The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1059: Think of each day as the last day to love 2

Mu Huan grabbed his hand and slammed it tightly.

Her husband is so good...

From the beginning to the present, she has always been his only wife.

Even when she knew her pain, she would send her away and let her slowly get out of that pain because of her busy life goals.

From the beginning to the present, he has everything for her, he...

Can't think, can't think about it anymore.

Think again.

She will be painful and standing unsteadily, she will not be able to get out of here...

Forced to go down all the thoughts.

Mu Huan squatted with thin Jun Yan and quickly walked outside.

"That is the legendary wife of the thin general?" The deputy manager looked at the back of their departure.

"It should be." General Manager said.

"Should be? General manager, you are not sure, let people take the thin total away?" The deputy manager was shocked and wide-eyed.

What if this happens, what should I do?

"How can a person with a thin identity like a person be placed alone, and the bad guys can be awkward? Let's just ask with the meaning." If you don't even ask, it will seem that they don't value the guests.

"This is also..."

Mu Huan did not send Xiao Junyan back to the thin house, but took him to the place where she lived.

In the end, they only have the way to get divorced. Before they get divorced, they should be together when they belong to each other.

Now, they can only persuade themselves, don't care forever, as long as they once owned.

When Mu Huan puts Xiao Junyan on the bed, he wants to pour him water.

Thin Junyan suddenly reached out and clung to her wrist.

"Wife... don't leave me... don't..." The fragile murmur, once again slammed the heart of Mu Huan.

She looked down and looked at the man lying in bed, looking at him so powerful, now so fragile and helpless, heart, like being cut with a blunt knife at a moment.

The unbearable dull pain made her hold her heart and slowly sat next to him.

Feeling her close, the man stretched his arms and took her into his arms. "Wife...wife..."

Only by holding her like this, his heart will be full and practical, and there will be no such horrible emptiness.

"Husband..." Mu Huan choked and responded.

Ming knows that people can't go back to the past, but she still wants to go back and return to their original days.

In the past, she wanted to stand in a very high place and wanted a cow to bang. But now, she only wants to be able to stay with him, as before.

Life is so short, she just wants to be with him.


People always, what they want when there is nothing.

A man is very powerful even if he is drunk. When she is worried, he turns over and takes her...


Think of each day as the end of the world, love, love, and love...

If you ask Bo Junyan, what is the best thing in the world.

Bo Junyan will answer, the most beautiful thing in this world is when he wakes up in the morning, his wife has his wife.

Wake up every morning, seeing her in a blink of an eye, is the happiest thing in the world.

When Huan Junyan woke up, Mu Huan also woke up.

She smiled sweetly at his sight. "Early, husband."

Bo Junyan looked at her sweet smile and stunned.

This moment, he has the feeling of dreaming.

Her smile is the most missed and favorite.

Such a laugh, these years, will only appear in his dreams.

If this is a dream, he hopes that he will never wake up.

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