The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1057: How to let go of 7

However, it is also unimaginable to let them both continue together.

They can't let Mu Huan let down such hatred and Bo Junyan continue together, so that she will only live in pain.

Yes, she avenged herself.

Even if Jun Junyan can not care, she is like his relatives.

What about his mother?

"Do you have a way?" Bo Junyan looked at them both.

Looking at all things, I can find a way out in the face of such a siege. I can use this kind of crisis to get a layer of thin Jun Yan, and look at them with such helpless eyes.

The heart of Miyazawa and Fu Si night slammed.

They all want to tell him that he has a way.


they do not.

Silence for a while.

Miyazawa picked up a bottle of wine, "Come, thin brother, dry!"

Bo Junyan did not speak, and picked up the bottle and poured it.

Formerly, Jun Junyan felt that drinking alcohol and using alcohol to eliminate it was the most useless, but he came to this step.

It turns out that there are some things in this world, and there are really only drinks that can be left.

The three people drunk and drunk.

Drinking, so you need to stay awake at any time, no sense of mind.

Wang Tezhu looked at Bo Junyan, who was drunk there, and sighed.

In the past three years, in order not to think about the wife of the president, their president has really put all the energy into it. Everyone only sees the rapid development of Bos in the past three years. Only he knows how sleepless their presidents are.

I thought that when the lady came back, everything would be fine.

After all, he has not seen him for so long, and his president has not succeeded.

The things he planned must be perfect in the end.

However, the wife was sent away for three years, and as a result, she came back, but she was more determined to divorce their president.


But this can't blame the lady.

Whoever spreads such a thing can't stand it.

Blame, blame... this god...

When Wang Tezhu wanted to pick up Xiao Junyan and send him home.

What he suddenly thought of.

So I called Mu Huan, full of panic.

"Madam, the president doesn't know what's going on, is drinking, and suddenly hits the table and doesn't move..."

Mu Huan, who is reading a book, heard the words of him, and his brain was blank.

However, she quickly recovered her mind and stood up and went outside.

Asked as he walked, "Do you tell me the details? Where are you?"

"We are at the club on Zhongshan Road. The president doesn't know what's going on. I feel very bad today. I came over to drink, and then I don't know if it was too drunk. People suddenly fell down. I touched and breathed. Not to say that some unexpected situations can't be tampering, I don't dare to move, Madame, come over and see the situation..." Wang Tezhuo said that the situation is very different, and that the situation is urgent.

Let Mu Huan go over.

At this point, the full mind is worried about the thin Han Jun Yan.

There is absolutely no time to think that if Jun Junyan has an accident, Wang Tesuke should call the ambulance at the first time instead of calling her.

Just after hearing the address, I thought of a hospital that couldn’t get past her. I rushed to take the first aid medicine and drove out.

When she came to the club.

Seeing that he has always been tall and strong, like a mountain, he is not standing down. At this time, when he is still there, the heartbeat stops beating at this moment.

"Today is even better. See you tomorrow night. I didn't eat and update today. Yesterday's less is added. The update tomorrow is still around 9:30 in the evening.

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