The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1044: After the autumn account 9

"Mu Huan, you are a good and kind person, why are you so, I am not worthy of a bad road." Ling Wei is not a Ling Wei, a few words said, it became a reward for Mu Huan, she is a bad person.

"I am a bad person. It is all right to go."

Ling Wei, "..."

After dealing with Ling Wei, Mu Huan came to the Imperial Capital.

Sending Ling Xiao to the school, Xue Yun, who is going home, turned around and turned to Mu Huan.

This caused her bags in her hands to fall to the ground.

Three years ago, after Mu Dongsheng’s funeral, she did not see Mu Huan again. She just heard that she later left Bo Junyan.

In the past three years, she has spent her regrets and remorse every day. If she did not do such a thing, everything will not become like this.

Go back to God, she instinctively.

"I don't care about Xiaohuan...I'm sorry..." It's all her bad, it's her fault, she hurt her, she lost her biological father, and she left her favorite man, she is not it is good……

"Mom, have you been here for the past three years?" Mu Huan looked at Xue Yun faintly.

There is no previous feeling in the middle.

"Not good... Mom has been very bad in the past three years!" She has been really painful in the past three years! painful!

"I heard that you said bad things, I feel comfortable in my heart."

Xue Yun, "..."

Is this her daughter? My biological daughter?

When she heard that she had not been good, she was comfortable in her heart!

"In the future, you will pass even worse. You want Lingjia to be good, and Lingjia will only get more and more declining. It will soon go to ruin. You want Linglong to become a dragon in the future, and you will be high." He can only live, can only live the lowest life!"

Xue Yun’s heart was shocked, and a face was pale in an instant. “Xiaohuan, thousands of mistakes are all mother’s faults! You want to deal with your mother, you can, don’t deal with you, Uncle Ling and Xiaoyan. !"

"Not good." Damn it should not be her grandmother and her father.

Damn it!

Good people don't live long, the scourge is thousands of years?

it is good! Then she will be the first scourge in this world!

J! If she hurts her, she will return ten times!

Xue Yun, "..."

She felt that the previous Mu Huan was enough, and she did not expect her to be more embarrassed.

"Xiaohuan, I am your mother, Xiaoxi is your younger brother!" She can't do this to them!

"What about that?" Mu Huan raised an eyebrow.

Xue Yun, "..."

"You look at it!" Mu Huan turned and left.

Don't give Xue Yun what to say, then give the opportunity to plead.

Xue Yun saw her going and hurriedly caught up.

But Mu Huan is going very fast.

She chased in anxious and fell to the ground, "Xiaohuan... Xiaohuan..."

Mu Huan looked back at her and walked away without stopping.

If the previous Mu Huan will certainly not bear it, she will come forward to lift her up, but now she can't bear it.

Her grandmother is the softest place in her heart, and her father is her last hope for her family.

Now she has nothing left.

Xue Yun looked at it, obviously seeing her falling down on the ground, but she did not return to the back of Mu Huan, my heart was cold and painful.

Her daughter was a soft-hearted child since she was a child. No matter how poisonous her tongue is, her heart is very kind. No matter how stupid the other person is, she will eventually help people.

But now, she watched her mother, who fell to the ground, and was able to get out of the car indifferently.

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