who really wanted to die would not give it. People stopped her chances, plus Bo Junyan and Mu Huan were far away from her, even if they found her move and rushed toward her, it was too late to stop.

A quick step, thin Jun Yan, can only reach out and reach out to the body she fell down! "mom!"

"Come on! Go get the first aid kit!" Mu Huan shouted at the butler who stood by and looked at the dumbfounded.

The butler hurriedly ran to get the first aid kit.

The thin tripod that ran over looked at Meng Mengman, who was bloody, and the whole person was shaking and shook. "How are you so stupid! You..."

He couldn’t speak without a word, and the man who used to be a man of the wind, at this time, only fear.

Mu Dongsheng returned from the shock and hurriedly ran to see the situation.

Master Meng looked at the daughter who had fallen, and the whole man was stupid. He never thought that Meng Yueman would be like this.

Ling Wei was also shocked. I didn't expect Meng Yueman to commit suicide with a knife at the time of no response. But she quickly returned to God and then fled.

Things have developed to the present, regardless of whether Meng Yueman can be saved, Bo Junyan will not let her go, she will leave here safely.

Meng’s father looked at Meng Yueman’s blood and his eyes were red. It was his biological daughter. How could he not care, not afraid, if she died... what should she do if she died...

This is afraid to make him completely irrational.

Holding the hand in the hand, aiming at Mu Huan, trembled and pulled the trigger.

All her! They are all harmful!

If it weren't for her, how could they be such a good family?

All her! They are all harmful!

Both Bo Junyan and Mu Huan were busy saving Meng Yueman and did not notice his move.

Xue Yun was scared to be there, unable to move, and couldn’t make a sound.

At this time, Mu Dongsheng, who turned to want to get something, saw Meng’s father pull the trigger against Mu Huan at the moment he turned his head. He stared in horror!

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