The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1053: How to let go 3

The real reason why she wants to divorce Jun Junyan is that she does not want Bo Jun to live in such pain. She wants his life to return to the right track. He should be happy than anyone else.

"You have been escaping for three years. If you still do this, it will be useless to escape another three years." The beautiful brother knows why Mu Huan really wants to divorce Jun Junyan.

She is not because of blame, not because she does not love, but because she loves too much, she wants a divorce.

Yes, because I love too much, I can't get down, I can't let go, I can't leave thin Junyan.

However, she is so entangled, hesitant, neither is it, it will only make her suffer every day.

"When both can't fit, you can't let go of it, and then you can't let go of it." Both have their weight.

"I know." Mu Huan knows this truth better than anyone else.

I know, it doesn't mean I can do it. If it can be done, she won't use it for three years, or it will be like this.

"It's like you, you know, but you can't do it." She said, looking at the beautiful man.

The man knows what she is talking about, the beauty of the peerless world, and it is cold in an instant. "Do you want me to throw you out?"

That thing is the pain he can't mention.

There are a lot of knots in this world. It is people who know what to do, but they have no way to do it.

No matter how powerful this person is.

"No." Mu Huan said to stand up and leave.

Anyway, she also finished eating rice.

The man looked at her and walked away, raising his eyebrows. "You came to eat a meal, then stab me?"

Mu Huantou did not return. "What you want, I have already put it on the table."

The man looked at the table and found out what she had put down.

He reached out and picked up the thing, and the twilight became deep.

I don’t even know when Mu Huan went.

When Mu Huan went to the door, she saw that Xiao Junyan stood in front of the car waiting for her.

When she left, it was winter, and when she came back, it was winter.

In the snow fluttering in the sky, he stood in a black trench coat, standing out in a particularly conspicuous position, reminding her of the time when he held the flower to the school to pick her up during the cold war.

Looking back now, the past, no matter what, is so beautiful.

Good makes her want to go back to the past.

I want to, she is still her at that time.


Between them, they will never return.

On her ecstasy, Bo Junyan came to her side and reached out and held her in her arms.

He has not changed, still likes to hug her and kiss her.

As long as she sees her, she must be in her arms.

His warm embrace made her fall in love and let her want to be held by him for the rest of her life.

Let her...



She can no longer continue to hesitate to do so.

In this way, the pain is not only her, but Jun Junyan will also be very painful. He should have the best life in such a beautiful life, and the only thing she brought to him is the pain, so that he loves his loved ones.

When Bo Junyan took her to the car and wanted to kiss her, she reached out and blocked his thin lips.

"I have taken medicine outside of you. This medicine will make him suffer the most pain every day until he is tortured and died."

The body of Bo Junyan suddenly became stiff.

Even if his performance is not obvious, Mu Huan also felt it.

As she said, the blood is always cut.

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