The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1032: Unable to cross the enemy 4

"Dad... Dad..." Mu Huan choked and couldn't speak.

When her grandmother passed away, she said that she had long wanted to die, let her not blame, let her be good, now, her dad also let her not blame, let her be good, why ... why, what happened is they... ...why do they have to leave her like this...

"And...and your grandmother..." Even if she had thousands of bad things, it was all bad. It was his mother. He couldn’t be filthy for her endowment, and she had to take care of him...

When people are dying, there are always a lot of words to say, Mu Dongsheng is also, he still has a lot of words to say, but he has no time to say it again, he closes his eyes and closes forever. Got up...

Mu Huan just knew that her dad actually loved her all the time. He always thought about her. He couldn’t help her for her life. His love for her has never changed.

She has lost him forever.

She has no father anymore... even if she wants him to ask her for money, and want him to mad at her, it will never be possible...

"Dad...! Dad...! Dad...!"

That cry is more painful than a cry, the person who listened to the heartbreaking pain...

Bo Junyan wanted to take her to her arms, but he could not go forward...

Her father is being his grandfather...

Suddenly holding Mu Dongsheng’s body crying, Mu Huan raised his head violently, and the pair of scarlet eyes were filled with hate and killing, making her seem like Shura coming out of hell.

The old man, who was stared at by her, suddenly fell to the ground with a soft leg.

Just when you lose your senses, you have to stand up and kill him.

One hand grabbed her leg tightly.

"Xiaohuan... Xiaohuan... I know, I know your pain... I beg you, please, my life is worth a life... It’s good to get a life..." Meng Yueman does not save her. Climb and grab Mu’s legs and ask her.

She knew that she was not qualified to ask for a joy, but as a woman, she would rather die, and she could not watch her father in front of her.

"Xiaohuan... please... please..."

Mu Huan looked at Meng Yueman, looking at her like her...

Finally, she fell to the side of Mu Dongsheng, hugged his body, and held it for a long time, for a long time...

She didn't shout again, and she didn't cry anymore.

Just like that, holding her father there, like that, let this world mourn for it...

Meng Yueman looked at such a joy, and she was very distressed. She was a man and she couldn’t watch her father’s death. Mu Huan was also the daughter of a man. She watched her father’s death, or saved her. And die...

"Don't save me... don't save me..." When she was trying to treat Meng Yueman with a wound, she struggled and didn't save her.

Her life is worth a life, it is her bad, her fault, her father will do such a thing.

In the struggle, Meng Yueman was fainted.

last of the last……

Meng Yueman was rescued and Mu Dongsheng was cremated.

From then on, there is no such person in this world.

Whether he is scum, weak or what, he has completely disappeared from the world...

At the funeral of Mu Dongsheng.

Mu Zixuan screamed at Mu Huan’s clothes and cried and cried. "Sister, you killed my mother. It’s my mother’s fault. It’s a miserable grandmother. It’s a grandmother’s fault. But what’s wrong with Dad? Why do you want to even He is also dead! Why are you killing him!"

(Today's more, see you tomorrow, little cutes don't say less, today's four thousand words, I got up from five in the morning and wrote it now, this story is not easy to write... I have been hesitating to write this way... Finally Still wrote this way

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